"This portal communicates a huge world. It is the legendary Demon Realm, a world suitable for Demon Cultivation. Is your Majesty summoning me to wait for the Demon Realm?"

Savage Domain War God also knew behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons.

He saw the highest, living fossil-level existence, and recognized the origin of this portal at a glance.

"I am just for the Demon Realm."

Chu Yuan nodded. He got the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, and he knew that this gate was a bridge to communicate with a world. From the ancient books, he also found out the origin of the Demon Realm, a world where countless demon heads gathered.

"The Demon Realm is the holy land of the Demon Dao. There are countless powerful demon heads, and evils often occur. These demons appear from the Demon Realm. In the very ancient years, the Demon Realm gave birth to a giant called Demon Venerable. But that Demon Lord is equally difficult to reproduce like the Emperor of Heaven. Your Majesty wants to attack the Demon Realm, and I am willing to be the vanguard for your Majesty!"

God of War please fight!

He is warlike, the person who wants to fight most is him!

Imagine being injured for so many years, unable to fully exert his strength, for him, it is simply more uncomfortable than death, and he can't stand it.

"With the God of War as the vanguard, the army crushes the realm and swept the Demon Realm, I will personally open the two realms channel!"

The universe was calm, Chu Yuan couldn't find a target to start, so he could only hit his idea into the Demon Realm.

He searched for ancient books and knew that there were many demon heads in the Demon Realm. They existed for an ancient time, and there were many treasures in them. The goal of his battle was to loot, loot treasures, and loot the devil heads.

With the help of the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, the Demon Realm often attacked other forces in the universe, and now Chu Yuan counterattacked them with the Demon Gate.

"Two-way passage."

Chu Yuan urged the gate of the void, and suddenly a torrent of void swept out, and a stable channel was created, communicating to the world of the demon realm.

"This portal! It is the power of the void. Although the location of the Demon Realm is not difficult to find, it is difficult to transport the army in quickly without this portal of the Great Emperor!"

The God of War exclaimed.

"The passage between the two realms has been established, and the army is heading to the Demon Realm!"

Chu Yuan ordered.

"Okay, the army of the savage gods, go in with the gods. Every time the universe is in chaos, this group of demon heads will take advantage of the chaos and looting. I beheaded a lot of demon heads back then. This time I directly entered the demon realm!

God of War has entered the Demon Realm.

A large number of legions also rushed into the demon realm like a torrent.

The Demon Territory is huge, with a dark vacuum and rolling magical air circling. There are sun, moon and stars, as well as galaxies. It feels like a miniature universe.

Small but complete.

"It's also part of the universe, unlike the other side of Shenzhou, where the laws seem to have detached from this universe and are not disturbed by the cycle of heaven and earth. The other side of Shenzhou is the most mysterious."

God of War's eyes burst out, and the place he most wanted to penetrate was the other side of Shenzhou, to see who the owner of that side was.

"Go directly to the core of the Demon Realm."

Chu Yuan looked at the huge Demon Territory universe without paying attention to those worlds.

His army directly killed the place where the demon energy was strongest towards the Demon Realm and the most masters.

The huge army was murderous, passing through the Demon Realm with great momentum.

This demon realm is simply the heaven of demon cultivators. As they killed all the way, there were still a large number of demon heads fighting each other in every star and every galaxy.

Although he didn't deliberately swept these ordinary demon star domains, the army swept all the way, still collecting a large number of demon heads and sweeping the past.

"Do not kill me!"

A galaxy was swept by an army, and a demon of the immortal realm was caught by the **** of war, shivering, where there was a little bit of immortal dignity, just like a chicken cub.

"Hand over your soul and spare you not to die!" God of War said.

"Hand in, I hand in!"

This Demon Realm immortal handed over his soul simply and neatly.

The Demon Territory was originally the weak and the strong. It is common for the small demon to be annexed by the big demon. It is normal to meet the stronger ones.

As the army entered the Demon Realm, Chu Yuan also clearly felt that the atmosphere in this realm had changed.

Countless masters have been summoned and gathered in one direction after entering the deepest part of the demon realm.

"Your Majesty, the Demon Territory Army is gathering!" Lu Qianfu said.

"I have seen that the army has entered with great momentum, and it is impossible for the Demon Realm to remain silent. They are ready to resist my attack in the deepest part of the Demon Realm. It is good that the masters gather to save me trouble and slowly look for the past."

It is impossible to hide from the masters who dominate the demon realm.

Since they were gathered in one place, it was in line with Chu Yuan's wishes. He simply slowed down the marching speed of the army and gave the Demon Realm time to gather and catch it all.

Oh oh oh!

The low magic sound horn resounded in the demon realm, and it hasn't stopped since the army of the Shenwu Empire entered.

Although the Demon Territory was fighting severely, and no one would accept it, it would unite whenever it encountered an invasion by foreign enemies, knowing that if it did not do this, the Demon Territory would have been flattened by others and would no longer exist.

"The deepest part of the Demon Realm!"

With the vast demon energy, a huge portal appeared in the sky, which was also the gate of ten thousand demon. Behind the demon gate, there were densely densely packed shadows of demon heads.

"Shenwu Empire, my Demon Realm is based here, and there is no hatred against you. Today, you led your army into my Demon Realm, are you going to go to war?"

Behind the demon gate, an ancient demon sound came out, containing a strong anger.

With such a large army and such a scale, this is already a battle to be swept away.

"My Demon Realm is not a Spirit Realm, so it's not so easy to step down!"

Another person heard angry sounds.

"The struggle for hegemony in the universe and the struggle for national destiny has nothing to do with grievances and grievances. Today, I lead a large army into the Demon Realm. I don't need to say more about my purpose. There are only two choices before you, surrender or death."

Chu Yuan said coldly.

The battle for hegemony in the universe is all for profit. If he can conquer the Demon Realm and add the Barbarian Realm, he will have the background to be promoted to the Divine Kingdom!

As soon as he sets up a gods, his strength will also change qualitatively.

"You are so mad, haha, Emperor Shenwu, we know that you destroyed the spirit realm when you were in high spirits, but unfortunately, the strength of my devil realm is much stronger than the spirit realm. It is completely wrong for you to hit us. Up."


A powerful force came over. This was an old man with a strong devilish air, but his aura was as thick as the earth, wearing a black robe, looking at Chu Yuan with cold eyes.

His strength is very strong, he is definitely a pseudo-sovereign who has stepped into the realm of supreme!

"Earth Demon God!"

The Book of Enlightenment was shocked: "Your Majesty~www.ltnovel.com~ This is the Demon God in the Demon Realm!"

"Who else, I remember there is also a demon **** who is also a false demon. The two demon masters of heaven and earth are the strongest demon master in the demon domain. After the disappearance, the strongest demon head in the demon domain also appeared."

Chu Yuan's eyes swept across, bringing great pressure.

"Emperor Shenwu!"

Another old man arrived. He was wearing pure white clothes. He was not as deep as the Demon God, his strength was stronger than the Demon God, and he was the first strong man in the Demon Realm, the Demon God.

Tianmoshen's face was solemn.

Although he is in the Demon Realm, he also knows that Emperor Shenwu's fame has risen like a comet and his methods are mysterious. He just conquered the Spirit Realm a few years ago.

The two demon masters of heaven and earth are present together, this is the strongest person in the demon realm today, but their mood is not lightened.

Because the Emperor Shenwu they were facing was a mysterious to strange existence.

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