"Immortality is needed to maintain the navigation of the giant ship."

The Bone God recognized: "Yes, how can you not pay a huge price for such a mysterious Shenzhou on the other side of the world? Since it can't be attracted, then kill it, and every time you kill an immortal, you can get their treasure. This other shore seems to be detached from the world, but in fact it is very devilish and terrifying."

"What they are going to do, I can't control, but if I get offended, I will have to pay the price."

Chu Yuan's indifferent tone made people startled.

The Bone God heard the murderous intentions of Emperor Shenwu on the other side of Shenzhou, saying: "Look, the great Emperor, in the past few months, countless people have been attracted to check in that sea of ​​bitterness, but the huge ship seems to be in front of you. Every corner of the universe can be seen, but it’s like a mirror image, and it’s impossible to find an accurate way to enter."

"Someone can't help it, they want to take action on the other side of Shenzhou."

Chu Yuan immediately left the Bone God Sect.

Bone God immediately followed.

They came to the bitter sea and heard the waves of the bitter sea.

Seeing that the other side of Shenzhou is right in front of them, they actually don't know how many layers of time and space they have to penetrate to find the right path.

"What a strong qi!"

Suddenly the world changed drastically, and great majesty swept out. A figure came to the heaven and the earth, and the feathered light swept across, as if the supreme overlord descended, he turned out to be the emperor of the feathered dynasty, and the feathered **** emperor projected mana onto the sea of ​​suffering.

"Divine Emperor Feather, can't you stand it anymore?"

Another misty breath descended, and it was also an ancient emperor's figure, the misty ancient emperor in the misty forbidden land.

"The other side of the Shenzhou, reappearing in the world, bringing slaughter, there have been several immortal deaths in their hands, and some immortals have been hunted down in my demon domain. The other side of the Shenzhou is too hateful, relying on its own secrets and special, unscrupulous, and now it manifests. In the world, what do you want to do?"

An old man appeared, his demon spirit was strong, and his eyes exuded boundless coldness.

This is from a power in the demon domain.

He lived a very long time, and was a figure of the same era as the demon god, but the demon **** has disappeared, and he is still in charge of the overall situation in the demon domain.

"Emperor Yuhua, although there must be a war between us, but the other side of Shenzhou appears, it is better to let go of the war and see if we can find the other side of Shenzhou. I have been curious about them for a long time."

A series of ancient and powerful figures appeared on the sea of ​​bitterness, surrounding the other shore of Shenzhou.

"it is good."

The Emperor Yuhua only responded with one word.

"Emperor, they want to do something on the other side of Shenzhou, I don't know if they can find a way into Shenzhou!"

Bone God shakes: "But the other side is too weird. Throughout the ages, how many powerhouses have to deal with them have been unsuccessful. The Emperor of Heaven did not find them during the cosmic period, and the other side of Shenzhou only appeared when the universe was the most chaotic.

"If you don't mess up, they have no chance."

Chu Yuan said indifferently: "They can't kill the Shenzhou. This boat seems to be right in front of us, but it's not in the same time and space as us."

He still didn't say a word to Bone God.

He already knew where the other shore of Shenzhou was.

"It's time to do it!"

The world shook, and the sky swept across.

Many ancient existences condensed their power and slammed the other side of the Shenzhou violently. The power of this group of people was like a sea. The power of this group of people had to subvert this sea of ​​bitterness, and the infinite time and space was severely shattered.

The feathered **** emperor, the feathered **** sword tore the sky and the earth, and his sword fell on the other side of the Shenzhou.


Time and space were like a mirror shattered into pieces, and the other side of the Shenzhou was twisted and shattered, but soon it was like a broken phantom in the water, standing still, condensed again, and appeared in the sight of everyone.

"The other side of Shenzhou is too weird."

They shot again, breaking the other side of Shenzhou again and again, condensing it again and again.

"They are looking for a way into the other shore!" Bone God said.

"indeed so."

Chu Yuan nodded indifferently, "They obviously also know that the Shenzhou that appears here is like a mirror of flowers, water and moon, projection-like things, but they also hope to find a trace of flaws through fragmentation, it is a pity."

"What a pity?"

Bone God felt that Chu Yuan knew a lot.

"It's a pity that the laws of Shenzhou's operation on the other side are different, different from the world where we live, and the weirdness itself comes from the Shenzhou itself. I guess that the inside is like a universe, with its own rules."

Chu Yuandao.

This time, the emperor Yuhua Divine Emperor and other powerhouses broke the Shenzhou on the other side thousands of times before stopping.

The strong man in the Demon Territory sighed: "I still can't find the correct way to enter the other side of Shenzhou. I have seen several supreme masters who dominate the universe. They have all shot, time after time, how many times, they can't find it."

"Huh! It's not that you can't find it, but that you haven't found the right way."

Misty Ancient Emperor sees it thoroughly, "But as long as it shows up here and dares to send people to hunt for immortality, it will eventually have flaws to be found, unless it never shows up again, but this is impossible. It needs immortality. Matter can sustain itself!"

"Divine Emperor Feather, are you leaving just like that?"

The Misty Ancient Emperor looked at the Emperor Yuhua again.

His eyes burned with a raging fighting spirit. Although his ancient emperor was powerful, in the eyes of many people, he was a hapless loser. He defeated the heavenly emperor and defeated the gods, but he was lucky and not dead. .

But the Misty Ancient Emperor himself knew that the two failures made his Misty Method come true, and he wanted to win a real victory this time.

The Emperor Yuhua did not answer him, this emperor was very cold.

He just took action against the other side of Shenzhou, to tell the world of his strength, no one can stop him.

The strength of his feathered **** emperor is invincible, and anyone who dares to oppose him will be mercilessly killed. Only by surrendering to him and treating him as the supreme master of the universe can he have a chance to survive.

The Misty Ancient Emperor waved his hands and shot out two beams of light, which directly penetrated towards the Emperor Yuhua.

The Emperor Yuhua didn't care. He stood there and didn't see any actions from him. When the power of the misty ancient emperor arrived in front of him, he collapsed naturally.

"This time, you will still be a loser, the emperor, God has given you a chance to survive, and the emperor will not give you a chance to survive."

The Emperor Yuhua turned around, stepped into an empty door, and left.

"Do you really think that I can survive in the hands of the emperor and gods. Is it the chance they gave me? That's because of my strength~www.ltnovel.com~ they can't kill me!"

Misty Ancient Emperor was very calm and unmoved: "The Three Worlds are consummated, and my power has realized invincibility. It is still unknown who will kill you. Although you are strong, you are too sinister and contemptible. You are not as magnanimous as the Emperor. It will succeed!"

These ancient beings leave the sea of ​​suffering.

Although there is no real place on the other side of Shenzhou, they are also warning them that if they dare to do things that threaten them, they will not easily forgive them.

The Shenzhou Bian naturally knew that if it appeared, it would arouse the prying eyes of the strongest, but if it did not appear, how could the mystery in the Bian be shaped just by relying on rumors.

Just like now, the emperor emperor and other strong players can't find it, and it will make more people yearn.

"These ancient beings have cultivated to the extreme in the realm of immortality."

Bone God solemnly said: "Your Majesty, what are we going to do next?"

"This time it's not that there are a few immortals from the other side of Shenzhou to deal with you, come with me, this time to hunt them."

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