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Are all pills made by Emperor Wu?

This news is really amazing.

It was so shocking that the Masked Yuezong couldn't believe it.

No wonder there are so many Wangpin Shendan on the market recently.

"Yes, these king-grade divine pills are indeed from my hands. My Dawu has some strange skills for refining pills. If Sect Master Luo wants to refine them in the future, you can find me directly. Will come to help."

Chu Yuan was helping Chu Chenyao improve his position in the sect.

After all, Chu Chenyao had been cultivating in the Moon Sect for more than ten years, and she was definitely not willing to go back to Dawu directly to be her Princess Ansheng.

Otherwise, she would not leave the sea in spite of danger.

Since this is the case, it is better to let her stay in the Containment Moon Sect, and through this relationship, Da Wu can also obtain an ally with a strong virtual god.

"That Benzong is here, thank you Emperor Wu." Luo Yueying said.

No wonder Ning Wan's attitude towards Chu Yuan is very unusual.

"I heard that the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce recently wanted to auction the artifacts of the King's Grade. President Ning might as well sell my face and keep the artifacts of the King's Grade. I will use the King's God Pill to convert it."

Chu Yuan now also needs a large number of King Grade artifacts to unlock the Human Emperor Sword.

The required population is already enough, but the Wangpin artifacts are far from insufficient.

The spiritual artifacts are good, but the king-grade artifacts are all refined by strong people above the imaginary god, but they are difficult to obtain.

"Emperor Wu’s business is better than mine. That Wangpin Shendan is still a medicinal material provided by my Qiankun merchants. Now I have to buy my Wangpin artifacts in turn. The Emperor Wu enters and sells one at a time, but he doesn’t pay anything. , The empty glove white wolf can be considered extreme when used to this point."

Ning Wan was also somewhat helpless.

Who made Chu Yuan's Wang Pin Shen Dan refining power far higher than her Universe Chamber of Commerce.

Even if she knew Chu Yuan's plan, she couldn't refuse.

This is the technique, which put her in jail.

"If President Ning is in trouble, I won't force it." Chu Yuan said.

"Whoever sells Wangpin artifacts is not for sale, as long as Emperor Wu can get the magic pill, it is also possible."

Ning Wan would not refuse.

Recently, a large number of Wangpin Shendan has made her Qiankun Chamber of Commerce flourish and robbed a lot of business from the Chamber of Commerce.

"I have seen the Moon Mask, and I have also seen Sect Master Luo. I will also return to Wucheng to preside over the overall situation."

Chu Yuan said: "Emperor sister, if you don't want to go back, just stay in the Moon Sect to practice. I think all the elders of the Moon Sect will treat the Emperor Sister favorably. Sect Master Luo is also very good. When you want to go back, send a letter. , I let people pick you up."

"I'm cultivating in the Concealed Moon Sect first. The Concealed Moon Secret Realm is very helpful for my cultivation." Chu Chenyao said, "You go back first, Brother Yuan."

"Emperor Wu can rest assured, Chen Yao is also a genius in my clan, and the old man will take care of her." Zuo Xi said quickly.

"Maybe Benzong will also visit Dawu."

Luo Yueying said.

"If that's the case, let's take a step first. My Wucheng also welcomes Sect Master Luo to be a guest at any time, and I am waiting for a ride in Wucheng."

After Chu Yuan bid farewell, he left Covering Yuezong.

"Send to Emperor Wu." Luo Yueying said.

"As for the first batch of Shenyue Sect needed, I will send it as soon as possible."

Ning Wan also left.


After the two of them had left, Zuo Xi couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that the suzerain's unintentional benevolence would have brought me such a huge benefit to Cover Yuezong. This Ning Wan is a shrewd woman, if it weren't for Emperor Wu. , Shendan trading will not be so easy."

"At the time, Benzong did it unintentionally. I can see Chen Yao struggling in the sea."

Luo Yueying said: "Improve Chen Yao's position of authority and let her be an elder in the inner gate. The reason why Emperor Wu is so polite is entirely because of Chen Yao's face and return to this sect. This sect will not let him down. Maintaining a friendly relationship with Dawu is beneficial to Zong Yuezong."

