Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 821: The gate of all demons, sacrifice

   Ten Thousand Demon Emperor appeared.

   This is a middle-aged man with a majestic face, controlling a huge power, but it seems that he does not have the terrifying temperament of the wild demon universe god.

   But everyone who knows the Ten Thousand Demons Emperor knows that this is the real cruelty, and ten thunder kings tied together are not as cruel as him.

   There is nothing he can do if he doesn't want to show up. This time the opponent came to the door, and it was a battle to destroy the country.

   "Unexpectedly, I was beaten to my own capital."

   Ten Thousand Demons Emperor slowly said.

   And when the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor appeared, the entire Ten Thousand Demon Empire also calmed down. In their hearts, the Emperor was the core of an empire. As long as he did not fall, it would not collapse.

   "In the universe, fights are commonplace, and the destruction of the country is also common."

   Chu Yuan said lightly.

"Indeed, since the beginning of the Emerging God Dynasty, this emperor expected that there will be today, especially the opening of the undead time and space, and it has also catalyzed a large number of careerists. Everyone can see that the universe and the starry sky will not continue to be calm, for Fighting for the dominance is all fighting and accumulating, and you are also ambitious!"

  While the ten thousand demons were speaking, he was also mobilizing the power of the empire to fight Chu Yuan.

   His army could not be dispatched, and other universe gods could not be dispatched.

  Because the other party is also eyeing.

  The ghost, the sky shaker, the purple blood magic book, Lu Qianfu, which is not a terrifying cosmic god.

  When it comes to the quality of the universe gods, the Shenwu Empire has one more statue than the Ten Thousand Demon Empire, which is why they dare to enter the Ten Thousand Demon Empire unscrupulously.

   But Ten Thousand Demons Emperor's confidence is that this is in his empire.

   "The Gate of Ten Thousand Demons."

   Chu Yuan looked at the door.

   Although that portal is also a portal-like artifact, it is actually essentially different from the eight special portals he controls. It seems to communicate with a special magic universe.

   "Those who follow, those who turn against, perish!"

   "Shenwu goes out, you must surrender!"

   "Invincible! Invincible!"

   The overwhelming voice rumbling, shattering the star field, the Shenwu Empire completely overwhelmed the Ten Thousand Demon Empire in terms of aura, scared some demon heads with their legs weakened and they were about to kneel down.

   If the Ten Thousand Demons were not there, they would even collapse directly.

   "Attack and destroy!"

   Chu Yuan overlord ambition.

   Although he was promoted to the universe **** empire, it was far from enough.

  Chu Yuan wants to annex the Thunder, Ten Thousand Demons, and the Three Kingdoms, and integrate their star domains, turning the Shenwu Empire into a giant dynasty.

After    Emperor Dynasty, there is a greater God Dynasty, but within a universe, there is always only one country eligible to be promoted to Emperor Dynasty.

  He stepped in the starry sky, with a huge momentum suppressing the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor, and he slammed with the Supreme Divine Fist, causing the starry sky to collapse, and the boundless time and space storm swept away, actively launching an attack on the Ten Thousand Demon Empire.

   Demon universe gods and they are also watching nervously.

   This is a fight between the emperors of a country. Although they want to help the emperor of ten thousand demons, they are also powerless. The other party's cosmic **** is not vegetarian, and is always staring at them.

   "The Shenwu Great Emperor will do it, this time he will kill the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor!"

   "Yes, Lord Thunder has died in the hands of Emperor Shenwu, and he can't escape!"

   "The Ten Thousand Demons Empire will eventually become the yellow flower of yesterday, and will eventually be destroyed!"

   The Purple Blood Demon Book took the lead, and the powerful empires roared.

   "The Fist of Ten Thousand Demons!"

  Rolling Demon Shadow roared out, Ten Thousand Demon Emperor faced the strong attack of Emperor Shenwu. In front of countless people, he could not retreat. He stepped directly into the starry sky, and the Fist of Ten Thousand Demon went out. Behind him were countless demon shadows.

   is like a collision of darkness and light.

   There was a wave of breaking through everything from the beginning.

   Chu Yuan used invincible means, turning his hands to turn clouds and hands to rain, and even the Thunder Lord could not stop his front. Although the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor was stronger than Thunder, at this moment, countless demon shadows were also collapsing again and again.

   The starry sky war, the tyrannical fluctuations made the existence of the wild demon universe **** panic.

too strong.

   Although he is a cosmic god, he will be beaten to death if he fights against Emperor Shenwu.

   "This is not a war we can intervene at all!"

   Demon universe **** trembling.

   "I represent ten thousand demons, I am the demon of ten thousand demons!"

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons seems to represent the will of many demon heads, and the patterns are shining on the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, making his strength stronger and stronger, and even going beyond the second step to play out the boundless power of chaos. .

   He swings with a palm, and time and space are twisted.

   But Chu Yuan's face is still expressionless, as long as your cultivation level is less than the third step, then you can't resist his attack.

   His attacking power is getting brighter and brighter, pulling up a long river in the starry sky, and he doesn't play tricks with you, but directly hits you hard with the most fierce power, destroying your weird and extreme methods.

   "Using the most positive means to crush the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor!"

   The gods of the universe can see the doorway inside.

   Ten Thousand Demon Emperor is getting more and more gloomy, Emperor Shenwu's power is too strong, he is still in his own empire, if he is outside, wouldn't he be defeated by Emperor Shenwu instantly?

   If it is a lone ranger, he is not afraid at all, and launches the power of the empire to kill directly.

   But the opponent also brought an empire to fight.

   And what makes him most uncomfortable is.

   Chu Yuan's power is strong enough to show off the immortal essence of Shenwu.

   "The magic way is forever!"

The emperor of Ten Thousand Demons has also promoted himself to the strongest. The Dao Dao Demon Shadows condensed, as if summoning a troll existence from the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, roared and impacted at him, and compiled a long river of demon ways~www.mtlnovel. com~The history of empire civilization. "

   Chu Yuan waved his hand, a huge thinking, brilliant history books of civilization appeared, and the supreme humane river swept across, directly shrouding the power of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor in the civilization of the Shenwu Empire, compiling the history of empire development.

   "This method!"

   Ten Thousand Demon Emperor's face changed drastically: "No, this is to write this battle as the civilization history of the empire. What kind of power does he control? Is this Emperor Ten Thousand Demon Empire destined to be destroyed today!"

  He is calming down.

   also saw that in the history of civilization, it seemed that he was doomed to perish, and the Ten Thousand Demon Empire would become a chapter in it, casting the glory of the Shenwu Empire.

   No, he is never reconciled.

   "The Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, Sacrifice!"

   He unleashed the most powerful force of the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons!

   The entire Ten Thousand Demon Empire burned a black magic fire, and energy was injected into the Gate of Ten Thousand Demon.

   There seemed to be countless screams, as if a large number of creatures were sacrificed.

  The Ten Thousand Demon Empire fought again and again and broke through a large number of worlds. After being caught by him, these creatures were sacrificed to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demon.

   "The emperor is going to sacrifice to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons and summon a stronger power from the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons!"

   Desolate Demon Universe God, they all know the thoughts of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor, and they are also very shocked. The Great Emperor Shenwu has already pushed them to this point just after the war began.

   Then they showed a more fierce expression on their faces, "There is the gate of ten thousand demons, we will not lose!".

   "Sacrifice your power to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons!"

   Ten Thousand Demon Emperor made a cold voice: "This emperor needs your power!"

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