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The Hundred Gods Slash mission was completed, but it was a pity that the Vulcan Cave Sky Treasure Map was not released.

But what about this junior version of the Three Swordsman?

The primary version of the Three Swords of the God of Slaughter: Contains powerful power, slashing the **** of immortality and slashing of the **** of profound slash.

What appeared in his hand was a pocket knife, transparent in color, but inside it was sealed with an extremely terrifying force.

Chu Yuan estimated that the power contained in the three swords of the Tushen would undoubtedly die after the ordinary Profound God with the Three Swords. Only the powerful Profound God could barely contend against death, but would also suffer serious injuries.

"Ding! The current side mission has been released, Thousand Gods Slash, and Thousands of Gods."

[Remarks: The people killed by the people of Dawu are counted in the task progress. 】

"Thousand Gods Slash!"

Chu Yuan's eyes flickered.

He used eight supernatural power fruits to raise the big incision technique to level five.

"Three Swords of God Tu!"

Chu Yuan played with the pocket knife and said coldly: "There is still one profound **** energy to break through the gods. Only you can do it!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The monster army grinned at him and let out a roar.

These monsters ate the taste of blood food. Although a batch of them died, what was left was like raising Gu, becoming more fierce. Looking at Chu Yuan at this moment, he was very uneasy and didn't want to be sealed by the Great Seal Technique.

"Dare to eat the Lord?"

With Chu Yuan's big hands, the devilish energy was once again condensed into devil beads.

There was no devilish energy to cover the sky and the sun, light shone, and the monsters roared.

"Eternal Seal!"

Chu Yuan manipulated the Prison Guarding God Monument, sealed these monsters again, and returned to Luofeng City.

"The whole army attacked and attacked the garrison in the Forbidden Area of ​​Eastern Early!"

The first order he returned was to attack the Dongchu Forbidden Land.

The whole army of Dawu was in a state of combat readiness, ready to attack at any time, and the battleship leaped into the air, and the army rushed straight to the camp in the Dongchu Forbidden Area at lightning speed.


A dozen dark silver warships suddenly emerged from the void, and the naval guns directly bombarded the past with a turbulent situation, blooming everywhere in the Eastern Chu Forbidden Area.

"Why did Da Wu suddenly launch an attack!"

Dongchen Xuanshen and other powerhouses immediately saw Dawu's legion all over the mountains, and they were coming together in batches following the warships to launch a siege battle.

"Is Dawu crazy?" Zhong Ling Xuanshen shouted sharply, "Although they are strong, they make us helpless, but there is no point in launching such a war."

"I think that Emperor Wu is not crazy, but has a purpose!"

Dongchen Xuanshen said: "Obviously, Emperor Wu already knows that we are gathering the powerhouses with absolute advantages and are preparing to attack Luofeng City. He doesn't want to wait for the beating, but takes the initiative to attack and wants to break the game!"

"Dong Chen is right, the fish die, the net is broken, and the battle is broken, but how can this round be broken like this? If you don't occupy the Emperor Grade Divine Veins, it's okay, if this Divine Vessel is occupied, it will be eye-catching."

Cheng Faxuan said, "Didn't we have anticipated this situation a long time ago? He doesn't know yet. My Dongchu Forbidden Land has quietly sent a few more Profound Gods to guard, let us welcome his final madness!"

"There is no need to fight them to death, to stick to the city and watch the struggling beasts."


Outside the city, the warship bombarded, and the Great Armed Corps did not charge immediately.

"They also know that the loss of forced siege is too great. This is the first wave of temptation."

Zhong Lingxuan Shendao.

He was not worried, there were still several Profound Gods hidden in the city.


Suddenly, the devilish energy swept over the sky and turned into a devil prison. Numerous monsters appeared, appeared directly under the city wall, and climbed up towards the city.

"Dawu monster army is dispatched!"

Cheng Faxuanshen shook fiercely: "This trump card has never been used in battle before, but it is used directly in front of him. It seems that when Da Wu is really exhausted, there is no way, eager to break the current situation. We have almost tested their bottom line."

"I'm not afraid to use it at this time!"

Dongchen Xuanshen smiled confidently.

"Ten thousand swords return to one!"

A ray of sword light cut through the void and struck the city directly across the air.

"It's okay, let me deal with the Profound God who holds the Emperor Grade artifact!"

Dongchen Xuanshen didn't care, and directly countered the Yinlei sword formation with Dongchu Shendao.

"Profound God Cheng Fa, you will lead the powerful to stop these monsters!"

Zhong Lingxuan Shendao.

"Emergency situations!"

At this moment, another Profound God's face was very solemn, and he suddenly appeared, "I just received news that the soldiers and horses of the Tianlin Dynasty have suffered a devastating blow and the entire army has been wiped out!"

"How could Da Wu start so quickly? Just after the Tianlin Dynasty was destroyed, he would wave his army here!"

Hearing this news, Dongchu Xuan's expression was also solemn at the same time: "Where is the True Flame Profound God? My God remembers that he is here too."

"Xuanshen Lin Yan didn't see a trace, but I personally went to see it. He should be dead for the traces left there."

This Xuan Shen Dao.


Hearing this sentence, the complexion of Dongchen Xuanshen and others changed drastically. They could accept that the entire army of the Tianlin Dynasty was wiped out, but they could not accept it. Xuanshen Lin Yan was dead.

This is a Profound God-level existence, how could it fall so easily.

If Dawu had the ability to cut the true flames of the profound gods, they would also be in great danger.

Coupled with the sudden attack of Da Wu today, they all have a bad premonition in their hearts.

"First level combat readiness!"

Dongchen Xuanshen roared.

At this moment, the monster army had climbed to the top of the city, especially those few Profound God-level monsters, extremely fierce.


Cheng Faxuanshen yelled and smashed and killed the mysterious monsters.

The sacred puppet stepped out, and the sacred light swept the spot. He held the Divine Destruction Bow, locked onto the Profound God Cheng Fa, and shot an arrow at him.

"I'll stop him!"

A profound **** stepped out of the sky, staring at the sacred puppet.

"Looking at the opponent's combat power, since the Profound God monsters are released, I don't think there are many such monsters, even if they are infinite. If it is endless, then it is not to sweep the entire world, destroy them in the city, and destroy their combat power!"

Dongchen Xuanshen ordered.

And at the moment he gave his order, two Profound God Vientiane puppets appeared from the left and the other.

"Here are two more puppets comparable to the Profound God!"

The strong man in the forbidden area in the early east twitched.

"They leave it to me!"

The old Xuan Shen appeared.

"The army goes out!"

A group of troops attacked from the front of the city~www.ltnovel.com~ But they didn't go fast, but they were oppressing the city at a slow speed.

Seeing the Great Martial Army Corps pressing on, the masters of the Eastern Forbidden Land were also very nervous, especially when they learned that the Profound God True Flame is very likely to die in the hands of Great Martial Arts. Those Profound Gods were not careless, but thick. cautious.

"This **** is sitting in the city, no matter how many troops he has, he can't break it!"

Zhongling Xuanshen shouted.

The strong in the forbidden area in the early east did not dare to attack at will.

"Three Swords of God Tu!"


Dark clouds covered the sky, and a thick murderous intent swept over, a pocket transparent knife suddenly flashed out, and then it skyrocketed into a big sword that slaughtered the gods, and slashed against the trend.

This sword force was like breaking a bamboo, smashing into the sky, and it came against Zhongling Xuanshen and locked him firmly.

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