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The Demon Abyss Legion must be eradicated.

Chu Yuan had only two battlefield options.

One is to send the Demon Abyss Legion to his Dawu Imperial City to fight.

However, the two sides of this battle combined had more than a hundred gods, and a god-powered one, which caused too much destruction.

Even the imperial city of Chu Yuan was going to be destroyed, the dynasty was affected, and the frontline spread and extended, I don't know how much it will spread.

The second is to advance the battle line to the suspended imperial city that has not yet been conquered, surround the suspended imperial city and fight, and take the initiative in his own hands.

Chu Yuan would rather choose this battle to fight in the suspended imperial city than to put it in his own imperial city.


The five soldiers and horses that were dispatched this time plus the Shenwu Army total 150 million!

He lavishly refining alchemy, and the powerhouses of the entire domain, collected 150 million yuan in the gods.

In addition, there are 150 million fierce beasts transferred from Wang Yaoyu to form a conscription and suppression group.


A large army of 300 million people was immediately activated, and they were all powerhouses above the soul, tearing the void with their aura, carrying boundless storms, and terrifying to the extreme!

Even the Hanging Dynasty could not organize so many Yuanshen realms, but Chu Yuan unified the two realms and did it with the power of the two realms.

In an instant, the 300 million armies, led by their respective leaders, followed Dawu's Shenwu Legion towards the suspended imperial city.

Although the suspended imperial city is extremely far away from the Dawu imperial city, all of his troops are powerful men above the Primordial Divine Realm, and they all have the ability to fly in the air, so their speed is not slow.

If it were the previous suspended emperor, he would not have that great prestige to command so many powerful forces.

But Chu Yuan's ancient emperor chariot sits in the center, dazzling as eternal.

Everyone saw it as if there was an ancient holy emperor, radiating an invincible light, guiding everyone forward.

Dawu's national fortune was stronger than the Hanging Dynasty, I don't know how much, it bathed everyone.

One is the luck of a country, and the other is the luck of a region, which is completely incomparable.

In the past, it was separate fighting, but now it is one body and one mind, and the fighting power is naturally different.

The army moved for ten or twenty days before entering the realm of the Hanging Empire. What you saw was the scene of corpses spreading across the fields, burning, killing and looting. There were refugees fleeing everywhere because of the war, where there was the old weather.

However, as long as the Demon Abyss Legion is annihilated, the former prosperity can be restored.

"Hanging Imperial City!"

After a few more days, Chu Yuan finally saw the suspended imperial city.

This imperial city is still huge, but it is full of ruined walls. Without the previous rays of light, it is devilish, condensing a terrifying demon god, like an abyss, to swallow the Great Martial Army.

The first time I came was shocking and prosperous, representing the pinnacle of a domain.

The second time came to be ruined and lonely, like the collapse of the Hanging Dynasty.

"People from the Great Army Corps are here!"

In the suspended imperial city, dozens of huge flying boats were also floating, and when they saw Chu Yuan's army coming, they sneered.

"It's finally here, I've been waiting for them for a long time."

Qi Zhen looked at Chu Yuan's army.

Ohh Ohh ohh!

It was like the sound of the horn in the Demon Abyss Hell. As soon as Qi Zhen saw the Great Martial Army Corps coming, he did not have any nonsense with Chu Yuan, and immediately blew the horn, and hundreds of thousands of pitch-black cannons were pushed out. .

Demon Abyss Cannon!

The Demon Abyss Legion naturally has their giant cannon!


Hundreds of thousands of Demon Abyss giant artillery bombarded at the same time, which did not give Chu Yuan a chance to rest, nor time for the army to deploy. After being within range, these hundreds of thousands of giant artillery simultaneously threw out extremely terrifying Destroy the glory.

The power of this Demon Abyss giant cannon is not inferior to the previous divine machine giant cannon.

"This is the brilliance of war."

Qi Zhen looked over the entire battlefield and said: "Although they have the giant cannon, my Demon Abyss is not inferior to the giant cannon, and we have the opportunity to arrange the Demon Abyss as early as possible. Tear their army apart."

"The commander is wise!"

Many gods are gathered around Qi Zhen.

So many Demon Abyss giant artillery roared as soon as Chu Yuan's army arrived, and even a strong **** could not completely stop it.

This Qi Zhen is also a terrifying character, deliberately waiting for Chu Yuan to arrive and destroying Chu Yuan's vital power with a giant cannon.

"Is it bombarded with giant artillery?"

Chu Yuan was on the ancient emperor's chariot and watched coldly as hundreds of thousands of destruction beams came: "But I was prepared."

Fighting the Demon Abyss Legion is not as simple as fighting the Hanging Dynasty. Although there are only hundreds of millions of people, it seems that there are not many soldiers, but the background is not comparable to the Five-Star Dynasty. It will be even more tragic.

"Continuously bombarding them with the Demon Abyss giant artillery made them unable to lay out the line of defense. They first consumed a large number of strong men, and then directly tore them. Yes, so many gods laws are also a lot of wealth."

Qi Zhen had just spoken, his pupils suddenly shrank sharply.

Bang bang bang!

A large number of huge shadows appeared in the front, and the Demon Abyss giant gun did not fall behind the army, but blasted above these strong auras!

This aura is Chu Yuan's aura!

The Empyrean Array is arranged with seventy-two array plates, and the array is placed in seventy-two places, urged by the Lingshi, and a large defensive array can be formed immediately.

"The big formation that can block the Demon Abyss Giant Cannon actually appeared in this Great Wu Dynasty. Who is that Emperor Wu?"

Qi Zhen's face was a little weird.

The Demon Abyss giant cannon kept roaring, and bombarded the great formation of the aura, causing this great formation to tremble crazily.

However, Chu Yuan released it to delay a period of time, and did not expect how long they could defend. In the rear of the army, hundreds of thousands of sacred machine guns were quickly deployed.

"Fight back!"

The moment the Empyrean Array was withdrawn, at this time Chu Yuan's divine machine giant gun was also arranged.


The giant cannon of the miraculous machine is also vomiting an extremely violent beam ~www.ltnovel.com~ and slams into the Demon Abyss Legion.

It seemed that he realized that Chu Yuan was not easy to provoke, it was much more difficult than the previous Hanging Dynasty, and Qi Zhen did not give an order to let the Demon Abyss Legion attack immediately.

Moreover, they have the guardian of the suspended imperial city, occupying the right time and place, and the army is hiding in the imperial city in large quantities, but the other party is on the endless wilderness. It will definitely be Chu Yuan's army that really suffers.

The giant cannons of the two sides are now also blasting.

"That's the consumption and energy consumption to kill him!" The Demon Legion powerhouse said viciously.

The terrifying beams of the giant cannons collided and roared in the void.

"It should be the first appearance of my Thunder Giant Cannon."

While Chu Yuan was talking, the fifty thousand God of War Army carrying the Thunder Cannon quietly moved away from the army, arranged a bombardment position, and aimed the cannon's muzzle at the Demon Abyss Legion!

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