Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 404: If the Demon Abyss is not broken, the army will not return it

Inside the scourge army barracks.

In the Lei Pond, at this moment, only tens of millions of people were left to bear the power of thunder and lightning, and stripes of thunder and lightning appeared on their bodies, submerged in their bodies and turned into thunder-type magical powers.

This time Chu Yuan found hundreds of millions of people from the country to accept the test, and these hundreds of millions were also selected from across the country. Now only tens of millions of people can barely meet the requirements of Chu Yuan.

These tens of millions of people are all selected warriors of Dawu, each with a strong physique.

"Your Majesty, the Minister led the Scourge Army to see your Majesty!"

During this period of time, Fang Lei was also honed in the thunder pond, his large thunder and lightning technique became stronger and stronger, and his cultivation became more advanced.

"Very well, I will launch a war against the Demon Abyss Dynasty." Chu Yuan said: "Leader Fang, tomorrow, the Dynasty will start to adjust the army, and lead your Scourge Army to prepare for this battle and be tempered by war. itself."



In the Shenwu Temple, Chaohui opened.

"Your Majesty, the Foundry Division is running day and night, creating all kinds of gods, enough to meet the needs of the country."

Ouyang Ming reported.

"The Five Elements and Five Armies are also ready. Every army expands and can fight at any time."

Lu Qianfu is also reporting.

"I can fight anytime." Ning Xiuchen said.

"Half a month later, the first battle against the Demon Abyss was launched. The domestic garrison legion was left, the original Yuanling ten city strong army did not move, staying in the country and the defensive legion stuck to the mainland, the Five Elements and the Five Armies, the gods, the devil and the gods, went to the Demon Dynasty. ."

Chu Yuan is strong, and he is bound to win: "This is the first time to fight the Seven-Star Dynasty. I will lead the Divine Army to suppress the battle. Everyone, I will win this battle. The Demon Abyss must be destroyed, so I will use their corpses to make Dawu strong. !"

"If you don't break the Demon Abyss, the army will not return it!"

The crowd roared in unison.

In half a month, the army first went to gather at the Sea Demon Realm, and a large number of war equipment was also transported there, and countless army was hoarding.


Demon Abyss Dynasty.

When I received the news of Dawu's expedition, he was also nervous and angry.

It was supposed that their Demon Abyss Dynasty entered the Dawu Dynasty and enjoyed the fruits of victory, but within a few months of breaking the situation, the situation reversed and turned into a war of the Dawu Army Corps against the Demon Dynasty to destroy the country.

Inside the Military Aircraft Department.

Many powerful retreats have left.

"Hateful, Dawu actually marched toward my Demon Abyss! They gathered many corps and they are now coming in aggressively, and they also slogans that they will not break the Demon Abyss, and the army will not return it. What is this to do? It is necessary to destroy my Demon Abyss. ?"

Many powerhouses at the military plane looked ugly and angry.

"Do they think that my Demon Abyss Dynasty is a soft persimmon, you can squeeze it if you want, and destroy it if you want to, if they dare to come this time, they will have their army buried in the Demon Abyss Dynasty, all dead!"

Although they gritted their teeth and screamed, their voices were weak.

Three gods besieged one person, and one person was also beheaded. This record is too terrifying.

"Where is Dawu's army."

Suddenly at this moment, an existence wearing a black magic robe descended on the military plane. His heavenly court was full, his heroic and martial arts were extraordinary, and he was in control of powerful power.

He is the Lord of Demon Abyss, the existence of the five-layered god!

"His Majesty!"

Seeing the arrival of the Emperor Demon Abyss, the officials respectfully said: "Your Majesty, the Great Armed Forces are still gathering in the Demon Abyss. According to the information we have found, in addition to the defensive legion that sticks to the mainland, all legions they can expedition will be dispatched.

"What is the Rainbow Sect doing?" The Emperor Demon Abyss had a cold expression on his face. Although he was facing the march of the Great Martial Army Corps, he did not see any panic on his face.

