Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 470: Combine vertically and horizontally, balance pressure

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The brilliance of an instant: the supreme ancient magical power, the brilliance of an instant, the eruption of an instant, the brilliance of an instant, the brilliance of an instant!

A power from the moment poured into Chu Yuan Yuanshen.

This is the power of a moment.

Chu Yuan saw an invincible prosperous age showing an instant glorious, extremely dazzling, as bright as a panthera, and finally turned into an instant attack to change the world, and an epic era.

"This is the power of the moment!"

Chu Yuan felt a little bit.

This is a very explosive move, such as a meteor passing through the atmosphere, bursting out the most dazzling brilliance, and condensing the power of the whole body into the strongest.

Vulcan Cave Sky Treasure Map 2: Open this treasure map to find the location of the treasure. Collect seven to open the Vulcan Cave Sky.

Finally another one was released.

Chu Yuan looked over and found that the location of the treasure was actually within the days of Yan Demon Cave.

"The Flame Demon Cave Sky."

Chu Yuan smiled.

"Two Royal Grade Artifact Advanced Cards."

Chu Yuan immediately promoted the Sun-Moon Shuanglun to the Imperial Grade artifact.

Once the sun and the moon reach the imperial rank, it really feels like the sun and the moon.

"Go ahead."

The sun and the moon were placed over the gorge by Chu Yuan, like a real sun and moon, rising from the east to the west, and the sun rises and sets slowly every six hours, and then the moon appears, forming a cycle of the sun and the moon.

Time passed, after the Great Shield of Light and the Spear of Destruction were built, they began to equip the Legion of Light and Darkness.

Chu Yuan reviewed the army.




The army is majestic and powerful!

The Great Shield of Holy Light emits a thick holy light, thick and wide, taller than a person, and wide enough to envelop several people in it. Holding it is a shield wall.

The pattern of the holy light beats, and after inspiring the guardian of the holy light, it can resist the impact of the power of the gods.

The Dark Legion is holding a destruction spear, with a strong breath and dark light, like a World Destruction Legion.


It seems that they are just two building blueprints, but the improvement in the strength of the Great Army Corps is obvious.

In particular, the Great Shield of Light and the Spear of Destruction can be used to inlay the divine stone to gain powerful abilities.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Heaven Empire has an envoy to meet you."

When Chu Yuan reviewed the army, someone told him.

"Holy Heaven Empire." Chu Yuan nodded, "Meet them."

Now he and the Holy Heaven Empire have an extremely delicate alliance relationship. When there are common enemies, they naturally want to maintain friendship.

"Yuan Han, this is Luofeng City. I didn't expect this imperial grade mineral vein to hide such a good place!"

Yuan Zhan, Yuan Han is here.

When they arrived in the canyon, they were suddenly surprised by the scene before them.

"The sun and the moon are moving and blooming brightly. Those are two extremely powerful artifacts of the Royal Grade!"

Yuan Zhan saw at a glance that the sun and the moon circulating in the sky were imperial-grade artifacts, but the quality of these two imperial-grade artifacts was extremely high, and only the imperial-grade artifacts could overpower one.

"Wind, Fire and Thunder!"

Yuan Han, who rarely speaks, also surprised.

Infinite thunder and lightning poured out from an ancient portal and mixed with the flames of the wind and wind.

The two of them saw an extremely dreamy scene again. In the wind and thunder and lightning, there were also warships flying and hovering, especially the star warships, which were like science fiction, with a unique hull and a completely different crafting technique from the eternal world. .

"These are Dawu's ships, treasures that the Empire cannot create!"

Yuan Zhan was shocked.

"Tianlin Lin Yan didn't know what Da Wu used to kill, but there were many people who saw the mysterious **** Zhongling suddenly exploded with the power of three knives, three knives slashed one profound god, and they couldn't even stop them. Seeing being cut."

Yuan Zhan palpitated.

"The three swords are terrifying." Yuan Han said.

"I know why as King Pingding is so polite to Dawu, they have the power to kill the Profound God, which is indeed terrifying."

Yuan Zhan said.

"The messenger of the Holy Heaven Empire, I have prepared tea." Chu Yuan's voice came loudly.

But from this voice, Yuan Zhan and Yuan Han felt an irresistible force.

The two of them landed in Lufengcheng with shock.

"This is Dawu's legion!"

That momentum, that mighty force made the complexions of the two Profound Gods fighting on the battlefield suddenly change.

The steel-like shield of holy light and the spear of destruction, even they have to admit that the army of the imperial dynasty and the military army will not take advantage of it.

This is showing the strength of the Great Armed Forces.

"Have seen your Majesty!"

The two saw Chu Yuan.

They looked at Chu Yuan, and from his body there was an abyss like a sea, indescribable, unpredictable power, and they both felt a sense of depression with their strength.

The two are a little strange.

King Pingding did not say that Chu Yuan's aura could make the Profound God feel depressed.

"This place is simple."

Chu Yuan smiled and asked people to bring tea.

"Luofeng City is an important military site, not a place of pleasure. It is also my brother's luck to see your Majesty today."

Yuan Zhandao, Chu Yuan has the temperament of being a king over the world in every move.

"The two are here today obviously because of important things." Chu Yuan said.

"There is indeed something. Although the world of Mount Kinabalu is large, it is actually divided into several large areas. There are many small and medium areas in the large area. My brothers are responsible for the operations in this small and medium area."

Yuan Zhan politely said: "I learned that the Azurewood Longevity Empire sent multiple Profound Gods with imperial artifacts to unite multiple forces and prepare to attack Luofeng City."

"I also know about this." Chu Yuan said.

"Pingding Wangte asked my brothers to also bring imperial grade artifacts, holy ancient lanterns, to fall into the wind city to help Dawu defend the Profound God powerhouse of the Qingmu Longevity Empire."

There was a bright oil lamp in Yuan Zhan's hand, emitting a holy light, fierce and hot, the quality was higher than that of the Dongchu Shendao, and it was refined by the Supreme God with extremely high cultivation base.

They certainly didn't really want to help Dawu.

But Dawu has attracted a large part of the firepower here, so the Qingmu Longevity Empire has to send strong people here to solve Dawu's affairs.

Otherwise, when Dawu swept across this area one by one, and their strength became stronger, they would definitely unite with the Holy Heaven Empire to develop a stronger force to fight against the Qingmu Longevity Empire.

At that time, the Aoki Longevity Empire will send more power to consume.

"Pingding Wang's accepted it."

Chu Yuan naturally knew the deep meaning behind it.

He could see that, in fact, the Holy Heaven Empire was at a disadvantage in the battle with the Qingmu Longevity Empire, and it urgently needed some powerful dynasties to unite with them to jointly fight the oppression brought by their opponents.

The weaker side needs to unite vertically and horizontally to balance the pressure in a joint manner.

"And King Pingding also said that some resource locations can be shared, and maybe some are not important to our empire, but what about the scarcity of Dawu?"

Yuan Zhan's eyes flashed, and he smiled: "After all, the empire has explored more areas than your majesty, and we know that some places have good resources."

"Thank you for me, King Pingding."

Chu Yuan said so, but he didn't know in his heart that those so-called resource locations might have the forces of the Qingmu Longevity Empire. I don't want him to be destroyed by the city, but also want him to continue to attract part of the opponent's firepower.

The two sides have their own scheming, but because they have a common enemy, they have to temporarily unite.

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