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"Want to beat me with a whip? Make me surrender, huh, I haven't seen any battle before, you are wishful thinking, why would I take you, come and fight! If my resentful demon yells, write the name upside down !"

Seeing the black whip of thorns in Chu Yuan's hand, Wu Ze's mouth was as hard as a dead duck.

The most feared thing he resents the devil is torture.

You must know that his magic skills are more cruel and terrifying than Ning Xiuchen.

Ning Xiuchen just beheaded the enemy and then swallowed their souls. He didn't like torturing others too much, and often gave him a happy life.

This is nothing, Chu Yuan swallows all energy with his big swallowing technique.

But this resentful demon is different.

He is a truly cruel demonic cultivator. Men, women, young and old, whether ordinary or strong, as long as they are caught by him, they will use magic power to torture your soul. When tortured to the strongest and most painful, they will directly kill. , And then turned into their own strength.

"bring it on!"

The resentful devil held his neck.

"I make you perfect!"


Chu Yuan slapped his soul whip with a slap, and the whip directly hit the body of the resentful demon.

The evil spirit demon lord had an indifferent attitude before, but at this moment, his face twisted together due to the sudden pain.


It hurts!

It is pain from the bone marrow.

Only with this whip did he know what torture is.

It was as if he had been driven into eighteen layers of hell, and the whole person seemed to be torn into pieces alive, put in a frying pan and fried, then tied to a soldering iron and continued to be cooked.

It seems that all the torture in this world has come at once, magnifying the pain tenfold and hitting the body a hundredfold.

"Your mouth is really hard enough." Chu Yuan said lightly.

Where did the resentful demon lord not scream, it was painful that he could not scream.

Seeing that Chu Yuan was hitting the soul whip and was still pulling it off, the resentful devil saw the great horror and roared, "Don't hit it again!"

The methods he used to torture people, compared with the soul whip, are simply children's methods, and they are weak.

Chu Yuan ignored him. He slapped the soul whip and whipped it down, causing the resentful spirit demon lord to continue to roll, and his whole heart would collapse. How could he expect that Chu Yuan's whip could bring such a heartbreak The pain of a split lung.

"Don't fight, Your Majesty, I take back what I said before, take it, I take it, you let me go, I am a slave, a cow or a horse, or even kill me, please stop Beat me with this whip!"

Ling Ling Mo Zun was completely broken by the beat of the soul whip. As long as he didn't smoke him, death would be the happiest thing.

"Pick him." Chu Yuan handed the soul whip to a monster, and continued to beat the resentful demon.

The Profound God monster was not exhausted, so he gave him the whip and drew it extremely fast. With each whip, the evil spirit demon lord was beaten in the lower eighteen layers of hell, just like reincarnation for all generations.

"Let... let me go, let me be the dog under your feet, I am willing!"

The resentful demon begged.

At this moment, he realized how cruel the pain he tortured people was.

No, he suffered thousands of times more than those people.

Each of these whips, like a whip, caused him to experience countless tortures.

With one whip and one reincarnation, with each whip, he actually seemed to be tortured to death, but he did not die. He couldn't wait for his soul to completely collapse at this time.


Chu Yuan knew that these whips were not enough to make this resentful demon lord completely turn into a dog.

This whip can only bring severe pain.

"It's easy to use."

Ben still felt a bit tasteless, but seeing the miserable appearance of the evil spirit demon, Chu Yuan felt that this was an unexpected joy. In the future, no matter how hard the mouth is, people who have a hard mouth will not be able to stand a few whips from the soul whip, and they will cry bitterly. Begging for mercy.

He watched the Profound God scourge and counted silently.


Wanbian, it seemed that after a thousand tortured deaths, Chu Yuan let the Profound God and monster stop.

"I'm not dead."

After the whipping was over, the resentful spirit demon venerated curled up like a dog, cowering, where there was still the spirit of a strong profound god.

Seeing the Profound God Demon handing the whip to Chu Yuan, he raised his head slightly and screamed.

This is the shadow of being beaten out of his heart, as long as he sees the soul whip, or even any whip, there will be a demon in his heart.

"Is it enough?" Chu Yuan said.

"Enough is enough! Your Majesty don't smoke anymore, I am willing to let me do anything, even if I die immediately!"

The resentful demon said quickly.

"If it's enough, then don't fight. Obediently listen to me in the future." Chu Yuan said.

"My resentment demon is the dog at your majesty's feet, the most loyal dog!" He was completely afraid, and asked cautiously: "Which country is your majesty."

He felt a little sad.

"Dawu Dynasty." Chu Yuan said lightly, even a dog wants to let him know where his home is.


It seems that Ling Ling Mozun has never heard of it, but this does not prevent him from being Chu Yuan's dog.

This majesty is so terrifying in strength, and can come up with such terrifying things, it must be very powerful.

"Tell me about the situation here." Chu Yuan said.

"Master, the slave came to the Demon God Abyss more than 3,000 years ago. It took a lot of hard work to capture a dozen Profound God monsters. No matter how much I can’t control it, I can control it. Forcibly suppressed, but far inferior to your majesty, he was immediately subdued by your majesty."

The resentful demon is pleased.

"Being able to force control of monsters with your own strength, your resentful spirit power is a bit strange."

Chu Yuandao.

There are many seals on the Profound God and monsters. It is impossible for Chu Yuan to release the Profound God and monsters by himself in every war and let the sacred puppets do it.

However, this resentful demon lord...

Give the sealed Profound God monster to him to release.

"What is the power of my resentful spirit compared to your majesty's vast supernatural powers?"

The resentful demon hunched his waist.

"Wuze, you have stayed in this Demon God Abyss for more than three thousand years~www.ltnovel.com~ You should know where the mysterious gods and monsters are, lead the way, the more monsters I seal, the greater your credit, and you can Less tortured."

Chu Yuan said indifferently.

It's too slow to find the Profound God and Monster on his own, but it will save a lot of time if you have the Resent Spirit Demon as your guide.

"The minion really knows where there are Profound God monsters. Before, I was not strong enough to control too much. Now the minion is leading the way."

Resentful Demon Lord, this is an opportunity for his own merit.

The evil spirit demon lord led the way, and the Profound God monsters were picked up by Chu Yuan from their nests and sealed.

The evil spirit demon lord looked stunned. This is the real seal. Once the great seal technique is released, the Profound God monster can't move and fall into a deep sleep. There is no special way to imagine that even if it is powdered, it will not wake up.

"How is your Majesty's Great Seal Technique so powerful!"

It wasn't that he had never seen the Great Seal Technique, but he had never seen such a Great Seal Technique like Chu Yuan, as if it could seal everything to the eternal world.

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