The army was overwhelmed, and the Shenwu army was holding weapons, and the cold light swept out, and the shining people were frightened.

The weakest person who can join this battle is the cultivation base of the gods.

They lined up, iron-blooded and indifferent, killing Fahehe, and their formation was solemn. As long as the emperor gave an order, they would rush out in an instant.

On the other hand, there are a lot of strong people in the Demon Realm, but the formation is scattered. They are all gathered by the two Demon Gods of Heaven and Earth.

Seeing such an army, the people of Demon Realm were also very timid.

Although they are accustomed to fighting, they are mostly fighting for the strong. Facing the battle lineup of the Shenwu army, such a large army, the impact brought them is too strong, and the light momentum will overwhelm them.

"The army of the Shenwu Empire is terrible!"

The demon **** admits that the Shenwu army is very strong.

He looked at Chu Yuan, the emperor was tall, dominating the world, and dominating all living beings. He had earth-shaking power in every move.

"But my Demon Realm is not easy to deal with. If there is no means, can it exist today?"

Earth Demon God Road.

He said again: "Emperor Shenwu, I advise you to retreat and do not fall into the quagmire of war. Your opponent is not us, but the Emerging God Dynasty. It is no good to fight with us here. There are so many powerful people in my Demon Realm. You Shenwu Empire You are the only one who is great, what are you using to fight us?"


Chu Yuan's words fell, the **** warriors waved their flags, and the army took a few steps forward, overwhelmingly overwhelming, and collapsed the Demon Realm.

"It seems that they will not withdraw their troops. The Demon God has long heard of the secrets of the strength of the Shenwu Great Emperor. It happens that I take this opportunity to see how strong his strength is, and whether the two Demon Gods, you and me, can suppress him. !"

Heavenly Demon God and Earth Demon God both stepped into the existence of the pseudo-respect, and they were not afraid of Chu Yuan, they all came to the house, and there would be a little left.

The many immortals of the Demon Realm also roared.

According to their information, the truly powerful Shenwu Empire is also Emperor Shenwu,

"Your opponent is not the emperor, but the god."

The God of War of the wild domain came out.

"you are!"

The Demon God looked at the burly middle-aged man, overlapping with a figure in his memory, and exclaimed: "War God of the barbaric domain, aren't you going to die? Why are you still alive? Did you take refuge in the Shenwu Empire!"

"Not stupid." Barbaric domain war **** said.

"What's the matter, the God of War of the Barbarian Territory is not a badly injured, dying body, but I only have a throbbing, most prosperous posture from his breath, where is the slightest weakness, what happened?"

The Demon God also did not understand.

"Shenwu Great, all the sources are because of him!"

Although the **** of heaven did not understand, he knew that it was all because of Emperor Shenwu, and immediately said: "The **** of war is not dead, and he has an inseparable relationship!"

"In the demon prison, we are not afraid of him!"

The minds of the two demon gods changed rapidly.

"The whole army strikes, kill!"

The Shenwu army also slayed out at this time and set out to conquer the Demon Realm. One was to conquer this world, and the other was to use them to train soldiers.

Chu Yuan also knew that the Demon Realm was weak and powerful, and if he wanted to subdue them as his own strength, he must use his powerful strength to suppress them.

The Barbarian God Legion took the lead. They had just joined Shenwu, but the Barbarians were already warlike. They had soaked in the God Demon Pool again, and their blood boiled, and they rushed out under the leadership of Bei Ming Fengye.

"Kill it!"

The Demon God was not reconciled to failure, and immediately ordered, and a large number of demon heads were killed instantly.

"Xuanhuang Army, kill!"

The Xuanhuang Legion in the Xuanhuang Book was killed. They had a strong aura, like heaven and earth. Under the leadership of Xuanhuang, although there were only one million, they were more than one million holy gods.

"Xuanhuang shield!"

The army opened the Xuan Yellow Shield and slowly advanced.

These demon heads are also very strong, fighting all day long, but facing the strangulation of regular troops like Shenwu, they have revealed their weaknesses, there is no order, and they are almost fighting separately.

"How can Shenwu have so many powerful people!"

The Xuanhuang Army is a corps not in their intelligence.

Moreover, after World War I, he obtained a large number of treasures in the spiritual realm, and upgraded the Taiyi Pill Furnace to an immortal artifact, which has greatly improved the overall strength of the Shenwu Empire.

With blood spattered, the army started strangling mode.

This is a battle to conquer the Demon Realm.

And this domain Chu Yuan must conquer his own territory.

Heavenly Demon God, Earth Demon God has a gloomy face.

Originally, they were fearless, but the God of War of the Barbarians belonged to the Shenwu Empire, like a thunderbolt in the sky, completely breaking their deployment.

"It is impossible for the God of Savage Domain to fully recover from his injuries. Perhaps Emperor Shenwu used some taboo tactics to make him look safe, so I will test his strength to see how far he has recovered!"

The Demon God did not believe in the War God of the Barbarian Territory and completely recovered.

He watched as he entered the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons and fought against a large army, and shook his head. He hadn't expected these people to be able to resist the Iron-Blooded Master of the Shenwu Empire.

"The God of War is fighting with me!"

The Earth Demon God slammed out, he was the Earth Demon, powerful, swept away with a punch, swept like heaven and earth.

"Let me deal with these two demon gods!"

The War God of Barbaric Domain had been silent for too long. He yearned for a war, stepping out in one step, bombarded by the bronze War God's fist, and his domain expanded at the same time, evolving the world of war, with one punch and one blow.


He directly bombarded, the face of the earth demon **** suddenly changed, he felt that he was hit, his whole body was going to be shattered, he was blasted out, and hit the door of ten thousand demon heavily, vomiting blood.

Defeating the Demon God with one punch, this is the strength of the God of War, proud of the world.

"Your strength!" The Demon God's teeth trembled, and he made an incredulous voice, "At the peak of prosperity, you have realized the path of supremacy. Could this be brought to you by Emperor Shenwu!"

"No need to guess, I did understand the way to the Supreme. The Supreme is just a matter of time for and I also tell you the fact that I am fine, my injury has been completely cure."

The savage war **** swept across his eyes, and his power was extremely huge: "The two demon gods of heaven and earth, your only way out is to take refuge in Emperor Shenwu and be completely loyal to the empire. There is no other way out!"

"It's not so easy for us to take refuge in!" The Demon God screamed, "Heaven Demon God, we two join hands, with the help of the power of the Demon Realm, even if he is strong, he can be suppressed!"

"Then come to fight and defeat you!"

God of War smiled.

If the two demon gods of heaven and earth surrendered directly, he would find it meaningless.

"The power of heaven and earth!"

These two demon gods are pseudo-sovereigns, and one person may not be considered very powerful. However, when the two of them are combined, they are the most powerful pseudo-sages, and their power will be shocked into the sky.

Chu Yuan watched the battle between the God of War and the Demon God of Heaven and Earth, calmly, a mysterious book was shining, and the goal was the Demon Realm.

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