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Inspired by the brand of God.

A wave of majestic moonlight brilliance gathered, forming a phantom of a god's residence.

The phantom was shrouded in a haze, unable to see the true appearance, very vague, but it could vaguely see that this was the appearance of a woman, sitting on top of a divine lord, her eyes seemed to penetrate billions of time and space. .

Like the ruler of the Moon Palace.

Even if it is just a brand, every move has the power to mobilize the world, as if it can leave the world at any time.

The power of the gods is unpredictable. They are already true gods and can open up small worlds. It is rumored that there are gods with extremely terrifying magical powers, and they can even open up a huge world.

With the appearance of the phantom of the gods, within the secret realm, more rich moon spirit essence sprayed out.

While Chu Yuan breathed, he realized that these essences contained the power of the laws of the existence of the gods, making his breath move.

"This should be the imprint of the gods deliberately left by the existence of the gods. Every hundred years, it absorbs a large amount of power and manifests its own imprint. It contains a strong heritage and hides the traces of Taoism and Dharma."

Chu Yuan sighed.

"It is indeed the power of the brand of God, and the power of God is terrifying. Even if it is only the power of the brand, it has infinite mana. There is the will of a god. Master once said, who can refine the brand of God There is hope for becoming a true God in the future."

Luo Yueying said that Shizun is the old master of the previous generation of Conquering Moon Sect, the King of Void God.

"But even if the brand of God is a master, the King of Void God cannot be refined. If God does not recognize you, you can't absorb it. If you have the ability to reach the sky, it will destroy you."

Luo Yueying smiled lightly: "And this is the first time this sect has seen the mark of God, and everyone is only qualified to refine the mark of God once, that is, when he becomes a Void God, he succeeds in achieving rapid progress in his cultivation and is expected to be a true god. "

Although Luo Yueying is the tenth power of God and the Sect Master of Covering Yuezong, she herself is extremely young.

After cultivating for only a few dozen years, looking at the five profound realms, they can all be regarded as shocking wizards, and they are bound to enter the virtual god, and even in the future, they may become true gods.

A true god, a true god's residence, a powerful existence that doesn't exist in the entire Eastern Profound Realm.

At this moment, the hazy moonlight shines on Luo Yueying's exquisite face, causing Chu Yuan's expression to move and smiling: "With the talent of Sect Master Luo, there is hope for the true god."

"Then take the good words of Emperor Wu."

Luo Yueying said.

The imprint of the gods existed for a few hours before it gradually faded and disappeared.

This kind of brand of directly facing the gods was greatly benefited by Chu Yuan. It made him more intuitively understand the power of the gods. They were all existences that were enough to create a void, and a brand could not be erased for thousands of years.

"The secret realm will last for several months after it is opened, but the power of the moonlight in it has little effect on the power of the gods and above, and it will allow the disciples to absorb it."

At this moment, within that round of occulting the moon, Chu Yun and Luo Yueying seemed to fly out of the moon under the reflection of the moonlight.

"The spectacle of covering the moon is really extraordinary, this time I am worthy of this trip."

Chu Yuan and Luo Yueying fell into a pavilion.

Due to the appearance of the Moon Masking Wonder, clouds and mists rose up, and the entire Masking Moon Sect turned into a fairyland.

"Sect Master, the people from the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce are here."

At this time, Zuo Xi came over.

"The spectacle of covering the moon is like the legendary moon palace fairyland, Sect Master Luo, I will not bother you this time."

There was a voice of admiration, and a woman came.

It turned out that Ning Wan from the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce came and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence that I can see such a beautiful scenery. With the beauty of Sect Master Luo, even I will be jealous."

"Chairman Ning is here as a distinguished guest. This Sect is very pleased. Elder Zuo, have tea."

Luo Yueying said.

"Sect Master Luo seems to have guests here."

Ning Wan came to the pavilion, looked at Chu Yuan, and said in surprise: "Emperor Wu, it's you!"

"Yes, it's me." Chu Yuan said, "I am also a person who loves to watch the scenery. I will not miss the spectacle of the moon."

"I think this scene is better for people." Ning Wan had an interesting taste.

"No matter how good the scenery is, you need someone as beautiful as Sect Master Luo to look good."

Chu Yuan smiled.

"Look at this, President Ning and Emperor Wu are still very familiar?" Luo Yueying said.

"Familiar, how could I be unfamiliar, Emperor Wu is still a major customer of my Qiankun Chamber of Commerce." Ning Wan was also curious: "Emperor Wu came here not just to hide the spectacle of the moon, but also seems to have other relationships."

"The family emperor is the elder of the Conquering Moon Sect. Back then, Sect Master Luo had a life-saving grace to the emperor. This time I came here to pay respect to Sect Master Xie Luo."

It's no secret, Chu Yuandao.

"That's the case, and there is this relationship, it seems that the relationship between Da Wu and the Moon Sect is really extraordinary." Ning Wan suddenly realized.

"Chairman Ning seems to have something important this time, do I need to avoid this?" Chu Yuan said.

"It's not a secret at all, it's this Sect who invited President Ning to come."

Luo Yueying said: "Recently, the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce has produced a batch of King Grade God Pills, which are extremely popular. Zongmen dynasties from other prefectures have also come here to place orders. Therefore, we negotiated with Chairman Ning to set up the God Pill.

Wang Pin Shen Dan is so precious.

The Qiankun Chamber of Commerce suddenly released a large number of Wangpin Shendan, which naturally made many people rush to buy it.

If you don't rush to buy, people from other sects will get it, and the improvement in strength will be stronger than you.

"Emperor Wu, say, who should I sell this king grade **** pill to?"

Ning Wan was very interesting and looked at Chu Yuan.

"From my point of view, since the branch that President Ning is in charge of is in the Moon Mask Mansion, it is naturally cheaper to cover Moon Sect. The Chamber of Commerce suffers."

Chu Yuan was deliberately helping Yuezong.

"I also have this intention." Ning Wan nodded and said: "I can call the shots of Wangpin Shendan. I can take out a part of it and supply it at the normal price to cover the month. This part does not need to bid with other forces and is given priority."

"So simple?"

Zuo Xi said in surprise.

Even Luo Yueying's mouth opened slightly, a little surprised.

During this period of time, because the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce in the Moon Palace had taken out a lot more Wangpin Divine Pills than usual, many forces had been invited to negotiate deals with them.

Luo Yueying had already prepared for hemorrhage, and she also had to take a batch of Wang Pin Shen Pill orders. After all, the pill could be transformed into strength, and she couldn't let it go.

This time, I was ready to have a long negotiation with Ning Wan.

But she didn't expect Ning Wan to make a decision so quickly.

The normal price of Wangpin Shendan~www.ltnovel.com~ is difficult to buy, and now it is only available at a premium of 20 to 30%.

She couldn't help but look at Chu Yuan, and she became more and more curious about this man.

She is such a smart person, she naturally knows that Ning Wan's attitude towards him is very unusual, not as simple as ordinary business dealings, and even the kind who dare not offend, but want to coax Chu Yuan.

Of course she could see that Ning Wan's preferential treatment to Mask Yuezong was because of what Chu Yuan said just now.

Businessmen are the most profitable.

Obviously, Chu Yuan gave Ning Wan benefits that could not be rejected.

"Sect Master Luo needn't be surprised. Those King Grade Divine Pills were refined in the Emperor Wu Dynasty. My Qiankun Chamber of Commerce just produced some materials and sold some hard money. Otherwise, how could there be so many King Grade Divine Pills?"

Ning Wan said with a smile.

Her words made all the elders of the Mask Yuezong look at Chu Yuan in amazement.

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