Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 408: The sacking of the gods

Just when the strong men of the Yuan Ling Realm were gathering great magical powers, and the great mana was preparing to bombard Chu Yuan, the ten cities of the Yuan Ling suddenly turned against the water and launched an attack behind them.

They would not have thought that Yuanling Ten Cities would suddenly start their hands.

This time, the ten cities of Yuan Ling responded to Yuan Ling Sect and sent a large number of true gods, occupying a large number.

But these true gods have become a reminder of the opponent, this attack, **** storm, I don't know how many people were killed.

"What are you doing!"

Yuanhai Tianshen said angrily, the Tianshen's eyes were fixed on this group of people.

"Haha, I didn't expect it, we have already taken refuge in Emperor Wu, it is impossible for me to sell my life for you in the ten cities of Yuan Ling!"

The true ancestor of the ten cities of Yuanling laughed wildly.

"If you dare to betray the Yuan Ling Realm, aren't you afraid of encountering the scourge of the genocide?" Yuan Hai Tianshen's expression was very ugly.

"Hmph, we have already moved a large number of people away. Do you really think we are responding to you? It's just trying to hide from the sky."

Recently, the mobilization of soldiers and horses in the Yuanling realm was ordinary, and these actions in Yuanling City were not cared about at all, and there had been no manpower for them in the ten cities.


Chu Yuan waved his hand, and the fifty thousand **** army directly rushed into the opponent's strong camp.

The fifty thousand **** army descended like a tiger, and immediately coordinated with a large number of people in Yuanling Ten City, and began to contain the opponent's offensive.

Although there were many troops in the Yuan Ling Realm, they suddenly encountered a backlash from the ten cities of Yuan Ling. The first wave was damaged and morale was declining.

"This hateful ten cities of the original spirit, when the **** returns this time, they will be slaughtered clean!"

Yuanhai Tianshen's eyes were about to split.

Of course he could see that if it hadn't been for the sudden reversal of the Yuanling Ten Cities, which disrupted their deployment, the large number of powerful men they brought could, under the leadership of him and Li Xiantian, help them kill Chu Yuan.

And when Chu Yuan waved his hand, the long river of humanity turned into a billowing torrent, smashing out thousands of bright rays, wherever it was split, there was a large blank.

"Today you two gods will be cut off."

Infinitely bright and radiant, Chu Yuan walked in the steps of the divine master. Everywhere he went, he turned into dazzling traces. It was so magnificent that the entire world seemed to have become the domain under his control.

Yuanhai Tianshen and Li Xiantian retreated again and again, and there was a feeling of fear in their hearts, and the sacred breath that this person delivered seemed unstoppable.

"He must be dealt with. If you don't kill him today, it will become a big disaster in the future!"

Li Xiantian's eyes were fierce, and countless thoughts flashed.

He smashed with a halberd, and the halberd light was horizontal and vertical, and each of them was a powerful blow from the gods, and a huge hole would be penetrated when falling on the stars.

Yuanhai Tianshen also waved his arms, and the manufacturing field restricted Chu Yuan's actions.

Chu Yuan's eyes condensed, and with a wave of his hand, he turned thousands of seal chains into a sealed domain with the Great Seal Technique.

"Can't let him go mad, break the army and kill!"

Li Xiantian's **** is powerful. He used a halberd to break through the army. He came violently, and his destructive power was increased several times. The seal chain was also torn, and he appeared in front of Chu Yuan in an instant, and slammed his brow. .

But Chu Yuan's face was extremely calm.

He slammed his palm, and the Grip of the God of War burst out with infinite golden light, and the golden light penetrated like a sharp sword, directly shook the halberd.

The whole body was trembling, Li Xiantian blasted out thousands of punches with his left hand in an instant, and countless shadows of the punches appeared, and the air currents crazily vertical and horizontal.

Yuanhai Tianshen's eyes flashed, and as he breathed, a sea rushed forward, transforming into a giant deep-sea palm to cooperate with Li Xiantian.

Both of them have only one idea now, which is to delay as long as possible until the increase in his strength disappears.


The Celestial Strength Experience Card truly raised Chu Yuan's power to Celestial God within an hour, possessing all kinds of Celestial Power.

Chu Yuan's expression did not move. He pulled his palm and saw the endless thunder and lightning swept across and directly suppressed. The two gods were also retreating again and again at this time. No matter what magical power they displayed, they could not shake Chu Yuan's existence.

"The Eye of God!"

The **** Li Xiantian's eyes suddenly brewed supreme divine power, and two divine lights that looked like nothingness penetrated Chu Yuan.

"Great combat technique, Thunder God Fist!"

But Chu Yuan squeezed his fist fiercely and slammed his fist away. Millions of thunders scattered, and the billowing torrent spread wildly.

"Ah! My eyes!"

Although this punch did not directly hit his eyes, the strong power made Li Xiantian scream, his eyeballs exploded, and two lines of blood and tears flowed out.

The exploding of his eyes made his face full of hideous pain.

"Li Xiantian!" Yuanhai Tianshen said in shock.

"I'm fine, deal with him!"

The **** Li Xiantian suppresses the pain and senses the outside world with his soul, "Deal with him!"

"it is good!"

Yuanhai Tianshen nodded.

"Great fighting skills, nine fighting styles, only I dominate!"

But at this moment, Chu Yuan didn't want to delay with them anymore. He directly used his incomparable strength and took the lead to lock the weaker Yuanhai Tianshen, first kill him, and then kill Li Xian. God.

"The power of the deep sea!"

Wow! The power of the ocean is condensed into a battle armor in Yuanhai Tianshen.

However, when Chu Yuan's great combat power violently bombarded Yuanhai Tianshen, it smashed his deep-sea battle armor to pieces. The destructive power turned him upside down again and again, and the whole body was cracking at this moment.

Without waiting for him to recover, Chu Yuan displayed another supernatural power.

Endless origin...

The glory of the gods...

The countless gods appeared, accompanied by Chu Yuan.

When he opened his eyes, it was the terrifying light of the master, scorching hot, and the aura of this supernatural power spread out, causing Yuanhai Tianshen's face to change drastically.

He seems to be a member of the gods, except for surrender, unable to resist the power of the gods.

His soul and his mana seemed to be restrained at this moment.

"Retreat, retreat, exit Chenchu ​​Realm and talk about it!"

Yuanhai Tianshen felt a tingling scalp.

He was scared.

He didn't dare to gamble with Chu Yuan, betting on when his lifting power would end.

The **** gave an order, and the army of the elemental spirit world completely Li Xiantian also knew that Chu Yuan was difficult to contend at this moment.

"If you come, you will be at ease. It is better to be buried here. Don't leave if you come."

Chu Yuan stock mana blasted, and the sky suddenly became dark, forming a swallowed domain, and Li Xiantian and Yuanhai Tianshen were trapped in a dark world.

Swallow, swallow everything, even the power of the gods can swallow it.

"This is!" Yuanhai Tianshen opened wide with anger.

"The sacking of the gods!"

At this time, many big hands that only represented the gods flew out, and when they saw the big hands of the gods directly, they slapped the body of the Yuanhai Tianshen, almost smashing his whole person in that instant. .

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