Nine attributes, exuding nine supreme brilliance.

The dim light pierced through the sword body, finally exuding the majesty of the supreme artifact, a kind of domineering dominance that dominates the stars.

Chu Yuan's power to circulate the cycle of heaven and earth was able to immediately arrange a domain of reincarnation, allowing everyone to rise and fall in his cycle.

Even the power is so powerful that it can dominate the cycle of the universe.

Holding the Human Emperor Sword, he got up and stood up, mighty and domineering.

This is the sword representing the Supreme Emperor, possessing the supreme domineering majesty.

"The starry sky is invincible, and I am the only one who dominates the road, how can we be missing our Shenwu Empire?"

Chu Yuan's eyes were gleaming, and he had infinite confidence. After he broke through to the immortal cultivation base, he indeed had the qualification to compete for the stars.

"The killer has seen the emperor!"

At this time, an existence representing slaughter appeared by Chu Yuan respectfully. He knelt down on his knees, holding a broadsword in his hand, stained with blood, it was an existence in charge of slaughter.

Killer, immortal cultivation base!

This person Chu Yuan looked like a fierce general on the battlefield fighting and charging, like a **** of death, with killing as the core, he started **** and cruel.

And the ghosts, the sky-shakers also broke through to the fourth step of the universe gods, and are now fully attacking the immortal realm.

"The killer is very good. You will be the sword in my hand, pointing where and where to kill. This picture of the killing **** belongs to you."

Chu Yuan was very satisfied with the slaughter. As soon as he raised his palm, the **** of slaughter floated in front of the slaughter.

"The Killer Xie the Great gave the artifact!" The Killer said.

"Four immortal crystals."

Only then did Chu Yuan have time to check the treasures rewarded by the system.

The immortal **** crystal body is bright, the size of a human head. This is a condensation of thick immortal matter, and it is extremely pure, very suitable for the realm of the universe **** to absorb and consolidate oneself to the realm of immortality.

"With these four immortal crystals, there will be those who cultivate to the immortal **** in the empire."

Chu Yuan had already figured out how to allocate it.

The two Immortal Artifact Advance Cards were also used by Chu Yuan to advance the Grasp of the God of War and the Stele of the Prison Seal, which allowed the two masters to be upgraded again. As long as they paid enough vitality, they could have immortal combat power.

This is good.

Chu Yuan lacks immortal gods most.

Now the killer, the leader of the **** of war, and the leader of the prison can all exert their immortal power.

The supernatural power fruit advanced the big devouring technique to a level consistent with immortality.

At this moment, he also had a thunder-colored long Ge appeared in his hand, mighty and domineering, this is the world-shaking Lei Ge, has the power to shake the world, only the most magical existence can exert the power of this war.


Chu Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

The human king sword represents the supreme humanity.

But this world-shaking Lei Ge was the most powerful weapon in the hands of the emperor.

"Start a random Three Thousand Avenue lottery."

"Ding! The host won the Great Darkness of Three Thousand Avenues through a random Three Thousand Avenue lottery!"

Great Darkness: Darkness falls, and there is no light forever.

"Great Darkness!"

Chu Yuan's eyes flashed suddenly!

Look at a portal in the system space!

"Gate of Light."

This is a glorious portal of light, communicating a long river of light!

As soon as Chu Yuan waved his hand, infinite light swept across.

His face also became interesting. He knew the Great Light Art, and he had the Gate of Light. This time he extracted Three Thousand Avenues to draw him the Great Dark Art.

The power of light and darkness is like the opposition of yin and yang.

Undoubtedly, mastering the two extreme ways will make oneself stronger.

God and Demon Pool: Instill energy and blood of God and Demon, and refine God and Demon Liquid, which can enhance physical mana.

This sacred pool is a huge pool stained with blood with ancient patterns.

Chu Yuan knew that the gods and devil pools were very useful. Filling them with **** and devil liquids allowed the empire's soldiers to enter and build a foundation. This was specifically used to train a large number of soldiers and make them as powerful as gods and devils.

Moreover, the more precious the materials you use, the greater the effectiveness of the magic liquid.

For example, if you kill immortality, the melted **** and devil liquid can promote a large number of world gods to the realm of universe gods.

