The Shenwu Empire set off for the Ten Thousand Demons Empire.

Chu Yuan used the door of the void to open the vast expanse of time and space, constructing a fast passage, allowing the warship to shuttle quickly through the starry sky.

The Ten Thousand Demons Empire is also extremely powerful.

The endless magical energy is enveloped, and you can see that in the vast starry sky, there are hundreds of realm god-level worlds, large and small, gathered together in a very dense manner.

There are a large number of creatures in every world, all of which are practicing magic arts.

Demon cultivators are also found in Chu Yuan’s Shenwu Empire.

For example, the Purple Blood Demon Sect led by the Purple Blood Demon Sect came from the Demon Sect, but it was definitely far behind the scale of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire.

After all, the Purple Blood Universe God is not the master of a country, he opened up the sect, in fact, he did more at will.


After a long voyage, the empire's fleet first appeared on the edge of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire, and a large number of warships appeared from the Void Gate, regardless of the surrounding demon world, directly bombarded the core of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire.

"Battleship? How come there are so many warships? Where do these warships come from?"

"The symbol of the Shenwu Empire? Is this the Shenwu Empire that is against the greed of the universe? They actually sent a fleet, this is me to attack my Ten Thousand Demon Empire?"

"An enemy attack, an enemy attack, this is an enemy attack!"


The people of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire were shocked, and would not have thought that the Empire would attack them suddenly.

Like the Thunder Empire, the senior leaders of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire knew that the God of Greed of the Universe had fallen, but the specific situation was not clear.

Moreover, the universe is too big and there are constant disputes. Although the Thunder Empire is destroyed, the news has not yet reached here.

There are also a large number of masters in this world, but in the face of the strength of the Shenwu Empire, where can they dare to resist.

The Shenwu battleship seemed to be the strongest knife, and it swept directly into the interior of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire.

"Bold, dare to attack my Ten Thousand Demon Empire, you have eaten the courage of the bear heart and leopard!"

Countless demons emerged from the main worlds of the core of the Ten Thousand Demons Empire. They gathered together and did not act alone. Instead, under the leadership of the world gods, they operated magical secrets and bombarded the billowing demonic energy.

The offensive of the Shenwu Empire really surprised them, so they contracted their strength and placed their strength in the most important main worlds.

"Fight back!"

The morale of the Shenwu Empire was at its strongest at this time. In their eyes, countless demons were a lot of combat exploits.

A large number of powerhouses operated a large formation at the same time, and based on the Star God battleship, they just slammed in.

After this kill, a large number of demons were defeated. Although they were trying their best to fight against the army of the Shenwu Empire, the disparity in strength was too huge, and the strength of an empire was absolutely unable to stop the Shenwu Empire.

"Shenwu Empire!"

A burly and powerful existence appeared. He couldn't bear to see the Shenwu Empire drive straight in. Suddenly, this master, the power of the universe god, ran into motion, waving a giant hand of magic light, and bombarding the fleet.

The universe **** took action, covering the fleet with one hand.


A figure in Shenwu also rose into the sky.

His body was even bigger by this existence, and he slammed it, shaking the world.


The power of the two universe gods exploded fiercely. It was too fierce. The magic light collapsed suddenly, and a figure withdrew back. It was a strong and powerful middle-aged man with a beard on his face.

"It turns out to be stronger than my strength!"

The middle-aged man looked at the existence like Tianzhu in horror.

"The **** of the wild demon universe, what's going on, you cultivate your physique, you are a wild demon, you actually lost to others in the battle of power?"

"What is the origin of this Shenwu Empire? Shouldn't they be in the universe? Why did they suddenly come to my Ten Thousand Demon Empire!"

"Huh! What's the use of knowing so much, but their posture is to send troops to destroy my ten thousand demons!"

Next to the Wild Demon Universe God, there appeared two more demon qi billowing existences, both of which were universe gods, with very ugly expressions. The opponents directly killed their empire with a lightning attack.

"The Ten Thousand Demon Empire and the Thunder Empire are gone. If everyone wants to survive, you have only one choice, which is to take refuge in Emperor Shenwu and obey the orders of the emperor. Otherwise, with a wave of the army, no one will be spared, and Ten Thousand Demons will have passed!"

It was Lu Qianfu who spoke this time.

Two small universes plus the cosmic **** pill, he has broken through to the universe **** in the time acceleration of the human emperor kingdom.

"What? The Thunder Empire is destroyed, how is this possible?"

"Yes, the Thunder Empire is powerful, and the Thunder Sovereign has another thunder eye, with terrifying power, and it will be destroyed if you don't say it!"

"Is this thing true or not? But it is very likely to be false. After all, if you want to destroy a universe **** empire, it is not so fast. Perhaps this is what they said deliberately. The purpose is to shake our military spirit!"

The three cosmic gods exchanged their thoughts immediately.

However, seeing the terrifying aura of the Shenwu Empire army, they couldn't help but believe it.

"You still don't believe it?"

As he spoke, the civilization history of the empire flew out, and the history books evolved into a light curtain, and a vast war suddenly evolved.

The Shenwu Empire attacked the Thunder Empire, and the battle continued. In the end, Emperor Shenwu took action to defeat the Eye of Thunder, then collected and beheaded the Lord Thunder.

"This...this is all true!"

Seeing this scene, the three wild demon universe gods trembled involuntarily.

They can of course see that this is not an illusion simulated by means, but a real existence. The greater magical powers are recorded as the civilization history of an empire, which is equivalent to letting them face the epic battle.

The appearance of this scene immediately shakes the hearts of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire.

Shenwu Empire's move was too ruthless, and it showed powerful means to tell them that the Shenwu Empire was invincible, and they were fully capable of destroying the Ten Thousand Demon Empire.

Who can't tell?

Even if it is the charge of a large army, the Shenwu Empire has an absolute advantage.

"Emperor Ten Thousand Demons, come here, you already know my will, and I am not interested in wasting time with you, this is my decree."

As Chu Yuan spoke, a decree that represented his will appeared His eyes looked to the depths of the Ten Thousand Demon Empire, which was a small universe.

However, this small universe is a bit strange, like a portal, similar to the gate of ten thousand demons, with ancient patterns densely covered, similar to sacrificial patterns.

He didn't talk nonsense, and directly attacked the Ten Thousand Demon Empire with the most powerful empire's combat power.

And when he shot, in the hands of the gods, the seal of the gods became larger and larger, covering the small universe with power, banging it, and bombarding it with the most domineering force.

"The Gate of Ten Thousand Demons!"

At the moment when the seal of the gods of the world was about to fall, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons made a cold and stern voice, and an infinitely huge portal of the magic road appeared, dozens or hundreds of times more powerful than the power of the **** of the universe, and resisted the power of the seal of the gods. .

"Emperor Shenwu!"

The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons has appeared!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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