Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 477: The imperial decree cannot come, I personally come to invite

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"This is also a good thing. We have a firm foothold. The Holy Sky and the Qingmu Longevity Empire are confining and fighting each other in a piece of area. It is good for us. Look, your Majesty, after the defeat of the Dongchu Forbidden Land, we retreated. The front right occupies an area, and the expansion out there is a melee of different forces."

Lu Qianfu analyzed the current situation.

"Dongchu has forbidden to death two Profound Gods, and has not dared to do anything at will, and other big and small forces have not threatened our ability."

Rainbow Sky Shinto.

"Now that we have entered a period of relative calm, what the generals have to do is to continue to consolidate the city of Falling Wind and incorporate resources into the treasury."

Chu Yuan nodded, now considered stable, and said: "How is the situation of the domestic strong convening?"

"Return to your Majesty."

This is an official from the Ministry of Households, in charge of the household registration of the world, saying: "With your majesty’s instructions, the court has issued a conscription order. Whether it’s those family powerhouses or those who are invisible, as long as they are in Dawu’s territory, we will convene. Come here, since I am in Dawu and enjoy the asylum of Dawu National Destiny, when the dynasty needs them, we must make contributions."

Some strong people like to establish a sect dynasty.

And some strong people like to retreat in seclusion, or build a world of happiness.

There are many such people. Chu Yuan ordered that as long as there is one in Dawu territory, they will be counted as one, and they will all be convened.

It seems that they did not receive the resources of Dawu directly, but in Dawu territory, they actually enjoyed the asylum brought by the great military movement. They are part of the dynasty, but the part that is less obedient.

Now Chu Yuan wanted to make them obedient.

"The minister has recently received news that there are three strong men on the sea who are organizing the Three Mountains Competition for the three elders of the sea and mountains, and are recruiting geniuses to become their disciples and grandchildren."

The Minister of Household Road.

"With the power of national luck, I also know that these three elders exist." Chu Yuan said.

"The three elders are called Haishan Lao, Haiya Lao, and Hailan Lao. The cultivation base is the Profound God Realm. Among them, the Haishan Lao has the strongest strength. He still has no response to the imperial convocation order. He does not follow the edict and does his own thing."

The Minister of Household was very dissatisfied with the three elders overseas, and repeatedly refused to respond to their edicts.

"The overseas three elders are in the sea area of ​​the Yuanling Realm." Tianhong Tianshen said.

"The imperial dynasty gathers the powerful and enters the sacred mountain. The three elders of the seamounts are in the imperial territory and do not listen to the edicts. No matter how free and easy they used to be, I call the king the ancestors. As long as I am in my territory, I must obey my orders. , Otherwise there is no place for them."

Within the country, all are under the jurisdiction of Dawu.

No matter what he was, since he was here, he had to listen to Chu Yuan's orders.

"Divine Army, follow me to meet these three elders."

Chu Yuan took the ancient emperor's chariot and immediately left the mountain world.

In the waters of Yuanlingjie.

Looking up, the mountain still exists.

And in this sea area, there are three huge islands, presenting a character shape, with a strong spirit erupting, it is the cave world created by the three seamounts.

In fact, the Yuan Lingzong also knew the three elders of the sea mountain, but these three elders were all in the Profound God Realm, and unless the emperor took action, they could not help it.

These three elders were called kings and ancestors at sea and recruited disciples and grandchildren to serve them.

At this time, it was the day of the Three Mountains Competition.

The so-called Three Mountains Competition is the days when the disciples and grandchildren under the three elders of the sea mountain compete with each other, and many people will go to the sea to single out their own geniuses, hoping to practice under the three elders.

These three elders can be considered a pass at sea.

This time the Three Mountains Competition was held on Haishan Island.

Haishan Island, Dongtianfudi, as soon as I entered, a strong air swept over and planted countless strange flowers and weeds.