"The Rainbow Sect is still waiting and watching, they were shocked by Dawu!"

Some people were extremely dissatisfied with the actions of the Rainbow Sect.

"Emperor Wuwu beheaded Li Xiantian, Yuanhai Tiantian, and there was also a deity beheaded in our Moyuan. The Tianhong Sect was terrified. This is normal. Now the Great Wu soldiers are in full force and their momentum is like a rainbow. The only way is to contain their soldiers. Front."

The emperor of Demon Abyss calmly said: "Send troops from the Sea Demon Realm and they will arrive at Jin'an City."

"Your Majesty is right. The Dawu pioneers have already marched in Jin'an City."

Someone's expressions were extremely solemn: "Dawu has gods and huge artillery. It is difficult to stop them only by the defense of the city."

"I also thought of this." The Moyuan Emperor said: "I have already mobilized the background of the dynasty and will go to the front line. Gufeng Tianshen will let you go to the front line."

Suddenly, one person walked into the military plane. He was an old man with a heavy aura, but his cultivation had reached the fourth level of the terrifying **** of heaven, and in his hand there was a small city emitting black energy spinning.

This city is not so small, but is sealed in a special space.

"The background of the dynasty, Gufeng Tianshen!"

Everyone shook and said: "This is the city of Demon Abyss, built with various divine materials, and only the gods can destroy it. This time even the city of Demon Abyss has been mobilized!"

"The city of Demon Abyss can contend with the power under the gods, and their huge artillery can't break it." Gu Feng Tianshen said coldly: "Your Majesty, this time the ministers will frustrate their soldiers. They can't let them go straight, otherwise their morale It will only get worse."

"Gufeng Tianshen, this time you lead the army to Jin'an City. I only hope that you can stop them. The longer it is, the better it will be for us."

The Emperor Demon Abyss looked into the distance with a deep gaze: "After two deities have been cut, the Yuan Lingzong will not swallow his breath."

"Your Majesty, the ministers please also fight!"

Mojin Tianshen's face was pale, and he walked in now.

"Mojin, your injury is very serious, stay in the imperial city to recover."

Emperor Moyuan Road.

"The minister can still fight. Although the minister is seriously injured, it is also a powerful combat force. It can't deal with the gods, but it is no problem to kill a few true gods!"

Mojin Tianshen insisted on asking for a fight, and said, "Is there a dead egg under the nest? What is the use of healing without stopping Dawu."

"Well, that's the case, you go with Gufeng Heavenly God, and I will sit in the military plane in the internal war."

Emperor Moyuan Road.

The army of the Moyuan Dynasty was also on the move, quickly marching to Jin'an City.

They couldn't retreat in this battle, otherwise the people's minds would also be turbulent. Now the Rainbow Sect is not moving, they are frightened, but if they stop their soldiers, let people see that Dawu is not unstoppable, and there will be strong support.


Now the time has come to the thirty-ninth year of Dawu.

And in the sea demon world.

The Shenwu Army, the Demon God Army, as the vanguard part, has been pulled out.

Ning Xiuchen has a withdrawn character. It is good for him to be the commander of the Demon to make him spend his time mobilizing and commanding the army, and he is not interested in studying small details.

Therefore, this time the main command is still Lu Qianfu.

"The Five Elements and Five Legions pull out the camp, and follow the Shenwu and Demon Armies. The battleship legion flies over the army, maneuvering at any time, and the Shadow Kill Corps is lurking."

Lu Qianfu commanded the entire army, and Chu Yuan was in charge of the army, giving orders in general, and he was mainly responsible for minor details.

He didn't dare to be careless, and his mood was very serious.

Although the morale of the army was strong, this time it was destroyed by the Seven-Star Dynasty, which was incomparable with previous battles.

"King Loyalty, the army of the Demon Abyss Dynasty has already gone to Jin'an City to lead the Gufeng Tianshen. At least half of the elites in the country have been brought over. In the future, there will be a steady stream of troops coming here to stay with our army in Jinan. The Battle of Ancheng."

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