"Yes, the old man agrees."

Zuo Xi nodded again and again: "This great Wu has actually risen very mysteriously, as if it suddenly became stronger, and the source of the power is only because of Emperor Wu. No one knows why Da Wu has become so powerful, but with the relationship of Chen Yao, If things go on like this, maintaining a friendly relationship with Dawu will be beneficial but not harmful for us to hide the Yuezong."

"Emperor Wu is really mysterious, this sect can't see through him, this person's realm and strength are very strange."

Luo Yueying said lightly: "Wucheng? This palace will visit."


Chu Yuan is back.

Everything is fine now, Dawu is developing rapidly, and Chu Yuan has no plans to mobilize troops for the time being.

A few days later, Ning Wan also sent the first Wang Pin artifact.

Of course, Chu Yuan also paid a lot of Wang Pin Shen Dan.

However, these king-pin **** pill were also refined with the medicinal materials of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, he just threw it into the Taiyi Pill furnace to automatically refine it.

Ning Wan thought that Chu Yuan was just making a lot of hard work, but she didn't know that he could get nine of ten Wangpin God Pills, which was really black-hearted to the extreme.

However, Wangpin artifacts are also very precious treasures in the Eastern Profound Realm, and the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce cannot provide Chu Yuan with a lot, but it shows that as long as there are Wangpin artifacts that can be sold, they will bring great weapons in the first place.

After all, for the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, although Wangpin artifacts are precious, they are not unsellable.

A king-grade artifact can be exchanged for a large number of **** pill. With a god-pill, you can cultivate more powerhouses and refine more king-grade artifacts.

However, Chu Yuan also discovered that the king-grade artifact sent here was only refined by the Void God King, and the quality was average, and the true god's refinement was much more cherished than the Void God King.

Chu Yuan didn't care either. The Human Emperor Sword was only required to be a King Grade artifact to unblock it, and there was no mandatory requirement that it must be refined by a true god.

"Seventh God Position!"

Chu Yuan had a large number of Wangpin God Pills, and he had cultivated for several months and finally reached the seventh level of his god.

This made Chu Yuan sigh that the speed of this cultivation was too slow, and it took a few months to raise his realm, which is far less rapid than he can devour others and use his destiny to improve.

But compared to the breakthrough in realm, what made Chu Yuan even more delighted.

The Thunder Cannon has built three thousand.

The number of sky warships has also broken through to 35, and even the gods and gods warships have as many as 30.

In addition to the Sky Warriors of the power level, there are also a large number of Sky Warriors under the power level.

This corps will be Chu Yuan's absolute killer!

"The biggest problem right now is the shortage of refiners. There are a lot of materials in the national treasury, but it is difficult to purify what I need. Right now, the sky warships are not in a hurry. The sky warriors need too much trouble. The Thunder Cannon It's the easiest to build."

Ten birds in the forest are not as good as a bird in hand~www.ltnovel.com~ Chu Yuan thought about completing the side task of the Thunder Cannon first.

"Your Majesty, great news!"

At this time, Zhu Fengfeng's voice sounded outside Chu Yuan's palace.

"What great news?" Chu Yuan asked Zhu Fengfeng to enter the hall.

"Just yesterday, the ministers found a king-grade ore vein in Guihai Mansion. It was originally a spiritual-grade ore vein. With the excavation, I didn’t expect that a king-grade ore vein was buried underneath. Besides, there are a large number of king-grade ore veins. Associated mine!"

Zhu Fengfeng said: "Those associated mines are exactly the Thunderstones Dawu needs, as well as a large number of true Gang Rocks. King Zhongyong has already taken people over!"

"Thunderstone, true Gangyan!"

Chu Yuan's expression was lifted. It was really dozing. Someone gave pillows and shouted: "Promulgate my sacred decree, protect the veins closely, kill anyone who approaches, and it is not enough to have the loyal and brave king. Let Fang Lei rush over and mine quickly. No delay!"

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