
The palm prints of these gods made the Yuanhaitian **** bounce up, and the whole person bowed like a prawn in pain, spewing out thick blood, and the whole body seemed to be cracked in glass, shocking.

"Will I fall here today? How is this possible!"

Yuanhai Tianshen roared and took a lot of divine pills to recover his injuries, "The sea is boundless, the **** of the deep sea!"

His breath swelled again, and the huge gods slammed into Chu Yuan, and a **** began to move frantically, desperately, and the damage caused was extremely huge.

"The glory of the gods, the ruler of the gods!"


Chu Yuan's voice was rolling, his figure was so great that he was unimaginable, like a giant that propped up the sky. Numerous sacred rays of light spread from his body and turned into a realm like a **** of war, possessing the immortal ability to dominate the life and death of the gods.

A big hand blasted out again, as if condensed by the gods.

The lightning thundercloud was extremely violent.

Yuan Hai Tianshen watched the big hand fall to him, and he increased his defense to the limit.

But his defense was actually useless. The big hand fell, as if crushing tofu, Yuanhai Tianshen immediately swept the soul with an unspeakable pain, the whole person was about to shatter, and the power of this person would die. under.

"The wheels of life and death of the heavens, the gods will also die!"

Chu Yuan continued to display extremely magnificent supernatural powers.

The wheels of life and death of the heavens appeared, and the terrifying vision evolved, as if in the universe, there is a huge roulette wheel that can subvert many big worlds, and the vast world can't resist it, let alone a god?

"No!" Yuanhai Tianshen let out a roar.

"If you dare to kill Yuanhai Tianshen, the Azurewood Longevity Empire will never let you go!"

Li Xiantian's scalp was also numb at this moment, and he was extremely afraid.

This Emperor Wu is too terrifying now, and the life of Yuanhai Tianshen is actually under his control.

But Chu Yuan ignored him and pushed the wheels of life and death to the limit. Then he saw Yuanhai Tianshen being adsorbed on the roulette, and countless sealed chains were tightly tied to him, as if he was on the gallows. .

"Li Xiantian save me!"

Yuanhai Tianshen made a desperate and terrifying voice.

If he could do it again, he would never choose to go against Chu Yuan. He had only just broken through the gods, and it was the time to move the world and display his ambitions.

"I grant you a capital sin."

Chu Yuan's cold voice came out, and he slammed the Yuanhai Tianshen who was locked on the roulette with a palm of his hand, and suddenly there was an earth-shattering explosion.

Yuanhai Tianshen's body was under a devastating blow. In just a moment, his body exploded, and his whole person was turned into powder, swallowed by Chu Yuan's big hand into his devouring black hole.

There is no one in the world, only tens of thousands of true gods can give birth to a god, and this is how Chu Yuan killed him here.

He had just held his own banquet for the gods not long ago to celebrate his breakthrough in the gods. He was so energetic and staring at the world, but at this moment, he was beheaded and all his power was swallowed by Chu Yuan. There was no place to be buried.

"You killed Yuanhai Tianshen!"

God Li Xiantian also showed an infinite fear. He knew that no amount of threats would be useful at this time, but he wanted to escape here to save his life.


The **** Li Xiantian flashed and displayed the way of the void, and disappeared here.

"Where can I escape?" Chu Yuan was extremely cold, raised a finger, and said coldly, "Great cutting technique!"

He used the power of the gods to perform the big cutting technique, so terrifying, the void was directly cut in half, and a blood-stained figure was instantly cut out.

With a big wave of his hand, it seemed like an eternal exile, the power of the supreme void swept through, and Li Xiantian was bombarded with continuous shocks, and there were tragic marks everywhere on his body.

"Only fight it!"

The **** Li Xiantian revealed the blood-red light, he burned his own blood, and knew that if he survived in desperate situation, he would really be beheaded here.

"Don't you want to kill me!"

God Li Xiantian resolutely resolutely, seeing that it was difficult to escape Chu Yuan's clutches, he simply asked for battle, and rushed towards Chu Yuan with blood-red eyes.

"It's decisive enough."

Chu Yuan's expression remained unchanged, and the sky full of thunder condensed. He seemed to have drawn out a long spear that flickered thunder, like a judgment from God, and directly nailed it to Li Xiantian.


Blood stained on the spot!

A huge hole of blood penetrated through his chest.

Chu Yuan attacked again with a large hand, and countless thunder lights enveloped the world, including Li Xiantian. He struggled in despair in this sea of ​​thunder, but he couldn't escape.

God Li Xiantian roared again, and he would never give up until he was beheaded, and would destroy the world and destroy the earth.

"Burning self, sacrificing me, in exchange for the strongest strength!"

He burned himself thoroughly, completely in exchange for the strongest strength.

No matter how Chu Yuan could tolerate him burning himself, this was all the boiling power of the gods, all the boiling vitality he needed to break through, and immediately lifted his hands, and countless seal chains tightly bound him.

This big seal technique sealed Li Xiantian's violent mana into it.

Li Xiantian's expression changed wildly, extremely sad.

At this time, he wanted to fight Chu Yuan desperately, but he couldn't do it. This great sealing technique sealed his strength.


Chu Yuan's fingers condensed extremely terrifying power, and the light was dark, which was a big cutting technique that shocked the world.

In this big cutting technique, nothing happened in the void, but I saw that Li Xiantian's divine body appeared with a black blood line around his waist, and then the divine body broke into two pieces and was separated.

Li Xiantian was cut in half, his face was terrified and shocked.

Chu Yuan grabbed it again, enveloped in a dark whirlpool, and the two halves of his body were swallowed by the Great Swallowing Technique, and they completely disappeared in the world, turned into the law of rolling, and would never appear again.

Two gods were beheaded!

This news spreads out, I wonder how many people will be shocked!

"The god...dead!"

The army of the Yuanling Realm saw the fall of Li Xiantian and Yuanhaitian Gods, and the whole person was limp~www.ltnovel.com~ The fear on his face was overwhelming.

"All true gods will be cut."

Chu Yuan's eyes were cold.

There is still a period of time before the Celestial Realm Experience Card disappeared. He killed himself, the Devouring Domain opened up, and wherever he went, it turned into a blank, and was swallowed in.

This time, at least a thousand true gods gathered in the Yuan Ling Realm, and Chu Yuan stared at these true gods to kill, cruel and merciless.

These more than a thousand true gods Chu Yuan have not let go, all of them have been killed.

After they were killed, they were thrown into the furnace of heaven and earth for refining, and the billowing blood and the laws of true gods were extremely rich.

With the two heavenly gods vitality, plus many high-level true gods, Chu Yuan could already hit the true gods at this moment!

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