Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 474: 1 own strength, trembling and chilling

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"He disappeared!"

Hong Xi's heart jumped, the crisis enveloped, and Chu Yuan disappeared before his eyes in an instant.

In the void, the light of a meteor jumped, and then burst out incomparably brilliant power, as if a star had reached the end of its life, bursting out the last hot, erupting in the most ferocious way.

"This power!"

Hong Xixuanshen was shocked, thinking, and anxiously said: "No, his target is you!"


Yes, Chu Yuan burst out with an instant splendor, and the target he was staring at was an old man. His profound and spiritual dual cultivation base was an old antique of the Dayong Dynasty.

His thinking hasn't reacted yet.

Fast, it is too fast, it has exceeded the human response.

He saw that brilliant power came to him.

That violent murderous intent came at the same time as a king over the world, Chu Yuan's brilliant power bombarded this old antique, and he saw his body flattened, his whole body banged and exploded on the spot.


The body exploded, and the mind reacted.

Old Antique let out a heart-piercing roar.

Chu Yuan grabbed it with a big hand, and all flesh and blood, all laws were packed into the furnace of heaven and earth.

The laws of the Profound God were extremely profound and mysterious, exuding an aura of confusion.




The army roared in the loudest voice, seeing Chu Yuan instantly beheading a powerful Profound God, they were extremely excited, roaring wildly, and Guangguang was able to overwhelm the opponent's army with the overwhelming sound.

"Dead, a profound **** is dead!"

Realizing that Old Antique was beheaded by Chu Yuan with one move made his opponent's face become frightened.

The Profound God powerhouse who was going to make a move all backed back in fear.

They thought it was easy for them to take action by the Hong Xi Profound God to block the Emperor Dawu, but they could gather the superior power and behead the past.

But who would have thought, what kind of moves the Emperor Wu just broke out? Brilliant and dazzling, the ultimate explosion in a moment.

This power is too terrifying. Profound God present, I am afraid that only Profound God Hong Xi can contend with his tyrannical cultivation base.

People in the Forbidden Land in the early east were more afraid.

It is not afraid to slay the Profound God with the explosion of the background, because the background is not endless, and there are many backgrounds in the forbidden area, and you can also slash the Profound God.

But with one's own power, killing the Profound God is the most terrifying, and it is still a move, killing instantly.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

One's own power is the most terrifying forever.

"Emperor Wu!"

The calm Hong Xixuanshen couldn't suppress his anger, and roared.

He felt that his face was hot and he was slapped in the face.

Before he vowed and promised that the imperial dynasty would go on horseback and the city of falling wind would be broken. They only needed to follow the imperial dynasty and dispatch the servants to share the fruits of victory.

But who could have predicted that things would turn out to be like this?

This is not only hitting his face, but also hitting the face of Emperor Chao.

"so horrible!"

Yuan Zhan felt chilly, and laughed loudly at the same time: "Today, what do you take to ruin the Windy City?"


The Profound God Hong Xi was furious and ordered everyone, "You don't need to be afraid of this Emperor Martial. Although that move is strong, it will never burst out again and again. This **** will consume the empire's heritage and stop him for you. You only need to do it!"

No one dares to answer his words.

"No, he has to perform that trick again!"

Someone saw the brilliant light spreading out of Chu Yuan's body, scaring them back again.

However, then, that brilliant light dissipated.

"Don't be afraid, it scares you!" Hong Xixuanshen roared.


But no one listened to Hong Xixuanshen's words anymore. They were so scared, who would dare to use their lives to bet whether Chu Yuan could perform a second time.

At the moment, the hearts of the people are scattered, and countless troops are like headless flies, madly trying to escape from the valley of the wind.

How arrogant they are when they come, and how embarrassed they are when they withdraw.

"Hateful, if the Profound God of my emperor came, it would definitely not be like this!"

Profound God Hong Xi also knew that the general situation was over, even if he broke out, what could he do, he could only retreat in gold and order the army to withdraw.


This is truly repulsing countless strong people on their own.

Yuan Zhan admires this kind of powerhouse most.

"it's not finished yet."

Chu Yuan looked at the fleeing army, his expression indifferent: "One is not enough, leave another one and leave!"

He stepped forward and disappeared in an instant, a large cutting technique cut through the void, and immediately landed on a profound god.


The blood mist exploded, and a figure fell from the void, it was the Profound God Cheng Fa, and he was extremely painful.

"Cheng Fa!" The Profound God of Dongchu Forbidden Land was furious, "Run away, we're here to save you!"

"It can't be saved."

Chu Yuan waved his hand and attacked again. Amidst the glory of the gods, his incarnation as a **** emperor stepped forward in an instant, with endless aura of origin reversed, bringing a ray of myth shattered.


The light of myth turned into a spear of myth, piercing the ancients, directly piercing the head of Xuanshen Cheng Fa.

At the same time, Xuan Shen Cheng Fa saw a big hand falling in the air and grabbed him.

No one can save him. His cultivation is only the first level of the Profound God, weaker than that old antique, and without the imperial grade artifact protection, the whole person was grabbed by Chu Yuan and directly thrown into the furnace of heaven and earth.

"Save me, save me!"

The heart-piercing screams were horrified.

This is to directly throw people into the furnace to produce a refining device.

At this time, some people were beginning to be thankful for that old antique. One blow would kill him, and the pain he suffered was not as much as Cheng Faxuanshen.

Seeing that Chu Yuan was about to step out again, the strong man in Dongchu Forbidden Land dared to turn around and ran faster than anyone else, leaving a profound **** and leaving Luofeng Valley.

"Humanistic fire."

Chu Yuan carries the power of refining.

The billowing national destiny has been refined on the body of Cheng Fa If anyone can see through the heaven and earth oven, Cheng Fa Xuanshen is struggling painfully, and there are drops of Shen Yuan liquid from his body being heated and refined. come out.

This is the essence of the Profound God, and its value is more than ten times stronger than that of the Heavenly God.

This Profound God’s divine essence fluid, combined with Profound God’s law, can quickly make the strong of the Heaven God Realm cultivate to the tenth level of the Heaven God, and consolidate the extremely stable foundation.

If it can kill a strong god, it will be even more remarkable. By virtue of the laws of the gods, many profound gods can be cultivated.

The ancient empires launched wars not only for the resources of the enemy country, but also for beheading the opponent's strong, as a reserve of strategic resources.

There have been ancient records that the ancient great world launched wars and invaded other worlds. Those wars were more terrifying than wars between imperial dynasties. Countless powerful people would be beheaded and refined into billowing resources.

Right now, Chu Yuan possessed two profound gods, and he could start to promote the masters in the country by refining the rules of the profound gods.

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