With the words, Xue an slowly walked in.

Qin Yu and fan Mengxue were relieved by his appearance.

Even Bi Yuntao called out, "Mr. Xue!"

Xue an smiles and nods, then looks at Xie Tianci and says faintly: "are you Xie Tianci?"

Xie Tianci looks at Xue an with a grim face.

However, xue'an doesn't look like a son of a rich family, so he doesn't care too much. He just looks at Anqing behind xue'an.

"Anqing, if you and the Qin family mix up to make trouble in the provincial capital, are you afraid that your elders will ban you when they know about it?" Thank God for the Yin compassion said.

Anqing's face is not good-looking.

She and Xie Tianci are not very familiar, only met a few times.

But she also knew that this thank God gift was favored by Xie family in the provincial capital.

And Xie family's influence, even in the capital to settle down also dare not belittle.

That's why she felt that it was not right for Xue an to put the celebration banquet here today.

"Thank you, we're just here for a party. We don't have to be such a party!" An Qing said.

"Have a party? Ha ha Xie Tianci has a mocking smile on his mouth and looks at Xue an.

"You just said to me You want to cut off my hand? "

When he said this, Xie Tianci's imposing manner made anqing slightly pale.

But these things are useless in front of Xue an, Xue an just a faint smile, "yes, but I want to correct it!"

"Oh? Correct what? " Xie Tianci thought Xue an was going to apologize to him, so he became more and more arrogant.

"I think it's wasteful for a person like you to live in the world, so..."

Xue an showed his stuttering and beautiful teeth with a smile.

"You'd better go to hell."

There was a dead silence.

A lot of people look at Xue an with the eyes of the dead.

How could you speak with Xie Shao in such a tone.

This guy is dying!

Xie Tianci laughed angrily, nodded his head and said: "good, you have successfully angered me, I will break the bones of your whole body a little bit, and then kill you! Shi Hao

Xie Tianci is not a fool. Knowing that Xue an dares to say so, he may be able to do some Kung Fu, so he calls Shi Hao to come over.

He has great confidence in Shi Hao. After all, Shi Hao has won the place in the martial arts meeting, and he has entered the top 100!

There was no expected footstep.

Xie Tianci turns around suspiciously, and then finds Shi Hao looking at Xue an with a pale face.

"Shi Hao, get rid of this guy, and I'll give you the piece of land you've always wanted."

Shi Hao finally moved.

Xie Tianci is a little excited. He seems to have seen Xue an's whole body broken.

But the next scene shocked everyone.

Shi Hao came to xue'an and suddenly fell on his knees.

"See you Yes, Mr. Xue

Thank God, my eyes are staring out.

What's going on?

Xue an then indifferent smile, "did not expect to meet here again!"

Shi Hao's heart to cry is already there. He never dreamed that the one who was sent to kill by God would be Xue an.

If you know, he will not come even if he kneels down to beg for himself.

Because Shi Hao knows that Xue an is powerful.

The scene of Xue an killing the old man pointing to the sky with one blow at the martial arts meeting that day is still fresh in my mind.

I'm barely one of the top 100 in the martial arts convention.

But compared with other people, even a little finger can't match.

So Shi Hao kneels down on the ground, hoping Xue an can let go.

At this time, Xie Tianci said in surprise, "Shi Hao What's the matter with you? "

Shi Hao was angry and said in a cold voice, "thank you, I'm sorry, Mr. Xue, I can't afford it. You'd better say less!"

Thank God, I felt a cold sweat on my back.

He knows Shi Hao's strength, and he says he can't be provoked.

So this man What is sacred?

Xue an Chong Shi Hao smiles, "don't be afraid, I don't intend to kill you, but what did you just say to Miss Qin?"

Shi Hao trembled and banged his head.

"Excuse me, sir. I didn't know Miss Qin was your man."

Xue an sighed and patted him on the head.

Shi Hao's face looked very frightened.

But they didn't even dare to move.

However, Xue an didn't kill him. After taking a few shots, Shi Hao's face suddenly turned pale.

Then the whole person quickly withered down, no longer just the spirit."Can you be convinced that I have abolished your cultivation?" Xue an said lightly.

Shi Hao was paralyzed all over, but he still struggled to say: "take it in!"

Xue an nodded, then raised his eyes and laughed at Xie Tianci.

"Now It's your turn! "

Xie Tianci's heart was greatly shocked, and he could not help but retreat, still saying.

"I'm the second youngest of the Xie family. If you dare to touch me, the Xie family will never let you go!"

Xue an shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"Why are you all like this before you die

With that, Xue an suddenly stamped his foot, and the whole hall was shaking.

A lot of people fell to the ground.

And Xie Tianci is crawling on the ground, unable to move at all.

Xue an came forward slowly, stepping on Xie Tianci's head.

Thank God at this time completely broke down, "forgive me, Mr. Xue. I'm wrong. I shouldn't be against you! Please leave me alone

Xue an raised his head and looked at Cao Zheng and ah Xiu, who were stunned, and gave a smile.

"See, the villains who hurt you will be afraid, so you don't have to worry about these things in the future, understand?"

Ah Xiu was shocked, and the panic in his eyes disappeared. Instead, he was bright.

Xue an bowed his head. At the moment, Xie Tianci was scared to urinate.

The strong smell of urine makes people nauseous.

"What you just said is right. The Xie family won't let me go, so after you die, I'm going to Destroy your Xie family first

Then Xue an stepped on it.


Thank God's head was trampled on by life.

At this point, the Xie family two young, died on the spot.

There was a dead silence.

A lot of people are so scared that they are fighting.

Xue an was indifferent, even with a smile in his mouth, then looked around the audience.

No one dared to look him in the eye.

At this time, Xue an saw the stupefied Hua Ruyue.

Then he hooked her finger.

"Come here!"

Hua Ruyue shivered all over, and then retreated in great fear.

"No No, I'm I don't know anything. Please don't kill me

"Don't you know anything? Who sent the black clothes Gang to deal with fan Mengxue? "

Hua Ruyue in the eyes of extreme panic, this man is the devil!

How can he know everything?

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