Chu Yuan had been waiting for the immortal realm for too long.

Only immortality has the power to compete in the universe.

Even if he had the power to be cut and immortal before, but if he didn't reach this level, there would always be something missing.

And he successively beheaded the phantom from the other side, and grabbed enough power to satisfy his breakthrough.

"The Realm of Immortality!"

Within the Shenwu Empire, heaven and earth suddenly changed.

The infinite number of calamities converged, condensing the most fierce will of the universe, and those calamities were horizontal and dense, forming a thirty-three monstrous divine calamity.

Immortal calamity is too strong.

Until immortality, a universe will die after the end of reincarnation, but when it is immortality, longevity will be immortal and can exist forever.

Therefore, this kind of existence that wants to escape the control of the universe will be strangled by the full force of the universe and will not let him escape the control.

Each of these tribulations fell, and it was earth-shattering. Compared to some immortal breakthroughs, it was even greater, and only those who were against the sky could enjoy the treatment.

"This.... As expected, the emperor is only a universe god. He is attacking the immortal calamity. Heaven, before being immortal, will have such terrifying strength. I can't imagine how terrifying the emperor will be once he really breaks through to the immortal realm! "

Bone God saw this wave of fluctuations, his eyes widened, this kind of calamity power even he could not bear.

However, Chu Yuan didn't care when these terrifying calamities came. Instead, he used the Great Devouring Technique to actively devour this calamity, turning into immortal divine light over and over to wash himself and sharpen his mana.

"Immortal Realm!"

The calamity cannot be an obstacle to prevent Chu Yuan from breaking through.

Bone God's eyes widened, he had lived for so long, and he had never seen such an existence that looked upon God as nothing.

Immortal, immortal god!

As soon as he broke through to this state, Chu Yuan immediately felt a completely different feeling from the universe gods. He was detached from this world and could break the universe with just one hand, but at the same time he felt a force that isolates the universe is blocking the universe. .

"Let me break through to the realm of immortality, the other side of Shenzhou, I still want to thank you very much."

Chu Yuan's voice was cold.

"Ding! The host breaks through the immortal god, gains 1 million fate points, supernatural power fruit x2048, immortal artifact advanced card, immortal crystal x2, world-shaking rego x1, light gate x1, supreme supernatural power reincarnation control, random draw Chance x1."

"Ding! The current branch has been released, breaking through the second heaven of immortal gods."

The immortality is divided into three heavens, and Yu Beifeng that day is exactly the existence of the two heavens.

Although the division of the immortal realm is simple, it is difficult enough to achieve immortality, and it is killed by countless people. Therefore, the gap between each layer of heaven is also very large, which is larger than the four-step division of the universe god.

And the powerhouses like God of War of the Barbarian Territory are all standing on the pinnacle of the Triple Heaven.

"With the blessing of the human emperor sword, I can be compared to the second heaven of immortality!"

Chu Yuandao.

Before he could check this reward, the voice of the main line completion also came out.

"Ding! The host completes the main mission and earns 3 million fate points, the cosmic battleship level 7 build blueprint, the immortal artifact advanced card, supernatural fruit x2048, immortal divine healing potion, killer x1, immortal crystal x2, heavenly gate x1, **** Magic Pool x1, Random Three Thousand Avenue Lottery Chance x1, Random Lottery Chance x1."

"Ding! The current main line has been released, Lishen Chao!"

"Li Shenchao!"

Chu Yuan closely watched the new main task on the system panel!

Establishing the dynasty is naturally the next step for the Shenwu Empire. After all, his ambitious existence also wants to dominate the universe.

The only **** dynasty in the universe is Yuhua Shen dynasty!

However, Li Shenchao is not just talking about it. He is a god, without strength, and dare to claim to be a god. Not only will he be ridiculed by others, but also many people will be targeted and unite to destroy you.

If you establish a dynasty, you must have the strength to aspire to the universe!

If you don’t have enough power, you can’t establish a gods.

"Now let the Yuhua Shen Dynasty continue to be targeted by the major forces in the universe."

Chu Yuan was very clear.

"I have broken through to immortality, it is time to open the last seal of the Human Emperor Sword."

Chu Yuan said: "The system, unlocking the ninth attribute of the human emperor sword."

The Human Emperor Sword is the supreme artifact he obtained when he first came to this universe. As he became stronger, his attributes were unblocked, and now he finally reached the last one, Chu Yuan was also looking forward to it.

"The ninth attribute of the human emperor sword is being released."

"The nine attributes of the human emperor sword have been unblocked."

When Chu Yuan heard this prompt, his face suddenly moved, and he looked at the last attribute.

Attribute nine: the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth reincarnate, cyclically, from shattered to rebirth, living beings also have reincarnation, red dust and various things, constantly experiencing.

"This is the power of the cycle of heaven and earth!"

The divine light in Chu Yuan's eyes flickered, and he said: "Everyone has his own reincarnation, and even the universe reincarnates itself again and again, repeating it again and again. The power of this reincarnation is extremely mysterious and belongs to the human emperor sword. The last attribute."

In an instant, the nine attributes were completely unlocked, and the human emperor sword bloomed with its true power belonging to its supreme artifact.

The light of the immortal human spirit made Chu Yuan supreme and majestic at this time, and he is now immortal, and the human emperor sword in his hand can cut infinite brilliance at every turn.

"Reincarnation, the Supreme Way of the Emperor, is the last attribute of the Human Emperor Sword, such as the emperor among the people, the supreme immortal, the host, and the nine attributes of the Human Emperor Sword. Unblocking is not the end, but the beginning. This sword gathers the power of countless creatures. , The more creatures who believe in the host, the stronger the Human Emperor Sword. This is a human sword that becomes stronger and never ends."

The system said: "Control fate with the power of reincarnation."

"It's really just the beginning. The Sword of Human Emperor is constantly getting stronger, and the empire is used to accommodate the creatures. The stronger the empire, the stronger the Sword of Human Emperor. Only when the nine attributes penetrate, can the power of the Sword of Human Emperor be fully released."

Chu Yuan deeply knew the terrible reincarnation of heaven and earth.

This can be used not only for cultivation, but also against the enemy.

"The flow of time in the Kingdom of Human Emperor is faster, and one day outside, within the Kingdom of Human Emperor is ten years!"

Chu Yuan silently calculated the flow rate of new gains in the Kingdom of Human Emperor.

This speed is too terrifying, one day is equivalent to ten years in the Human Emperor Sword, and out of thin air, there is a lot more time than others. Even after the eruption of the gods, I am afraid that he cannot achieve such a terrifying time acceleration.

"If the entire universe can be the flow of time can be changed by me."

Chu Yuan sighed, "However, now I have twice as much time as before, and I can use it to do more things."

He put the Human Emperor Sword in front of him, and he adjusted the nine attributes.

Attribute 1: Wearing an equipped man's sword, realm combat power increases by one.

Attribute 2: The source of faith.

Property three: heaven and earth oven.

Attribute 4: Humanity.

Attribute five: the kingdom of human emperor.

Attribute 6: Human Emperor God is angry.

Attribute seven: time and space.

Attribute eight: civilization.

Attribute nine: the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

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