Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 806: Go kill the universe god

Epoch Battlefield, in an abandoned ruin.

A large number of powerhouses appeared here. Judging from their costumes, they belonged to the Universe Empire, Thunder Empire, and Ten Thousand Demons Empire. After they quit their territory, they all gathered here.

For them.

This is aggrieved.

The three empires dealing with a Shenwu empire should have suppressed the other side, but who could have thought, was beaten by the other side and even gave up their own territory and had to run here.

"The Undead Mountain, the Emerging God Dynasty, and even several taboo forces that span several cosmic reincarnations have passed away. There are a large number of powerful people in the universe and it has become the center of war!"

Kun Wu Universe God looked at the Thunder God Power and the Greedy Universe God.

"I don't care about the immortal time and space, it has nothing to do with us, it is left by a terrifying immortal, and the powers such as the feathering of the gods, the sea of ​​death, the killing of the temple, the misty forbidden area, and the ancient demon forbidden are not something we can provoke. There is only Shenwu Empire, Shenwu Great!"

Greedy universe **** said with hatred: "We are not gathered together for immortal time and space!"

"It's a good thing to say Greedy, Immortal Time and Space has nothing to do with us, and even our empire is not qualified to intervene."

Thor agrees.

What kind of power is Yuhua Shenchao?

The only existence in the universe who dares to claim to be a god.

Although they are the universe **** empire, they are not enough to see in front of the Yuhua God Dynasty, let alone the Death Sea, the Temple of Killing, these universe gods are more powerful than them.

"I also don't have the idea of ​​entering the immortal time and space."

Kun Wu Universe God smiled and said: "Don’t you think this is an opportunity? I heard that the Shenwu Empire sent people to the periphery of the Undead Mountain. The Emperor Shenwu didn’t know where he was. Bold and ambitious."

"what do you mean?"

Greedy Universe God's eyes suddenly lit up: "With the power of Undead Mountain, trap the Shenwu Empire to death!"

"If the operation is good, it is likely to cause a devastating blow to the Shenwu Empire."

Ray Shentong is also keenly aware of the opportunity, "Although we have not attacked the Shenwu Empire recently, it does not mean that we stop here. Now our three empires have become a joke in the battlefield of the era. What do you say about the power of the three empires? An empire cannot be destroyed."

"Huh! That's for a reason!"

Greedy Universe God said angrily: "If it weren't for the clutter of God's Bone Sect and the Immortal Empire, letting us suffer from the enemy, we can't exert all our strength, fearing the head and feet, how can we be afraid of him as a divine empire?"

Indeed, the three major empires are now being laughed at by many forces in the battlefield of Era.

"Well, failure is failure. Don't find excuses for your failure."

Kun Wu Universe Divine Dao: "The shame is to be washed away with our own hands. No matter how much we say, it is also a shame. This time, we will not enter the immortal time and space, and we will gather the strongest force to attack the Shenwu Empire on the periphery! "

"The universe gods of your three empires are discussing how to deal with the Shenwu Empire?"

At this moment, a tyrannical beam of light was coming from outside the ruins, and a figure appeared in it.

"Universe God, Yao Mu!"

When Kun Wu Universe God saw this man coming, his face moved, and then he smiled: "What brings you here, Universe God Yao Mu, yes, we are indeed discussing dealing with the Shenwu Empire, do you want to participate?"


Yao Mu snorted coldly.

He was exactly the universe **** who was bombed out by the Purple Blood Demon Book, and said coldly: "Yes, this seat will also participate. The Shenwu Empire has offended me, and I know that their universe **** is leading a large number of existences and is immortal. Sweep the treasure on the outskirts of the mountain!"

"The Shenwu Empire is too arrogant!" Thunder God Channel.

"Yes, indeed arrogant."

Greedy Universe God's eyes flashed, "Do you really think that no one can deal with them? Just want to run rampant in the battlefield of the era, that is a idiotic dream, originally we were discussing how to shoot, haha, brother Yao Mu, this time you come Now we will be more confident!"

"You give a plan!"

Although part of the reason was that the Shenwu Empire angered him, the bigger reason was profit.

He was very tempted to see that the Shenwu Empire had a large number of treasures in the Undead Mountain, especially the soul calming stone.

If he can possess a large amount of soul-suppressing stones, his cultivation level can even go to the next level.

However, with his own power, the Purple Blood Demon Book could beat him back, it was impossible to be an opponent, and could only rely on the power of the three empires.

Kun Wu Universe God naturally saw that Yao Mu wanted to use their power to get benefits.

But they don't care.

An extra cosmic god's combat power makes them more confident in dealing with the Shenwu Empire.

"The power of greed of the universe **** was restrained by the Emperor Shenwu. I joined forces with Thunder God to block the Emperor Shenwu and prevent him from intervening in other battlefields."

Kun Wu Universe God assigned and said: "The Greedy Universe God and Brother Yao Mu went to deal with the newly promoted Universe God of the Shenwu Empire. I think that with the strength of the two, we should be able to capture them, and we still have a large number of World Gods to follow. "

Although he didn't want to admit that his power was restrained by Emperor Shenwu, he had to face the facts when he was greedy for the universe god.

Yao Mu nodded.

This distribution is fair.

Emperor Shenwu is the strongest and most mysterious existence in the Shenwu Empire. Kunwu Universe God and Thunder God Power have entangled their opponents most This time, see how arrogant you are! "

Yao Mu said coldly.

What would the Purple Blood Demon Book be if he hadn't had a great array of Zhu Shen?

It is nothing more than the number of people.

But this time greedy the universe **** to deal with the purple blood demon book, plus the powerhouses of the three empires, and he can free his hands to slaughter the opponent's world god.

In front of the universe god, the world **** is also fragile.

"With the participation of Brother Yao Mu this time, we are even more sure. We have given up all the ruins, we are all light, and we are not afraid that the Bone God Sect or the Faerie Empire will stabbing a knife behind us. "

Kun Wu Universe God smiled.

They did not have any pressure this time, nor were they afraid that someone would sneak attack behind them.

And they now have one more cosmic **** fighting power.

"With the participation of Brother Yao Mu, this time the Shenwu Empire will despair!"

Greedy universe **** said viciously.

"It's not too late, we act immediately. I know their people are in the location of the Undead Mountain. They brought a lot of elites this time. It is the best chance to catch them all at once. They can't give them another chance!"

Yao Mu couldn't wait to say.

"Even if they can't kill their universe gods this time, they must kill their world gods so that they lose their strength in the battlefield of Epoch!"

Thor channel.

Regardless of the fact that the world **** is nothing in front of the universe god, why each empire has to send a large number of powerful people to come, that is, formation can be formed. .

"Do you have any plans that you haven't discussed? Tell me."

A figure descended on the ruins. He was indifferent and ruthless, like a **** descending, appearing in front of them majestic, condensing the throne directly in the sky, overlooking them.

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