A majestic existence slowly descended on the site.

He sat on the highest seat, his gaze was like electricity, he slowly looked at several people, and made a faint voice: "Do you have any plans to deal with me? Conspiracy or conspiracy. I am here today. Don't be nervous, just say everything. Let me listen, and see where there are any shortcomings."

"Are you?" Yao Mu looked at Chu Yuan suddenly.

"Emperor Shenwu, how dare you throw yourself into the trap!"

The Thorns were shocked.

He would never have thought that Emperor Shenwu would be so arrogant, dare to come to their territory alone, and say such violent words in his mouth, so that endless anger in their eyes also spurted out.

I look down on people too much.

"Haha, he is a bit too arrogant, everyone, this is also our good opportunity to gather here the powerhouses of our three empires, hehe, he has come in this time, we can catch turtles in the urn and let him die without a place to be buried! "

After the shock, the greedy universe **** laughed.

"Yes, this is indeed an opportunity!"

The Thunder God's power stepped out, the sky thunder rolled, the endless thunder and lightning spread out, and the thunder field was intertwined.

"If this is the case, when he is here, then we will join forces to kill him. I have never seen such an arrogant person for so many years. I want to live in front of the four universe gods, more than reaching the sky. difficult."

They do not deny that Chu Yuan is strong.

But this time they are the four cosmic gods, and there are a large number of powerhouses under the cosmic gods, condensing formations.

"Don't live one by one."

Chu Yuan said indifferently, his eyes suddenly looked at the greedy universe god, like an abyss.


The greedy universe **** was stared at by Chu Yuan's eyes, and he was suddenly frightened. He felt that he was about to be drawn into the abyss of degeneration, especially in this person's eyes, a portal of flames flickering, trying to evaporate his strength. .

"His strength is stronger than before!"

The God of Greedy Universe deeply felt Chu Yuan's strength.

He feels right.

Chu Yuan had just broken through to the fifth step that day, and now his cultivation base had long been consolidated, and he had swallowed a small universe, reaching the limit of the fifth step.

"Want to kill us, it's a fantasy. I think I'm improving and I want to do whatever I want?"

Thunder God's power is the best at close combat among several people. He leaped forward in one step, and suddenly Thunder palm tore the sky, locked Chu Yuan with the most violent posture, and bombarded him away.

"Everyone assembles a large array to fight against Emperor Shenwu!"

In an instant, the Thunder Cave Sky, the Heaven and Earth God Formation, and the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons appeared in the air at the same time.

The world gods of the Three Kingdoms have poured power into these three divine artifacts, swept out three huge energies from them, and helped the three universe gods.

"Well, although this Shenwu Great Emperor is mighty and powerful, but this time he has too many opponents, I can also benefit from them by following them!"

Yao Mu moved like lightning.

Huh! Chu Yuan got up from the throne in one step, grabbed with a big hand, and the infinite and violent power swept out, the hand of God doubled and hit, and any time and space were controlled by him. There was a palm between people, bombarding with the power of Thunder God. past.

"not good!"

Thunder God's Ability suddenly sensed the power of this palm, and there was even a cold feeling all over the body.

He didn't dare to be careless, his hands resisted in front of him.

But this fist tore out, and the power was too great, causing him to be slammed into the air. With a muffled sound, he suppressed the injury forcibly, so that he did not vomit blood and saw his weakness.

His heart is also extremely confused.

Although the three of them joined forces that day, they didn't take advantage, but he didn't have the feeling of being overwhelmed by one person.

But he didn't take it too slowly. The Thunder Scepter came out instantly, and wherever it was clicked, there was a Thunder Vortex, and it was submerged in the void in countless thunder tribulations, apparently still building his Thunder Realm.

"Throw in the sky!"

Kun Wu Universe God condensed a long spear in his hand and threw it fiercely. This power is like an ancient existence that wants to blast a universe directly.

"The Palm of Greed!"

The God of Greedy Universe did not dare to use his devouring power in front of Chu Yuan.

Yao Mu also bombed and killed at the same time.

At this moment, the power of the four cosmic gods bombarded Chu Yuan, four huge mana, as if there were four small universes, continuously causing earth-shattering damage to him, destroying all the ruins here and turning them into chaos.


Facing the combination of the four cosmic gods, Chu Yuan's expression became extremely calm, and his face always had the confidence that everything was under control.

Boom boom! The endless blasting force impacted in front of Chu Yuan.

But Chu Yuan was still motionless, and his surroundings seemed to be filled with a vacuum-like field. No matter how much the outside world was shattered, his place could remain calm. This was the only effect that caused the peak of strength.

"What's the matter, I can't bombard him?"

"Impossible. How powerful is the strength of the four of us working together, and a large number of world gods urged the magical tools. He thought he was invincible?"

"This is strength. If it reaches its limit, it will break!"

"Yes, show our ultimate move!"

Although the four cosmic gods were surprised, their power was getting more and more fierce.

Especially in their bodies, even the bright light of the universe was burning. This was using the original power of the small universe, and it was also clear that this great emperor came with the determination to kill them.

If you don't deal with him today, it will be a disaster for everyone.

"The restart of the world!"

Around Chu Yuan appeared the power of life and death, infinite disillusionment of the world. Suddenly, a tyrannical explosion opened up the world, causing the space to disappear suddenly, and then the violent power swept around.

The force from the bombardment of the four cosmic gods was instantly shattered, and the tyrannical storm caused all four of them to withdraw.


The Thunder God Power Thunder Scepter came over with a single blow, and he slammed into the void, the electric pattern flickered, and a huge lightning formation was formed, sweeping out the power of destruction and destruction.

"Thunder God Power Thunder Realm has been completed, and the ultimate move constitutes!"

Kun Wu Universe God slammed together ~www.ltnovel.com~ and suddenly saw countless soldiers wearing Universe Battle Armor emerge from the Universe God Map. These were not real soldiers, but the formation energy condensed.

"Countless great demons!"

The greedy universe **** also operates the gate of ten thousand demons, and countless demons roared out, opening a world of demons, and a large number of demons came out from inside.

His magical impact was sacrificed from the energy source of a large number of world gods.

And there are countless thunder and lightning soldiers in the Thunderbolt Thunder domain.

The three cosmic gods formed an array, summoning a huge power, vowing to trap Chu Yuan here.

"Human Emperor God is angry."

Chu Yuan swept his eyes, and a flame of Human Emperor's Will was burning all over his body, turning into countless Human Emperor law enforcement agents!

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