Even if it is immortal, as long as you cherish the materials you use, it will be of great benefit to their cultivation.

God and Demon Pool, this is the artifact of the town!


He looked at the system space.

This so-called Tianmen is two huge Tianmen, separated on two sides, from which the mist is boiling and surging, and there is a bright divine light sweeping out, which can stand in front of your own capital and build a passage representing majesty.

Rumble! Tianmen appeared in front of the imperial capital, and anyone who entered the imperial capital had to pass through this majestic Tianmen.

And outside the Tianmen, two tall giant spirit gods appeared, both of them reached the realm of the universe gods, holding the halberds specially built for them, guarding the Tianmen.

The control of reincarnation: the supreme ancient magical powers, in the reincarnation of the sun and the earth, one must grasp the power of reincarnation by oneself, so that the changes of the heaven and the earth are under their control.


In Chu Yuan's eyes, a vague and ancient existence appeared. He was like the master of reincarnation, detached from heaven and earth, watching the fluctuations of the universe reincarnation, all under the control of his hands.

The control of this reincarnation is too overbearing, controlling life.

"The so-called Shenzhou Beyond is nothing more than reincarnation in this universe."

Chu Yuan said indifferently.

The Immortal God Healing Potion, he glanced at it, and it looked similar to the previous healing potion, but the effect was terrifying. As long as the cultivation base did not exceed the realm of the Immortal Triple Heaven, any injury could be recovered immediately.

"When the host establishes the gods, he can open the special mall and refresh more treasures suitable for the immortal gods."

The system prompts.

"it is good."

Chu Yuan nodded. At this moment, he looked at the cursed door in the system space. Since only eight artifacts were collected, it was not perfect.

"Ding! The current branch has been released, gather nine cursed artifacts and condense the complete cursed door." The system released the task.

"Shintok branch."

Chu Yuan took out the cursed gate and stood in the Shenwu Empire. Under his control, he immediately produced a summon to let the last artifact come over.

And Chu Yuan also knew that it would take a while to summon it.

He wouldn't wait, and then he came to the place where Jiuyou was practicing.

Nine Nethers are here cross-legged, the light of Nine Nethers on her body is spreading, but there is still a faintly visible **** vitality, this is the power of the **** empress, and her crazy intertwined, seizing control of the body.


Chu Yuan smiled.

"Emperor Shenwu."

Jiuyou also opened her eyes. She practiced extremely fast in the Shenwu Empire, and knew that it was the power of a human emperor who was helping her, otherwise she would not be so easy to resist the Empress of Blood Moon.

She looked at Chu Yuan, suddenly startled.


"You feel good, I have reached the realm of immortality." Chu Yuan said.

"It seems that I will never catch up with the emperor's cultivation base. I can only look at him from behind. I am still a little bit behind immortality."

Jiuyou was also shocked.

The Emperor Shenwu in front of him was extremely terrifying before he had cultivated to immortality, wouldn't it be even more earth-shattering when he reached the realm of immortality.

"Immortality is not far from you."

Chu Yuan took out a piece of immortal crystal and gave it to her for refining. There is a thick immortal substance inside, which will shorten the time for you to break through to immortality. "

"Also, your immortal catastrophe will be more calamity than others. It comes from the will of the Blood Moon Queen. You have to suppress it with your own strength and maintain your Nine Nether Way. When the Blood Moon Queen is at its peak It is the existence of the immortal triple heaven, I am afraid it is comparable to the **** of war in the barbaric domain."

Chu Yuan said, "But now I control a magical power called the reincarnation of heaven and earth. I will continue to reincarnate in your memory and let you remember yourself deeply. In this way, even if the Queen of Blood Moon seizes her home, you can still suppress it. She is just a will and has lost her strength."

He wants to cultivate Jiuyou to an immortal realm.

Jiuyou has broken through to immortality, not only can he complete a side mission, but with his help, Jiuyou can forge the artifact left by the blood moon queen into a puppet-like blood moon.

"Heaven and earth reincarnation!"

Jiuyou shocked.

She immediately entered the cycle of heaven and earth that Chu Yuan had constructed for her. The infinite magic power allowed her to experience the cycle of cycle after lifetime.

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