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Four Profound Gods died in this area, all by the same person.

Yuan Zhan was happy.

Da Wu is already in a dominant position in the area of ​​Luofeng City, and no matter how many ordinary Profound Gods send over, it will be sent to death, and at the same time, it can also restrain the strength of the Qingmu Longevity Empire for the Holy Sky Empire.

leave it alone?

Then the two forces will unite and oppress you in areas.


Then more profound gods like Hong Xi Xuanshen must be sent out to plunge into the quagmire.

And send more powerful masters, the Holy Heaven Empire will also have old antiques, and will not let you in.

"The armies are preparing to spread out around the city of Falling Wind, disperse the powerful forces, and gradually control all resources in the hands of the dynasty. The God of War Army and the Prison Guard Army will cooperate accordingly."

Chu Yuan ordered.

The resources in the sacred mountain are so rich that Dawu will gather the most people to dig them out and store them in the treasury.

"They are two more profound gods!"

Yuan Han gave Yuan Zhan a wink and immediately heard Yuan Zhan said: "Your Majesty Wu, although the coalition forces of all forces are now defeated, it does not mean that they will give up. I would like to lead the imperial troops and horses to help Dawu clean up the surrounding forces."

"Then bother you two."

Since someone is willing to do coolies for him, he will not refuse.

After several days of preparation, the army, led by Profound God, began to sweep the surrounding mineral veins.

When all the forces saw the arrival of Dawu's army, no one would be discouraged.

Although angry at Dawu's dominance, they were helpless, knowing that the Holy Heaven Empire was united with them, and that they had tyrannical strength, they had to retreat one after another.

The front of the forbidden area in the early eastern part of the East retreats repeatedly, and they will not do anything until the forbidden area has not sent a strong man who can hold Dawu.

Resources are mined and sent continuously.

For the first time, Chu Yuan felt that there was not enough manpower and resources could not be exploited. After all, some special resources needed tyrannical strength to exploit.

Seeing the piles of resource mountains in the system space, Chu Yuan also felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Many resources make people feel comfortable.

At the same time, the divine essence fluids and laws transformed by the two profound gods were also refined into elixir and sent out by several pill recipes found in the Chu Yuan Ether B Pill Furnace.

The gods got these pills and their cultivation bases were advancing by leaps and bounds, one by one, they were breaking through.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

Now Dawu's situation is that there are too many resources to use up.

However, Chu Yuan knew that this was not enough, and the dynasty would continue to expand. When there were never enough resources, he needed to reserve more.

Dawu's national fortune is growing steadily, which is not comparable to those of the so-called Seven-Star Dynasty.

"Indestructible an eight-star force, this system will not judge me as an eight-star dynasty."

Chu Yuan shook his head.

He looked at Luofeng City.

The extremely sci-fi warship is horizontal and horizontal, the sun and the moon are flying, and there are arcs of thunder and lightning in the wind and wind, which is extremely dreamy.

Luofeng City is not just a few of the previous cities, just towering huge tall buildings, after stabilizing, it has developed a larger scale.

These were specially created by Chu Yuan for Jin Chiyang, and the illusion of the future world in the previous world was realized here.

In the sky, there are huge light curtains, projecting the situation of various mining locations.

"Not bad."

Jin Chiyang has won my heart.

Chu Yuan only gave a blueprint, and he really had to build what he wanted in just a few days, which made him very satisfied.

"In the dynasty, it can also be greatly transformed."

Indeed, a large amount of resources have also begun to be transported back to Dawu, drastically transformed with the sacred stone in the mountain.

Dawu, some places cannot be the same as other dynasties, but have their own characteristics.

"There is a huge tower built in this place, the tower of divine light, specially used to gather divine power and launch divine strikes."

It can be seen that Jin Chiyang's busy commander is sitting on a tall tower, which is the tallest building in Luofeng City and can radiate infinite divine light.

And during this time, many unfamiliar powerhouses appeared in Luofeng City.

Dawu's prestige spread far and wide.

Among them, many small forces took refuge, including many **** masters.

These small forces themselves don't have much exploration strength. Instead of being frightened, it is better to rely on the big tree to take advantage of the cold and find a powerful force to join in.

Dawu's welfare is good, and he is also famous for having various resources that they don't have.

Their participation also greatly eased the embarrassment of the lack of masters.

This is the influence brought about by the strength, and the prestige continues to spread, and the Profound God will come to take refuge.

"The city of Luofeng is stable, and all legions are urgently mining resources. I can't sit in the city, but I have to go out and have a look. It happens to be explored outside of the city of Luofeng, and I have a better understanding of the mountain."

Chu Yuan stood on Kong Mi Dao Kun's back and left Luofeng City.

The Shenshan world is very big, and Dawu's place is like an island in the sea, insignificant.

The terrain outside Luofeng City is unfamiliar to Dawu.

He wanted to make a map during this trip.

"This sacred mountain is indeed vast, with mountains and rivers crisscrossing, and there are many imperial grade veins, and there are more treasured sacred veins. It is rumored that there are boundary grade veins comparable to the origin of a realm, and the original sacred stone can be mined."

Chu Yuan looked at this huge sacred mountain, and infinite reverie rose in his heart.

He is king, wanting to control everything in his own hands.

At this moment.

In a place on the mountain, not very far from Luofeng City, there are many masters fighting and fighting, and there are hundreds of gods.

And their purpose of fighting is because there is a vein of imperial grade.

"This imperial grade mineral vein belongs to my Purple God Sect. If you want to seize it, you have to ask if the knife in my hand will agree!"

A strong Profound God stared at the surrounding masters with cold eyes.

"Haha, in front of the imperial grade mineral veins, what is your Purple God Sect? Hey, if you want to swallow it, you don't have that strength yet!"

Two powerful Profound Gods attacked and killed them again.

Powers like Xiang Shengtian Empire may not care about a few imperial veins, but the temptation to other powers is huge.

The cultivation speed of the imperial grade **** stone is ten times that of the imperial grade **** stone.

"Then let's fight!"

All of them have fought together ~www.ltnovel.com~ There are dozens of forces here, and as the momentum gets bigger and bigger, more powerful people come together. In a short time, There are twenty people in Xuanshen.

"Emperor Grade Divine Veins, my Demon Sect too!"

In the distance, a group of people were extremely arrogant.

This Demon Sect is a large sect, and it is also very powerful in the eight-star power.

"Don't talk about Demon Sect, no one can come today!"

After the wars, the arrival of the Demon Sect only intensified the melee in this area.

"Emperor Grade Divine Veins, my luck is pretty good."

A voice spoke softly, but it clearly spread to everyone's ears.

A figure appeared, looking at this place, understated, just said lightly, "Emperor Grade Divine Veins, I want it, do you have any comments?"

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