Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 469: The brilliance of an instant

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Tushen three knives, a total of three knives.

This is the first cut, directly targeting the mysterious **** Zhongling.

"This power!"

Zhong Lingxuanshen's face changed drastically. He flew out, with the powerful mana of his hand, and the sword together, and at the same time he shouted: "Attention! The martial arts have begun to fight for their background, beware of their surprise attacks!"

When his voice came out, Dongchen Xuanshen and others nodded.

On the face of Da Wu Ming, there are not many strong people, but the endless weird methods make them extremely afraid.

But at this moment, the sword slashed, but there was no earth-shattering sound. That was because the powerful force covered up the sound.

"It's just a stab of strength, and you want to threaten me?"

Although Zhongling Xuanshen was cautious, he was not afraid of the power of this sword.

But in the next scene, blood spattered.


This knife slashed directly on the Profound God Zhongling, smashing his Profound God mana, and flying away his whole body, leaving a deep blood mark on his chest.

"Is it that way?" Seeing the light of the sword dissipate, Xuanshen Zhong Ling looked down at his chest, his face was a bit sullen: "I'm fine, I have consumed another kind of martial arts background!"

"The second sword of God Tu!"

This is just the beginning.

Countless swords swept across, shattering mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon were dark, and the infinite power gathered on the second sword, as if the end is coming, the power of this sword was ten times stronger than before.

The first sword can cut the Xuan Shen Zhong Ling, and strengthen the power ten times later, almost impossible to imagine.

"Back, fast back!"

The Profound God of the Forbidden Land at the beginning of the east screamed in fear.

It was too late, but in an instant, this ten-fold power was severely smashed against the **** Zhongling.

This time he didn't cut him out, but went straight through his body, and then saw that the body of the Profound God was actually cut into two halves.


Zhong Ling Xuanshen let out a heart-piercing scream.

"No, save Zhongling Xuanshen!"

The Profound God in the city responded immediately and rescued the two halves of Profound God Zhong Ling.

But it was only a ten-thousandth of an instant when God Tu's three swords slashed for the last time.

"Zhanxian Tushen."

This voice resounded in the void, like a note of death, the **** of death came with a long knife.

The snow-white light of the knife appeared, and concentrated murderous intent, which turned into an instant blow and killed it in the most vicious manner.

"no no!"

Xuanshen Zhong Ling said in despair.

Although the Profound God in the city could reach him in an instant, the speed of the sword fell faster than that in an instant, and there was no time to move his mind, and the power of the last knife bombarded the body of Profound God Zhongling.

Everything is going to disappear!

When the city Xuanshen came to Zhongling Xuanshen, he found that Zhongling Xuanshen had disappeared.


"Zhong Ling was beheaded, he was beheaded in front of us, we didn't even have a chance to save him!"

The hand of Dongchen Xuanshen holding the Dongchu Divine Sword was trembling, and he had never seen such a horrible scene. Da Wu just broke out of the background and cut a Xuan Shen in front of everyone in the city.

"Calm down!" The old Profound God suddenly looked forward, "Dawu has retired!"

After the Three Swords of the Slaughter God broke out, and after slashing the Profound God Zhongling, the Great Martial Army immediately retreated without delay.

"Dawu's purpose for launching this battle, is it to kill one of our profound gods?"

They knew that when the power broke out, I am afraid that only the Dongchen Profound God who controlled the Dongchu Divine Sword could contend, and everyone else would die.

"They are standing up for their might, using the blood of Profound God Zhongling to tell us that Da Wu is completely capable of killing Profound God, and it's easy, warning, this is a warning!"

Xuanshen Cheng Fa was going crazy and roared angrily.


The old Profound God lived for a long time, and he scolded: "Zhong Ling is dead. We avenge him. That Dawu must step through. Don't forget, the Qingmu Longevity Empire is also dealing with him. Learn to use the power of others. This time it is us. Careless."


Inside Luofeng City.

The army retreated.

The energy of the two profound gods is stored in the heaven and earth oven.

Liwei is only one purpose of Chu Yuan.

His real goal is to kill the Profound God and help him break through the realm.

If the three swords of the Slaughter God broke out directly, the profound gods would gather together, and there would be no chance at all. Instead, using the battle to divide the battlefield, a sudden blow would have succeeded Chu Yuan's goal and beheaded a profound god.

"The realm of the gods!"

The two Profound Gods were swallowed by Chu Yuan and poured into his body.

The realm of the gods, the residence of the gods of the sky.

Below the gods are mortals, and the gods are gods, and the level of life is different.


Unsurprisingly, the Great Swallowing technique has infinite swallowing power, capable of swallowing all the power and transforming it into his own realm. After Chu Yuan swallowed the energy of the two profound gods, his realm broke through naturally to the gods!

With gestures, the king is over the world, and the borders of the four seas seem to be under his control.

He looked at the world, he was the heaven of this world.

"Ding! The host completes the branch mission to break through the gods, obtains 60,000 fate points, the emperor artifact advanced card, supernatural power x16, the blueprint for the holy light shield, the blueprint for the destruction of the gun, the glory of the supreme supernatural power, the Vulcan cave sky Treasure map two, random lottery chance x1, the progress of the mysterious **** puppet creation is 10%, and the current progress is 50%."

"The current Fate Point has a surplus of 135050."

"Ding! The current branch has been released, breaking through the Profound God Realm."

Generous rewards were distributed to the system space, and Xinde side quests were received.

"Every realm of the gods needs 60,000 fate points." The system reminded.

"Okay, exchange 120,000 Fate Points for the Dual Realm."

Chu Yuan's realm instantly hit the third heavenly god.

The Heavenly God Triple Level, with the Human Emperor Sword, is comparable to the powerhouse of the Profound God Triple Level, plus all kinds of means to increase the level, the Profound God who is a few heavier than him is not his opponent.

Sixteen supernatural power fruits were upgraded to the sixth level by Chu Yuan, their supernatural powers increased in all aspects, and they possessed stronger swallowing ability.

Holy Light Shield Creation Blueprint: It can be used to create a standard equipment Holy Light Shield to stimulate the power of the Holy Shield.

Looking at this creation drawing Yuan's system space projected a holy light-like shield with a virtual real image. It was extremely heavy and completely defensive equipment.

The blueprint for the creation of the Gun of Destruction: The gun of destruction can be built in standard equipment, with extreme destructive power.

If the Holy Light Shield is a complete defensive equipment, then the Spear of Destruction is a thorough attack equipment. From the introduction, it can be seen that the Spear of Destruction has no special magical power, only the attribute of killing.

"The required materials have been hoarded in the national treasury recently."

Chu Yuan said: "The Holy Light Shield can be equipped with the Legion of Light, allowing them to guard in front, while the Spear of Destruction must be equipped in the Legion of Darkness to launch a massacre of destruction with the power of darkness."

Chu Yuan never had too many equipment drawings.

The more equipment blueprints he has, the more he can divide the legions based on the characteristics of these equipment. They are not so uniform and each have their own different abilities.

His gaze finally turned to the glory of the supreme supernatural power.

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