One hundred thousand hot!

The Bone God had already broken through immortality, but he encountered an attack from the other side of Shenzhou, which was never expected by the Bone God himself.

Chu Yuan was no stranger to the other side of Shenzhou, he had fought against the strong on the other side, and the secret methods were indeed weird.

And he also has the mark of Shenzhou on the other shore, a small boat, can accurately locate the location of the other shore.

"Go, Datian Shattered Halberd, Bone God is my friend, I will not save him, the other side strong? Now I will go to Bone God Sect."

Chu Yuan knew that the matter was critical and couldn't wait a moment. He wasted some time when he came to the Shenwu Empire with the Big Sky Shattered Halberd. Now he doesn't know what happened to the Bone God.

He grabbed the Datian Shattered Halberd and opened the door of the void, immortality couldn't match his speed, and quickly headed to the Bone God Sect with a shocking method.

The appearance of the other side of Shenzhou also gave Chu Yuan some other premonitions in his heart. What does this mean? Is Shenzhou Bian going to start their plan?

His speed was too fast, he hurried away at full speed, and it didn't take long for him to see where the Bone God Sect was.

However, after Chu Yuan saw the Bone God Sect, he didn't have the flames of war he had imagined. Instead, he was calm. There was no war at all, but Chu Yuan keenly caught the smell of war in the air.

The Bone God Sect was devastated on all sides.

Datian broke the halberd and flew into the Bone God Sect.

"The Great, you are here!"

The Bone God saw Chu Yuan coming, flew over, and said with a sigh of relief: "The powerhouse on the other side of the Shenzhou has already left a quarter of an hour ago. It turns out that it is the Great Emperor who has come. They must have felt the power of the Great Emperor before leaving in a hurry. One night later, my Bone God Sect will be breached by them, and even I will be plundered all the immortal matter."

The bone **** has reached immortality.

He did encounter the offensive of Shenzhou Bian, just after he broke through to immortality, without even consolidating his mana, he was suddenly approached by several powerful men from the other shore, saying that he would be taken to Shenzhou Bian.

The Bone God would naturally not go, and those strong on the other side used forceful means.

But fortunately, he was already immortal in his previous life, and he had a lot of experience, and he didn't need to slowly experience the transformation of his power after immortality, and he placed numerous restrictions to persist until now.

"This kind of thing has not happened for the first time in the universe."

Chu Yuan said: "According to the information I have collected, several immortal statues have already been assassinated by the other side of Shenzhou, and some have succeeded in plundering immortal materials."

"I've heard of it, so I'm extra careful this time."

The Bone God Lian welcomed Chu Yuan into the sect and treated him as a guest, saying: "The fighting was fierce in Immortal Time. Some immortals were injured and retreated. They encountered an attack inexplicably and disappeared completely. I am no exception. "

Chu Yuan's rescue speed was indeed very fast, and the bone god's strength was very strong, which made them unsuccessful.

Shenzhou Bian is still very vigilant, once it is difficult to solve the opponent in a short time, it will immediately retreat.

"I have also encountered strong people from the other side in the **** moon." Chu Yuan said casually.

The mysterious Shenzhou shore is in front of him, there is no mystery.

"Hmph! This group of people chose their time too well. They hunted unscrupulously in the universe because they couldn't be found by others. I have lived for a long time. Knowing some information, there is no good thing when they show up."

Bone God said fiercely.

He is very hostile.

It was indeed a breakthrough in immortality, he was very happy, inviting Chu Yuan, and also invited people from Mingguang Xianzong, who knew he had encountered such a thing.

And he was also extremely shocked by the strength of Chu Yuan. As for him to kill an immortal in the time and space of desire, Bone God had also heard about it, which really shocked him severely.

Chu Yuan's strength will have earth-shattering changes every time I see each other.

Don't look at him, he has already broken through to immortality, but he knows that he is not enough to see him in front of Emperor Shenwu. Fighting alone will inevitably be killed by him.

He even knew that the retreat of the strong from the other side was not because of him but because of Chu Yuan.

"The universe is chaotic, and the other side of Shenzhou will appear."

Chu Yuandao.

"Yes, the other side of Shenzhou has never been a bright place."

Bone God approved.

"Bone God, the other side has appeared."

The words Chu Yuan said caused Bone God's expression to change, and then he looked at the void suddenly, piercing through with his immortal eyes.

It's like a mirror surface, there are internal and external distinctions, it seems to be in the mirror, there are surging sound fluctuations, layers of time and space are torn apart, and the endless black water has evolved into a sea of ​​suffering on the road of spiritual cultivation.

This is a sea of ​​suffering, all beings suffer, and the road of cultivation is even more difficult.

"sea of ​​bitterness!"

The Bone God was shocked and said: "According to the rumors, the sea of ​​bitterness is present, and you can reach the other side of the real Shenzhou through the sea of ​​bitterness. There is no catastrophe, no death, and the universe **** will not die in cosmic reincarnation again and again. It is extremely mysterious!"

This wave of bitterness had already been sensed by Chu Yuan when he went to the Bone God Sect.

"There is no other side of Shenzhou, but it was created by man."

Chu Yuan looked at the sky again.

Time and space are distorted, presenting a mysterious place. Amidst the fluctuations of the ocean of bitterness, a huge boat has appeared. It is difficult to estimate its size. Only knowing that it is infinitely huge, the interior must be a huge space-time.

This Shenzhou is shining brightly, sailing in the black sea of ​​bitterness, and the infinite thunder and lightning strikes it.

"The other side of Shenzhou has appeared!" The Bone God replied: "When the universe is about to be fought, the other side of Shenzhou has appeared. This is here to kill. I don't believe in their so-called enticement. This is all fake. , A conspiracy, and a big conspiracy!"

This huge ship sailed slowly, and the position of the sea of ​​bitterness has been moving with it, transmitting the fluctuations to every corner of the universe.

Chu Yuan was not in a hurry to return to the Shenwu Empire, but in the Bone God Sect, together with the Bone God, he was observing the movement on the other side of the Shenzhou.

"Many people are starting to look for the other side of Shenzhou!"

Bone Shinto.

One month after they appeared on the other side of Shenzhou, many people arrived at the time and space of Kuhai, but they were basically world gods and universe gods.

Their purpose is also very simple. The cosmic war is about to begin, and fluctuations will sweep the universe. They don't want to die in the melee. They can only avoid the war if they find the other shore, or if they are lucky enough to be drawn in.

And There is no cosmic reincarnation in the other side, they can go there without dying.

But this Shenzhou is so easy to enter.

There are also a few immortals looking for the other side of Shenzhou. They don't want to be taken in, but they know that the other side is mysterious and exists for a long time. If they can find the right path and attack them, they can get countless treasures.

If the other side of Shenzhou can be found.

Chu Yuan believed that the war in the universe would stop temporarily, and all the major forces would join forces to attack the other shore.

However, the appearance of Shenzhou Beyond is not once or twice. If they can be found, they will not appear boldly.

"As soon as the other side of Shenzhou appears, it will definitely target immortality."

Chu Yuan observed and said indifferently: "If I didn't guess wrong, Shenzhou traveled alone on the other side of the universe, and it would also cost a price. They should need immortal power to maintain this giant ship's navigation."

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