"They want to delay our army in Jin'an City, contain our morale and block the edge, thus causing a stalemate, and then let other forces see that our great army must be invincible. At that time, the Rainbow Sect will move. Think carefully."

Lu Qianfu naturally knew what the opponent was thinking.

"King Loyalty, since we dared to gather in Jin'an City, there must be some means to stop us."

Zhu Fengfeng said.

"Yes, so we can't let them succeed in their schemes. The soldiers are very fast, and we must attack them directly with a burst of energy!"

He thought now.

Chu Yuan's imperial decree also came, and the army marched along the same route, marching towards Jin'an City at full speed, where they started the first battle with them.

Lu Qianfu also knew Chu Yuan's thoughts. He also hoped that the army could win the first victory, defeat the opposing army, invade the territory of the Demon Abyss Dynasty, and occupy the imperial city.

"The army is dispatched!"

In mighty force, Dawu's army is also marching towards Jin'an City at the fastest speed.

Jin'an City, the first city on the border of the Moyuan Dynasty.

During this period of time, it was also reinforced, and a large number of troops were hoarding in the city. Watching the arrival of the Great Army Corps, an extremely solemn expression appeared on his face.

Before the Demon Abyss dynasty assembled the sea demon world army to attack Dawu.

But now it's the other way around, all the Sea Demon Realm army has been disbanded and organized into Dawu, attacking their borders.

"The Great Army Corps is here!"

This morale, majestic, and the breath of countless people mixed together, and a beam of light beams rose up in the sky, like wolf smoke, turned into a terrifying pressure, and forced it towards Jin'an City.

"The purpose of this battle is not to defeat the opponent, but to hold the opponent and use the city of Demon Abyss to resist the power of the cannon. If you want to break the city of Demon Abyss, the opponent's **** must act, and the original **** will lead the **** and stop him. they!"

Gu Feng Tianshen didn't dare to be careless, and defended with all his strength, the entire Demon Abyss Dynasty was shaken by this battle.

"This battle must defeat the opposing army in a destructive posture!"

Lu Qianfu came outside Jin'an City, let the army rest for a long time before launching a general offensive.

In this battle of breaking the city, the armies of the two sides have already taken their positions. There is no conspiracy and tricks to speak of, and everything depends on their own strength.

Now one wants to drag, the other wants to break through quickly.

However, the Great Armed Army Corps will inevitably bombard the city with giant artillery, and suddenly more than a thousand giant cannons from the sky are the first to eject artillery fire.

"The City of Demon Abyss!"

But at this moment, the void in front of Jin'an City was suddenly torn apart, and a magic city appeared in the sight of everyone, with a lot of army hoarded in it, and the power of the huge robbery artillery bombed it that day, but it did not burst.

"A strong defensive artifact city!"

Lu Qianfu's pupils shrank: "The power that can defend the giant cannon from the sky is difficult to break even for the true gods, only the power of the gods can shake it!"

The city of Demon Abyss is difficult to break in a short period of time. If the city is not broken and the army presses on it, the casualties are too great, and the opponent has a strong city, it will be difficult to attack it.

"This seat has broken this city, and you are ready to press on with your army at any time. Our Majesty doesn't have much patience. He wastes time with them here. He can't listen to bad reports. He is bound to win!"

When Ning Xiuchen finished speaking, he directly killed it.

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