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The voice entered the secret territory of the three old men.

Haiya Laoton was shocked: "Does the Dawu Emperor already know where the secret realm is?"

"Impossible!" Elder Hailan shook his head abruptly, "The secret realm was created by my three brothers and sisters who spent countless years of hard work. They are deeply hidden and hidden in the void origin. How can Emperor Wu discover it?"

But they saw through the secret realm that Emperor Wu's real body had not yet arrived, and a large mana hand slapped the void.

Void trembling, the secret realm shook suddenly, the seamount three elders knew that they could not hide themselves, appeared from the secret realm, looking into the distance, a divine light radiated.

"His Majesty Dawu, it is a great honor for me to come from afar, and I am honored to come to meet him!"

Lao Haishan was the most calm, looking ahead.

The army of gods came first, menacing and murderous!

"Great Martial God Army!"

The pupils of Haishan San Lao shrank sharply.

They have also heard of the name of the Divine Army, all of them are strong in the same realm, and the weakest mana is the Void God, which is very scary when calculated in ten thousand.

"Presumptuous, your majesty is here, in Dawu territory, you don't have to kneel down to meet your majesty!"

Tianhong Tianshen shouted sharply.

"You! A little god, I dare to be presumptuous in front of me even if I kill my fingers!"

Haiya was furious.

When will a deity be presumptuous in front of the Profound God.

San Lao, Hai Shan Lao is the most calm, Hai Ya Lao is the most violent, Hai Lan Lao is the most wise.

Elder Hyland said immediately: "Since your majesty is here, we have to be polite to welcome him, but we are not ministers of the military, so we can't follow the etiquette of ministers."

"You three elders, please don't move."

The ancient emperor chariot came across the air, and the vision of the emperor appeared.

On top, sits a powerful being, king of the world, with great power, looking at the three old men with indifferent eyes

"Your Majesty Dawu!"

The three old souls were severely shocked the moment they saw Emperor Wu, this was a ruthless person who was rumored to be able to kill the Profound God.

But is this rumor true or false?

To be honest, they are unbelievable.

"This is the saint of Dawu!"

Everyone on Haishan Island, seeing the existence of this great shore, was also suppressed by an aura and couldn't breathe.

"Your Majesty is here today, what advice do you have?"

Old Haishan saw the presence on the chariot, and didn't dare to be careless.

"Have you received my holy order?" Chu Yuan suddenly asked.

Old Haishan was taken aback, and immediately replied: "I have received it."

"Since I have received it, why not report to the imperial city? Follow the imperial decree. Is my imperial edict unable to mobilize you, or do I need to invite me personally?"

Chu Yuan's voice was faint, but he had an unquestionable dominance.

Mr. Haiya wanted to speak, Mr. Haishan immediately stopped him and calmly said: "Your Majesty, my three elders of Haishan have opened caves in the sea for millions of years. I am not a minister of military affairs, so naturally I don’t need to listen to the transfer. For the guest, we can consider it."

He means very simple.

It is impossible to follow orders, and becoming a guest depends on their mood.

"Emperor Wu, you are a little too presumptuous."

Old Haiya said coldly: "You still can't cover the sky with one hand."

"I covered it for you this day!"

In the glory of the gods, the three elders of the sea mountain were alarmed and looked up, and the visions of countless gods appeared. The original sky was gone, but it turned into the supreme heaven that belongs to Dawu, the humane belief.

"The place where our army can reach is Dawu's imperial land. Your cave heaven is also ours. If your three elders establish sects on my land, you will be ruled by the imperial dynasty."

The voice was very domineering, and no doubt was allowed, causing the blue veins on the forehead of the old man to jump.

"Emperor Wu, don't be too domineering!" Old Haishan's expression was also very ugly.

This Emperor Wu is too domineering and unreasonable.

"The Yuan Lingzong can't control you, I can."

Chu Yuan was strong, grasping with one palm, and the brilliant mana directly bombarded the strongest Haishan Lao among the three.

It's useless to talk big, the most important thing is strength.

"Emperor Wu, today I will appreciate your strength!"

He still didn't believe the rumors about how powerful the Emperor Wu was. He saw this palm grabbing him, and the old Haishan shot him. With an infinite palm, the boundless sea was swept up and suddenly pressed over.

The light is rolling!

For a moment, Haishan felt that Chu Yuan's power was as unstoppable as the sky, like the earth, and with one of his moves, he plunged into a torrent, hitting him from all directions, and was about to be blown away.

Big incision!

Chu Yuan used a big cutting technique, and the black light shuttled vertically and horizontally, slashing on Haishan Lao's body.

The four-fold mana of the Sea Mountain Old Profound God could not be resisted either, the whole person was cut into the air, and a deep blood mark appeared on his chest.

"Big Brother!"

Haiya is old, Hailan is shocked.

"I'm fine!"

Old Haishan looked at the blood marks on his chest, his heart lingering, he naturally saw that the trick just now was a big cutting technique to cut the void.

"Brother, the three of us shot together, don't believe that Emperor Wu is really strong enough for us to contend!"

With a roar from the old Haiya, he furiously attacked, blasting out a move to shake the big palm prints of the sky, the sky broke and the earth broke, as if a palm broke the sky pillar, and the entire infinite sky was directly pulled down.

Old Hailan's eyes flickered, and a dead wood crutch appeared in his hand.


A black light shot out.

This withered light can weaken the opponent's mana, as if the vegetation has withered in the winter.

However, Chu Yuan saw the trio unite, his expression unchanged, driving the ancient emperor's chariot, he played a large thunder and lightning technique with his left palm and a large combat technique with his right hand, shattering the strength of the old Haiya and the old Hailan.

He exploded to its peak!

"This Emperor Wu is powerful, don't be careless!"

Elder Haishan reminded him that he was the strongest and left.

With a palm of his hand, the infinite vision appeared, and many overlapping shadows of the mountains appeared, with a heavy aura, and rumblingly oppressed Chu Yuan.

"Big Brother's strength is about to break the five levels of Profound God!" Old Hailan secretly said.

Her withered wood crutch suddenly changed color, it was a vibrant green color, and countless orchids appeared, forming the realm of Profound God.

Old Haiya is also taking action.

Together, the three people have vast and infinite mana, and they are far able to form a force stronger than their own realm.

"Emperor Wu, go back~www.ltnovel.com~ You can't break our strength!"

Haishan boss shouted.

"The glory of the gods!"

"The brilliance of an instant!"

In the glory of the gods, Chu Yuan turned into a brilliant light, like the blow of a shooting star, the glory and splendor were reflected together, and the most brilliant power directly bombarded the three elders.


Although the three elders joined forces strong, this force was instantly broken, and at the same time, seeing the three elders suffering from the backlash of power, shocked to withdraw, spitting out tragic blood.

The three old unions are hard to be opponents.

Elder Haiya and Elder Hailan suddenly saw in horror, a ray of light hits, and they said in amazement: "Brother, be careful!"


At the moment when his thinking was moving, this brilliant power had already hit Old Haishan.

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