"Haha, friends from Hailan Island are here, please come in, the ancestors asked us to prepare tea to welcome you all."

A middle-aged man, his cultivation level reached the tenth level of the gods. He is the old disciple of Haishan Lao, watching the arrival of a group of men and women from Hailan Island and is welcoming him.

"Brother Yu, your cultivation is getting stronger and stronger, and you are not far from the Profound God Dao. Perhaps it is the fourth Profound God in our Three Mountains."

The leader of Hailan Island is a woman, smiling at the middle-aged man.

"Xuanshen Avenue is too difficult."

Although the middle-aged man said so, he also had a strong confidence in his eyes, and he looked into the distance: "Friends from Haiya Island are also here."

"In previous years, the Three Mountains Competition was crowded. I don’t know how many people want to ask the immortal to ask. This year, except for the people on the three islands, there are so few people coming, and the three ancestors will be very upset when they see it. ."

The strong Haiyadao frowned.

"Hey, today is different from the past, this year the situation is very different." The middle-aged man sighed.

"we all know."

The Hailan Island expert said: "The Dawu Dynasty is like the sun, becoming stronger and stronger, and the light is as dazzling as the sun, and it has passed the three mountains. Originally, the three mountains are a legendary place, and countless people yearn for it, but now, those geniuses have been recruited by the Dawu Academy. Entering in, the major families don't send geniuses to us. Even outside the Yuanling realm, they respect Dawu and want to enter Dawu's academy."

"Huh! Dawu!"

The Haiya Island powerhouse is dissatisfied: "If it weren't for this great martial artist, I don't know how many geniuses would have sent it. I heard that the great martial dynasty also sent a call-up order. It looks like they really regard our three mountains as theirs. I'm a courtier, and send it arbitrarily."

"Really arrogant!"

"The three ancestors are going to personally lead people to Dawu Imperial City to challenge their genius to see if the three mountains are better or their academy is better."

"The ancestors will take care of these things. What we have to do is to hold the Three Mountains Competition."


A hidden secret territory.

Three elder beings appeared here, two men and one woman, all profound gods.

Among them, the cultivation base of the old Haishan actually reached the fourth level of the Profound God, and the old Hailan and the old Hai Ya were also the existence of the third level of the Profound God. They both frowned and had beautiful expressions on their faces.

"You have all received Dawu's call-up order," Haishan said.

"Received." Old Haiya sneered: "What does Dawu take himself for? This tone is ordering us? Our three elders have built an island on the sea for millions of years. Have you ever heard of someone else's dispatch?"

Old Hailan said: "Calm down, I just received the news that Dawu has already obtained a site in the sacred mountain and has a firm foothold. It is reported that four Profound Gods were beheaded by them."

"How is this possible, that Da Wu can't kill the Profound God!" Hai Ya Lao shook his head sharply.

"Don't believe it, the rise of Dawu is too mysterious. Our three elders have become accustomed to each other, and how good it is to be an ancestor. After joining Dawu, how can we have such freedom in the future."

Mr. Haishan said: “But the geniuses who came to Mishima this year didn’t even have one percent of the previous just the Dawu Academy?” Haiya said with disdain, “That kind of college system, mass education, what? We accept all aptitudes, even in places where some waste wood enters, where the genius we cultivated can be strong, we will not fight head-on with Dawu and use genius to defeat genius."

"Yes, I plan to change the Three Mountains Competition to a challenge to Dawu Academy." Haishan said.

"I agree with Big Brother's opinion." Hailan said.

"Hailan, Haiya, the three of you and I support each other and have cultivated for so many years, how can you be restrained by his great military?"

Haishan Old Road.

The relationship between the three elders is very good and they have been practicing together since their weak childhood.

"What the eldest brother will do, sister Hailan and I will follow!"

Haiya Old Road.

"The Three Elders of the Sea Mountain, the imperial decree can't be invited, I personally come to invite."

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