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Bang! Bang!

The light legion attacked, their giant shield of holy light was not only used for defense, but also capable of impact, and the roaring holy light suddenly broke up the camp of the front army, smashing countless people in front of them into meat sauce.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Light Legion roared. They wore heavy armor and sacrificed flexibility in exchange for the strongest defense and impact.

Each of the soldiers from the Legion of Light slammed into it as if a mountain had slammed into it. People of the same level would vomit blood when they were hit.

"Block their Light Legion!"

The enemy force Profound God yelled, and immediately a **** of heaven walked out, they gathered great magic, great mana, and one after another divine power bombarded out.

"Guardian of the Holy Light!"

A holy light guard is not terrible, but this is the use of the holy light guard by countless armies.

Immediately I saw that the guardian of the holy light was inspired by the imperial grade divine stone, the shield was shining brightly, and the walls of holy light overlapped, and the guardian of the holy light was blocked.

"The Spear of Destruction!"

In the darkness, the spear of the main killer suddenly pierced out, the cold light was exposed, and after the guardian of the holy light, it was suddenly bloody. In an instant, I don't know how many strong people were killed by the destruction spear and became dead.

"Guardian of the Light Legion, the Dark Legion will attack!"

The Great Takeo soldiers advance and retreat with a degree. The Light Legion firmly guarded the army behind with their shields to form a line of defense that can be entrusted, while the Dark Legion seized the opportunity to kill wildly.

"very scary!"

The scalp of the strong enemy is tingling.

When this kind of terrifying army is killed, even if the gods fall into it, they will also be killed to death. This is the horror of the army. Together, it is enough to bombard and kill the high-level powerhouse.

"Scourge attack!"

Suddenly, the Scourge Army blasted out from behind with a thunder knife at a speed that could not cover its ears.

In the Luofeng Valley, there is water of thunder robbery everywhere, and the Scourge Army is trained in thunderwater, and it is even more powerful in this environment.

Thunder knives flew out vertically and horizontally, rolling up the water of thunder robbery, with the power of slaughter gods, rushing into the enemy's formation was a massacre.

Immediately afterwards, other Dawu regiments also rushed out, and the army cooperated.

"So powerful, unstoppable, and Dawu equipment is terrifying!"

Yuan Han said.

The imperial legion he brought will be defeated even if it fights the light and dark legions.

"Where is an army that can be trained by an imperial dynasty? I also believe that it is an army of the imperial dynasty. It is too strong and unstoppable!"

Yuan Zhan was also frightened.

He saw that the Great Armed Army Corps cooperated well in the seemingly chaotic battlefield, and they were fighting in a very rhythmic manner. Knowing that they were not as strong as the opponent, they used their equipment advantages, especially with the starry sky battleship, repeatedly hitting.

Who can stand this?

The Profound God Hong Xi has also been in a solemn state. Looking at the chaotic battlefield, he didn't expect that the servants were so useless and defeated by Dawu.

This is completely different from what he imagined.

Li Jue and Yuan Zhan made a fierce fight, retreated to the side of Hong Xi Profound God, coldly said: "Those servant troops are playing too cautiously. There are so many Profound God powerhouses, but only a few are fighting on the battlefield. , The rest are watching the show, if you press up together, ten Luofeng City will be broken!"

The battlefield at this moment is mostly fighting under the Profound God.

Few Profound Gods were doing it.

"We can't blame us, that Dawu is too terrifying."

Dongchen Xuanshen held the Dongchu Shendao firmly and said through a voice transmission.

"My God knows."

Hong Xixuan knew the reason.

Da Wu once exploded to kill a Profound God with three swords, and these Profound Gods were afraid that after they smashed into the battlefield, Da Wu broke out again, and no one could guess whether Da Wu had such terrifying three swords.

No one dared to test and be a dead soul under the sword.

"Emperor Dawu, leave it to the original **** to deal with, you boldly take action, the empire brings the most treasure this time, you can contend with the power of the three swords!"

If Hong Xixuanshen did not set an example, no one would dare to let go of his hands and feet and fight Dawu.


With the palm of Hong Xi Xuanshen, the world will turn over.

"Can't help but do it?"

Chu Yuan saw this palm and knew it was for himself.


A wave of power also burst out from him, condensing a palm to counterattack.

Suddenly a terrifying explosion swept across, and the entire Luofeng Valley was turbulent, and a twisted black hole appeared in the sky and the earth.

Amidst the air waves, a stalwart existence appeared.

He was silent in the sky and the earth, his robe moved with the wind, his eyes contained the sun and the moon, and the king over the world.

He waved to the **** Hong Xixuan, seeming to be asking him to come over.


Hong Xixuanshen stepped out of the sky, and his power was directed towards Chu Yuan to suppress him. Although he was old, he was infinitely powerful. With one blow, Hengtianchi appeared in his hand, breaking the mountains and rivers, breaking the law, and facing Chu. Yuan away.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Ancient Lantern can lend you a use!"

Yuan Zhan shouted anxiously.

"Dongchu Magic Sword!"

Seeing this opportunity, Dongchen Xuanshen cut it off with a single knife.

"It's okay."

Chu Yuan moved his hand and the Gate of Heavenly Thunder exploded, holding it on his hand, and the light of thunder set off him. The bursting force directly countered the strike of Hengtianchi, and the power of Heavenly Thunder that came back out of it made Hongxi Profound God tolerate it. Can't help but retreat.

"His strength!"

Cheng Faxuanshen was terrified.

When he made a sneak attack on Dawu that day, Emperor Wu was not so powerful yet, and the power that broke out was enough to kill him.

"The strength of the empire is unimaginable, everything will be destroyed before the imperial conquest!"

Hong Xi Xuanshen shouted: "Three strikes across the sky, Chizhang Heshan!"

This horizontal ruler was growing fast at this moment, and when measuring the rivers and mountains, the black shadow was enveloped. This violent three strikes had the same effect as the three swords of the three swords, tearing everything apart, and Chu Yuan swept the violent ones.

Crackling! Like the sound of firecrackers, thunder and violent.

Chu Yuan's face was calm, and the Gate of Heavenly Thunder was running in his hands to dissolve the attack of the Profound God Hong Xi. Although this horizontal ruler was strong, it could not break the Gate of Heavenly Thunder. This special **** was exploded into an infinitely powerful piece by Chu Yuan. power.

The force of the horizontal ruler broke open.

Chu Yuan teleported like a phantom, appeared in front of the Hong Xi Profound God, blasted with a punch, with the power of myth.

This mythical punch with infinite phantom ~www.ltnovel.com~ hit Hong Xi Xuanshen's chest directly, he put Heng Tianchi across his chest, and received Chu Yuan's blow from the front.

boom! The earth is shaking!

Although Hong Xixuanshen was blocked, he was also knocked into the air. With a shocked expression on his face, he said in shock: "What kind of power is this, you can actually shock me!"

If he hadn't had a horizontal ruler, he would have vomited blood if he took this fist.

"The strength of Emperor Dawu is too unimaginable!"

When other people saw this scene, they also made horrified voices, and their bones were terrified.

Everyone knows that Emperor Wu Wu is the most unfathomable one. Only by seeing his power can you appreciate this horror.

"I still have many methods, you have not seen them before."

Chu Yuan's majestic eyes locked for a moment, and there was a glorious light on his body, and his whole person stretched like a phantom.

"The brilliance of an instant!"

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