After the end of the Holy Emperor, his last brilliant burst was just to set off Chu Yuan's greater glory.

The myths of the strongest man have all come to an end. They created an era, and they were all ended.

Chu Yuan wants to converge into an empire that belongs to him.

After he returned to the Empire, he did not appear.

Because there is nothing worthy of him appearing in this world, except for the eternal rules, there is no one who can threaten him.

He represents the strongest person ever.

This is unshakable.

The situation changed too quickly.

In fact, the prediction of many people is that the eternal rules are not suppressed. An ancient powerhouse will appear in the world, and a battle across the epoch will erupt for a long time.

But this is not the case.

The strength of Emperor Shenwu allowed him to end the war in the shortest possible time, bringing the war to the last moment.

With his sweeping invincible attitude, there is no one in the world who can compete with him.

I had known this long ago, and I don't know how many people regretted not joining the Shenwu Empire in advance.

In the following years.

Time flies, one million years in the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

The Shenwu Empire was peaceful, and the Shenwu Emperor couldn't get out of retreat. Everyone knew that he was comprehending the ultimate eternal way and would make the final impact at some point.

The calm at this time is the surging wind of the years to come.

In the empire, the long and peaceful time is also developing happily.

Countless people live in his eternal kingdom, although they will be bombarded by the eternal catastrophe as soon as they leave and are infected with the breath of the empire.

But they don't need to go out anymore, the empire is its own eternal world.

Regardless of whether the people of the empire are strong or weak, they have their role. Their beliefs converge into a sea of ​​beliefs, and they have become the eternal cornerstone of the empire.

Powerful people such as Hongmeng, Changsheng Great, Immortal Ancestor, and Poison Ancestor are also practicing, waiting for the final time and space.

Time seems to have lost its effect on Chu Yuan.

He carried his hands on his back and looked at the Eternal Road, his eyes could see the eternal world, and he could kill anywhere on the Eternal Road with one palm.

At this time, he was comprehending the power of mudstone slabs.

This mudstone slab is also very magical, containing the greatest power.


Chu Yuan's insight during this period of time, although due to the incompleteness of the mudstone slab, he did not know all its secrets, but he realized a word from God.

This God is an expression of the will of the clay tablet.

"Cultivation to become God, let yourself become the eternal will of heaven and earth."

He said quietly.

He looked at the eternal road, and the years passed by for millions of years.

This moment seemed to be eternal, and time seemed to lose its meaning to him.

Above the empire, the gate of eternity appeared again.


Chu Yuan's spiritual thoughts were incomparably mighty, and with the most domineering posture, they hit the deepest depths of eternity, as if opening up a time and space that no one else could ever reach.

His eyes are bright.

This brilliance is not the color of his eyes, but the bright color reflected by what he sees.

The scene like a crystal ocean is endless, flowing slowly, and every drop of water in these oceans has the boundless power to create a universe.

Eternal origin!

Chu Yuan unexpectedly opened up the eternal source with mystical and boundless power, and within this eternal source, there was a pure land sacred light everywhere.

He got it.

In the multiverse, why is there an eternal pure land channel?

In fact, the eternal pure land is not the real source land, but the extremely rare source power flows out, forming the eternal pure land.

All eternal auras are diluted by the energy released by the eternal origin.

This is easy to understand. The eternal breath is like a drop of medicine diluted in water.

But even the diluted power is still the glorious civilization that created the eternal road. From here, you can imagine how terrifying the power of this entire eternal origin.

With a single rotation of his palm, the breath of the entire Eternal Road was taken away.

This evacuated breath condensed in his hands, forming a crystal, the true origin.

But after he took the time, in an instant, another eternal aura was released, once again flooding the entire eternal road.

"too slow."

Chu Yuan understands.

If he does this, every time the Eternal Source releases a force, he will grab it, and the speed is unacceptably slow.

This is like taking water from the ocean, drop by drop, even bigger than this. How many years will it take you to take away all the origin?

In fact, he felt it too.

As he killed the holy emperor, there is no one strongest, and the eternal rules are already brewing the strongest and most violent blow

"Eternal Devour!"

Chu Yuan directly swallowed the eternal gate with the eternal gate.

His power blasted through to the deepest part of the origin, and that swallowed power worked at full force, and immediately absorbed the boundless origin into the empire.

Ordinary people, even the strongest, could penetrate the eternal origin at all.

And even if it is penetrated, the backlash that he bursts out is not something they can resist, and it will directly shake the provocateur to death.

Only Chu Yuan has this ability.

In his eyes, although the eternal origin is vast and boundless, it is actually equivalent to a behemoth with power but not much wisdom, which gives him the opportunity to manipulate.

His swallowing aroused the strongest anger of the eternal rules!

Although he had come to many sentient beings before, but that kind of increase was his initiative, and the power could be controlled within the range.

However, Chu Yuan's devouring was beyond his control.

In other words, as much as he wants to swallow, that is how much, not under his control.

This is enough to make the eternal rules feel the threat of instinct. His origin is in the vastness, but there is always a limit. To be swallowed in this way is to kill him.

No matter how strong the rules are, they must be motivated by energy.

Every time Chu Yuan swallowed it, it was a huge mouth that swallowed the sky, biting a large piece of meat on his body, UU reading www. uukā and these meats were transformed into his empire.

Plunder is always the fastest way to power.

It’s too slow to accumulate by oneself. If you plunder others' power, it will be fast.

It's like fighting a war of annihilation, plundering all the wealth accumulated by other empires over a long period of time, like working for you, how fast this is.

Eternal rules descended on the most terrifying force to kill.

Thousands of billions of eternal calamities have come down, and every bombardment of these calamities is shocking, and it is an impossible force to contend, which is enough to turn the world upside down.

But Chu Yuan stood here, and he restored peace to his eternal kingdom.

"If there is no eternal extinction, there is no power to stop me from devouring."

Chu Yuan stared at this scene.

He also knew that as he swallowed it, the eternal change would accelerate and arouse even greater changes.

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