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Current task progress (36/50).

"There are still fourteen mysterious monsters left."

Chu Yuan was still very satisfied with this speed.

However, the mysterious gods and monsters in this area have been almost wiped out.

"Master, the minion still knows where there are Profound Gods and monsters, but that place is very dangerous. I just glanced at it from a distance, and there was a feeling of palpitations in my heart. I left quickly and didn't want to stay long."

The resentful demon respects the way.

"Extremely dangerous."

Chu Yuan frowned, "Go, take me to see."


In the abyss, two figures quickly shuttled, Chu Yuan opened the swallowing domain, and the billowing devil energy was swallowed by him.

Ling Ling Mo Zun had to be surprised, even if he was a Demon Xiu, he did not dare to absorb it like Chu Yuan.

Big swallowing technique, the nemesis of all energy.


Not long after, Chu Yuan saw that in the dark abyss, a red, blood-red and enchanting light suddenly appeared, extremely strange.

"This is the dangerous place you are talking about?"

Chu Yuan looked forward, and there was a big blood-red cocoon there, with countless flesh and blood arms attached to the surrounding mountain walls.

The big cocoon seemed to be made of blood and flesh, and there was life, and it made a sound like a heartbeat.

"It's like a heart, but there is something incredible in it!"

Chu Yuan's eyes pierced lightly, and there was a vaguely prototype of a monster in the big cocoon. The aura was very terrifying, more terrifying than what he had seen before.

"There is a powerful monster bred inside."

The big cocoon that Chu Yuan looked at, suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed, a ray of light cut out.


Suddenly, more than a dozen Profound God monsters appeared from all directions, looking at Chu Yuan fiercely, guarding here, making roaring sounds, as if they had violated their king!

"Could it be that the king of monsters bred in this cocoon of flesh and blood!"

The evil spirit demon said in shock: "The strength of each monster king is very terrifying, like the natural proud among the human race, the existence of the emperor, your majesty, be careful, this monster king is not easy to deal with!"

However, at the moment his voice just fell.

Chu Yuan's Great Seal Technique was sealed.

How could these ordinary monsters withstand the great seal technique? This chain of chains interspersed horizontally, and the sealed chain was submerged in their bodies, and they cast a confinement spell, as if they had cast a hold technique.

The Profound God monsters were sealed, and Chu Yuan's task progress quickly jumped.

"Current task progress (49/50)."

"Only one Profound God monster can complete the branch line."

Chu Yuan stared at the flesh and blood cocoon indifferently, and blasted away with a palm, the force of the great collapse instantly exploded on it, as if it was exploding on a quagmire.

Immediately I saw that countless pieces of flesh and blood splashing out of the surrounding basin.

"It's amazing, it can only be turned into flesh without being completely destroyed by me."

Chu Yuan felt a little strange, he pointed away, click! A blood line appeared, and the whole blood cocoon was divided into two halves.

"The King of Monsters!"

The stench of blood came out.

The demon king was blood-red and tall, and looked a bit like an ordinary person, but he looked extremely hideous, like a fished out in a sea of ​​blood.

The king of monsters made a roar of anger, as if in anger, Chu Yuan let it out in advance, and immediately slammed his arms towards both sides, and the cocoon of flesh and blood that had been cut in half was completely turned into pieces of flesh and blood, and splashed out.

The flesh and blood arrived in front of Chu Yuan, and a sacred Buddha fire burned.

"not good!"

The resentful demon exclaimed.

He just opened the mana block, but the flesh and blood immediately absorbed his mana, and it fell on the body of the resentful demon.

The resentful demon screamed.

The more he uses mana to attack, the faster this flesh and blood absorbs his mana, and his whole person turns into a blood-red color, as if a mouth is firmly attached to him, sucking his flesh and blood energy.

"The power of this king of monsters is the power of consuming flesh and blood."

Chu Yuan had already seen that the flesh and blood would return to the king of monsters after devouring the evil spirits.

His ability is to swallow.


As soon as Chu Yuan pointed it, a powerful force counter-shocked. He forcibly deprived him of the energy of the flesh and blood with a large swallowing technique, swallowing the flesh and blood covering the body of the evil spirit demon lord, and swallowing it into a burst of vitality, and penetrated into his body.

At this time, the evil spirit demon venerable not only did not lose his blood, but was replenished.


Seeing this, the king of monsters growled even more violently.

"The king of monsters, this is even rarer than monsters up to the **** level!"

Chu Yuan was very interested.


In the glory of the gods, the sacred light shrouded in the light, and the phantom of the gods surrounded the king of monsters.

The blood-red light of the king of monsters impacted, but in the glory of the gods, it was trapped in a mysterious realm, and it could not escape.

Chu Yuan blasted away with a palm, and the sky-like magic power fell.

The king of monsters attacked with both arms. As soon as it hit Chu Yuan's palm, a force that swallowed flesh and blood suddenly appeared. It could continuously devour the opponent's flesh and blood in the battle, thus becoming stronger.

At this point, it can hold the title of King of Monsters.


It met Chu Yuan.

Within the Devouring Realm, it cannot swallow Chu Yuan's power.

"Great Seal Technique!"

If it weren't for Chu Yuan to suppress it, the king of monsters had been swallowed into a **** vitality.

He suppressed it with immense majesty, and the vast power of the world completely suppressed the king of monsters, and he suddenly saw the king of monsters entangled with chains of runes.

The monster king struggled and made an angry voice.

But the more the chain struggled, the more it penetrated into its flesh and blood.

"It deserves to be the king of monsters, ordinary monsters, and I can seal them in the flip of my hand, but this king of monsters can still struggle, which means that its value is extremely high, even higher than dozens of mysterious monsters. , And the more flesh and blood the king of monsters eats, the stronger his strength."

Chu Yuan was not in a hurry~www.ltnovel.com~ was trapped by his eternal seal, and it was just a matter of time that the King of Monsters was completely sealed.

The power of the Seal of Eternity increased again, and the body of the Profound God and monster suddenly became extremely blood red at this moment, like a cooked prawn, the skin was about to burst, the balloon was inflated, and it was about to burst completely.

It can of course see that the blood of the king of monsters is terrible poisonous blood, if the Profound God is contaminated, the skin will rot, and the soul will rot.

"The Profound God monster wants to explode on its own? No, it doesn't have such high intelligence. This should be its magical powers, just like the one-eyed monster. I see, it wants to spew out poisonous blood in the body and cause chaos."

Chu Yuan saw the magical powers of the King of Monsters, and his face was full of smiles.

This gave him another big surprise.

"Eternal Seal!"

In the eternal seal, the magical powers of the king of monsters were stopped.

Its swollen flesh and blood returned to normal, the blood red color in its eyes dimmed, and its head was lowered, and it was sealed by Chu Yuan.

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