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"It's the emperor of the Dawu Dynasty!"

This momentum, this majesty, is extremely magnificent, as soon as he appeared here, the horrified masters on the scene stepped back, and they all looked at Chu Yuan with fear.

The name of Emperor Wu is like Lei Guaner, who doesn't know this time?

That was a ruthless man who killed four profound gods with his own power.

"Have seen your Majesty Wu Di!"

The fighting here stopped instantly, one by one became extremely well-behaved, standing aside honestly.

There is no way, the Emperor Dawu is too strong. Although they have a large number of people, they really don't have any confidence in fighting, and they will even be beheaded.

"Your Majesty, what is your command?" This group of people honestly said, where is the arrogant appearance before.

"You can go now, this imperial grade divine vein belongs to me."

Chu Yuan said indifferently, as if his words were the law of nature, irresistible, and he was the one who liked it.

"You want one person to monopolize the Divine Veins!"

The expressions of Xuanshen present were very ugly, his eyes fixed on Chu Yuan, "Your Majesty Wu, this imperial grade divine vein is not easy to occupy."

"Did you hear what I said?" Chu Yuan said.

"Emperor Wu, your tone is too big!"

A Profound God of the Demon Sect walked out, sneered again and again: "I admit, your strength is very strong, but it is far from being strong enough to shake the sky, believe it or not, we unite, even if you are strong, you will run away. Destroy your reputation."

Hearing his words, the mysterious expressions flickered, but no one dared to move first.

"You want to do it?"

Chu Yuan didn't move either, he just looked at the Profound God of Demon Sect with a pair of eyes.

As if immortal divinity swept over, condensed into the land of thunder calamity, the Profound God of the Demon Sect suddenly screamed, his eyes exploded, leaving only two blood holes.

It was exploded by the power of thunder in the eyes of Chu Yuan just now.

"If you don't have eyes, you don't need eyes, you don't need life, or you don't need life."

Chu Yuan said indifferently.

"Yes, yes, we don’t have eyesight, we offend His Majesty Wu, go, let’s go!"

The Profound God Demon Sect didn't even dare to be angry, and was so terrified that he quickly ran away with someone in despair.

"His Majesty Wu, I will leave, if I have a chance in the future, I will definitely visit your Majesty!"

Not only the Demon Sect, but all the Profound Gods present did not dare to resist any thoughts.

Suddenly, the place where the imperial grade **** line where the war broke out was empty, and only Chu Yuan was left.

His reputation was enough to scare Xuan Shen to tremble, and he did not dare to resist.

"The Emperor Grade Divine Veins of the Luofeng Valley are not in a hurry to dig. They send people here to dig up the divine stones here, open up the route to this place, and connect with Luofeng City, and gather them into one area."

Chu Yuan issued a signal.

"Go, absorb the divinity in the **** stone, and make yourself stronger."

Chu Yuan shook his arms, and Xiao Jin and Xiao Yin flew out.

The two special creatures stretched suddenly, as if a big net was firmly attached to the Divine Veins. At a speed visible to the naked eye, the divinity in the stone was fading quickly, and it was absorbed into Xiaojin Xiaoyin's body.

Little gold and little silver are special creatures.

In fact, they have no realm, and their strength depends on the amount of divine things they draw.

Chu Yuan could feel that in this short period of time, Xiaojin Xiaoyin's strength increased rapidly.

"The two of you will stay in the Divine Veins of the Emperor Grade, and let you learn from it and improve your strength."

Chu Yuan left the small gold and small silver in the vein for them to swallow.

He stepped into the core position of this vein, and a large medicinal field appeared in front of him, with countless magical medicines for thousands of years.

"A imperial grade **** vein represents infinite resources, ore magic medicine, etc."

Chu Yuan hoarded resources.

With resources in hand, the country is also extremely lavish in development, and powerful people above the true **** can use extremely pure imperial grade **** stones to cultivate.

It was not that he was reluctant to cultivate under the true gods, but that their realm could not bear this power.

"To consolidate and digest the existing resources, the army is trained and stationed, and without my order, it is not allowed to attack at will."

Chu Yuan ordered it out.

It's useless to just occupy the mine, only if you dig it out and put it in the treasury.

When the Great Martial Army Corps took over this imperial product vein, Chu Yuan once again set foot in the air and traveled through the world of sacred mountains.

After half a month, Chu Yuan returned to Luofeng City.

The tower of Holy Light Energy built under the command of Jin Chiyang has been completed, absorbing the energy of the imperial veins, radiating divine light toward the entire valley, surging like an ocean, integrating defense and offensive training.

"The cultivation environment here is ten times that of the outside world."

After Chu Yuan came back, he was very satisfied with what he saw, and his loud voice resounded: "Golden Chiyang supervises the construction of the city and has the merits of building the city. There are ten principles for appreciating the mysterious gods, and one hundred emperor gods. Credit!"

Ten radiant laws of the Profound God fell in front of Jin Chiyang.

"Thank your majesty for grace!"

Jin Chiyang was excited.

"Your Majesty's reward is so generous, it's the ten Taoist Profound God Principles, and a hundred emperor grade **** pills!"

"I've heard that Dawu's welfare is so good that the average dynasty can't match it. Seeing it today, it really is!"

"Dawu has established a contribution system, which can obtain credit in various ways and redeem the treasures in the treasury!"


During this period of time, there were many masters who had just joined Dawu. They saw that Chu Yuan rewards so generously, and they all wanted to make contributions.

Inside the hall.

Chu Yuan called a group of ministers to hold a meeting.

"In the past half month, I have traveled across many sites in the Divine Mountain World, combined with the information recently discovered by the spies, and some information sent by the Holy Heaven Empire, so that the Ministry of Engineering has drawn a map. You can take a look. Develop a strategy for the next step."

Chu Yuan asked people to pass down the map.

"Sacred Mountain World is too big, the place we originally occupied is just such a small place."

"Yeah, this place has allowed me Dawu to get so many resources, it is hard to imagine how rich the whole mountain is."

"Southeast, Northwest, Middle, Five Regions"


Although the mountain is large, it has been divided into five major regions.

Southeast, Northwest and Middle.

The middle is the core and most mysterious area of ​​the entire sacred mountain, shrouded by a strange force, and there is no force to enter for the time being.

The place where Da Wu is located is in the east area ~www.ltnovel.com~the east area, the forces are intricate, dividing this area into pieces, put together like a puzzle.

The most powerful are the Holy Heaven Empire and the Aoki Longevity Empire. It is also the two empires that have transferred the battlefield from the eternal world to the sacred mountain world.

"On the left of my Falling Wind City, there is a force occupying a small area in the Qingmu Longevity Empire, and the Holy Heaven Empire is closely connected to each other, but the Holy Heaven Empire is still our allies at the moment. Under the circumstances, there is no need to worry about them."

Lu Qianfu looked at the map and made a sound.

Indeed, these three areas are closely linked together.

If the Aoki Longevity Empire had previously smashed down the Windy City, the areas on their side would be closely linked together, and they would erode into the area of ​​the Holy Sky Map, which would enlarge the area one by one.

Now, it is Dawu and the Holy Heaven Empire that are connected together, and can cause oppression to the Qingmu Longevity Empire in this area.

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