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Chu Yuan didn't build many thunder giant guns, and only two hundred were spent on existing resources.

"Commander, this sacred cannon was developed by the ancient dynasty. Although this great weapon does not know how to build it, our Demon Abyss cannon is not much worse than the sacred cannon, and it has city defenses. They were the ones who suffered for ten days."

The faces of the people in the Demon Abyss Legion were relaxed.

The construction of the suspended imperial city was too strong, and only a few pits were left when the giant artillery bombarded it.

"We can take it slowly, but they can't."

Qi Zhen's eyes commanded the entire battlefield, but suddenly, two hundred hot thunder lights appeared in his eyes, intertwined, like a sea of ​​thunder descending, falling into the suspended imperial city in an extremely violent manner.

"this is?"

The sound of shock had just sounded, and the Thunder Cannon had already bombarded it.

This power is too fierce, even if the gods exist, there is a thunder in front of them, and then I saw that the countless houses in the city were instantly turned to ashes, and the people who were affected instantly shattered nothingness.

Each shot of the Thunder Cannon consumes 10,000 spirit stones.

One shot of two hundred giant cannons at once caused Chu Yuan to consume two million spirit stones.

In the information of the Demon Abyss Legion, Da Wu did not have such equipment, and had never appeared before, and even his Demon Abyss Dynasty might not even have such a powerful and terrifying cannon.

Destroy the world!

The two hundred thunder cannons are like two hundred ancient thunder beasts. Under the control of the God of War army, they seem to condense all the lightning attributes between heaven and earth, and once again release a cannon that destroys everything against the suspended imperial city.

Although the suspended imperial city was strong, the huge thunder cannon was also turning into powder, as if a beam of light intertwined into the sky was pushed across.

Bang bang bang!

The Thunder Cannon has a longer range, wider coverage, and stronger penetration. It fell into the bombardment position of the Demon Abyss Legion. Countless cannons were destroyed and countless soldiers were involved.

"What kind of equipment is this? He, a small dynasty of Dawu, actually owns such a giant cannon!"

The Demon Abyss Legion also made a sound of anger.

The two hundred thunder giant cannons and the magic giant cannon roared at the same time, completely suppressing their artillery fire.

"Keep fighting, don't stop." Chu Yuan ordered.

Although the consumption of spirit stones was huge, Chu Yuan didn't care at all.

Isn't the Demon Abyss Legion planning to slowly confront Dawu? I will satisfy your wish.

Every blow of the Thunder Cannon fluctuates tremendously, causing a strong blow in the suspended imperial city.

The wind and clouds changed, the thunder and lightning was violent, and the thunder and lightning appeared in the suspended city. The repeated blows caused the Demon Abyss Legion to make angry and fearful sounds. Facing this terrifying giant cannon, Illumination would be torn apart at once.

"Hahahaha, great, your majesty also hides such a means, bang, bang, bang this group of Demon Abyss Legion's bastards!"

Many powerful people in the Dawu Dynasty laughed and exulted.

"Commander, you can't go down like this. This is what a huge cannon, and you can't resist it in the gods. Ordinary soldiers will be wiped out in an instant. If this goes on, we don't know how many people will be lost. After going around, destroy their cannon!"

Demon Abyss Legion angrily said.

Suddenly many gods existed, exuding billowing gods laws, intertwined into dense masks.

Two powerful gods flew out. Behind him were dozens of Yunshen existences, and suddenly, they flew towards the Thunder Cannon position.

"Stop them!"

The strong man shouted.

"Can you stop it!"

More gods in the Demon Abyss Legion made a sound.

"Want to destroy the bombardment position? You too underestimate the power of the Thunder Cannon."

Chu Yuan said calmly.

Although the size of the Thunder Cannon is huge, the muzzle turns very quickly.

Buzzing! Buzzing!

Within the muzzle, a thunder wave of extinction condensed in an instant.

Destroying the World Lightning Strike, this is the artifact skill of the Thunder Cannon.

Every time a world-destroying lightning strike is launched, one million spirit stones are consumed, and it can only be launched once per hour, and even ordinary artillery strikes can't be done within this hour.

In a flash, each of the hundred thunder cannons was filled with one million spirit stones, and the world-killing thunder energy was condensed in the muzzle.

Within the infinite void, violent thunder elements converged, and the boundless thundercloud appeared in the vast void. The entire space was trembling crazily, as if it could not bear the energy gathered in the muzzle.

"No, go back!"

Qi Zhen's face changed drastically, and he shouted.

He is in the realm of the gods, and he can better understand the fluctuation of this power.

The faces of the two powerful gods and dozens of Yunshens who were killed also changed color, turning to a terrible fear, crazily wanting to retreat.

But can their speed match the Thunder Beam?

At this moment, hundreds of world-killing lightning strikes turned into thunder rainbows that penetrated the void and shot out, and the void seemed to have evaporated.

Many people saw the existence of the two gods and tried their best to withstand the terrifying blow with the law of the gods, but then they saw that their bodies were distorted and illusory, and finally they slammed into an infinite law. It broke, and nothing was left.

The dozens of Yun Shen who followed them to kill were also wiped out.

"Even with a giant cannon, the god-level existence was killed!"

"God, this is too terrible. What power does your majesty's giant cannons have, and the gods can't stop them. This is just a volley of 100 shots. If a thousand shots, ten thousand shots, or even one hundred thousand shots? I'm afraid that connecting with God's existence can kill him."

"Absolutely to death!"

Everyone was shocked to see the two gods killed by the Thunder Giant Cannon.

The Dawu equipment at this time almost completely crushed the Demon Abyss Legion, making their hearts happy. This was the first time that they were suppressed by fighting Demon Abyss.

"Dawu is invincible!"

"Dawu is invincible!"

"Dawu is invincible!"

When hundreds of millions of soldiers saw this scene, they felt excited and excited.

Chu Yuan was always able to take out the horrible equipment ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ that made people stunned to equip it in the whole army, just like an omnipotent existence.

"It actually killed the gods!"

Qi Zhen's eyelids also jumped suddenly.

He would never have thought that Dawu's giant artillery could blast the Death God's position, even if he came from the Demon Abyss Dynasty and had extensive knowledge, he felt a bit weird.

There was also a hint of surprise in his heart at the moment. This battle might be more difficult than he had imagined, and even a seed of defeat would take root.

"A joke, how can I be defeated by the power of God!"

Qi Zhen fiercely expelled this impossible thought.

"Give me, keep booming, don't stop!"

A hundred thunder cannons will be misfired within an hour, but Chu Yuan still has a hundred left. Together with the magical cannons, it can also suppress the opponent, and even activate the world-killing lightning strike again to kill the opponent again. The presence of the gods.

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