When Chen Xiaoyi and Wang Jianming arrive, the hall is already full of stars.

These celebrities and stars are gathered together in groups, with a proud smile on their faces.

No one paid attention to Chen Xiaoyi and Wang Jianming.

They were embarrassed, too.

But at this time, fan Mengxue, dressed in full attire, welcomed her with a gentle smile on her face.

"Welcome to the party tonight

Wang Jianming was shaking with excitement.

This is fan Mengxue!

The goddess in my mind!

And this scene also let a lot of onlookers slightly surprised, what are these two people?

Can fan Mengxue take the initiative to welcome him?

"Didn't Mr. Xue come?" Chen Xiaoyi is looking for Xue an's shadow in the visual field.

Fan Mengxue a smile, "he leads the children, must come later!"

Just then, Cao Zheng and his wife came.

When many stars see Cao Zheng, their eyes are bright.

After this film, Cao Zheng Guicai's fame has reached its peak again.

So a lot of stars are thinking about condom.

For example, a lot of female stars, at the moment, swayed up to try to chat up.

But Cao Zhengmu does not squint and has no expression. In his heart, there is only a Xiu on one side.

At the moment, ah Xiu is a little rusty, because she looks at the strange and familiar scene around, and can't help but think of those things before.

And then a female manager came forward with a smile on her face.

"Cao, you are here. Please come this way."

Cao Zheng nodded.

The female manager then said, "this must be Mrs. Cao..."

All of a sudden, the manager's eyes widened.

Ah Xiu looked at the female manager and whispered, "Molly, do you still know me?"

It's like a ghost to see Molly.

"You You... "

Molly's face was full of amazement, and the sea was in her heart.

At the beginning, a Xiu was the lobby manager of Lizhu Hotel, and she was under her. Because she was jealous of ah Xiu's achievements, she deliberately asked ah Xiu to send water to the drunken Xie Shao.

Finally, a Xiu was thrown downstairs, and she stood by and watched coldly.

At that time, she felt that the woman would not die.

I didn't expect that she came back today.

And she is also the wife of Cao Zheng, who was just popular recently.

Ah Xiu looks at this woman coldly.

Molly bit her teeth, just a horizontal heart, even if it can?

She knows that Xie Shao will come tonight, and you will be all right.

So she forced a smile and said, "it's sister a Xiu!"

Cao is aware of his wife's strange, just want to say something.

There was a commotion outside the door.

Xie Tianci and Shi Hao and Hua Ruyue and others came in.

Their appearance, let a lot of people shudder, some people are excited.

Here it is!

This is lively!

Thank God after entering the door, looking around, in his cold eyes, many people are shivering.

Then Xie Tianci's eyes stopped on fan Mengxue in full dress, and a look of greed flashed in his eyes.

This woman is a real beauty!

Then Xie Tianci noticed Cao Zheng and the shivering ah Xiu beside him.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Qin Yu and the black king came over.

Thank you very much Qin Yu nodded.

Looking at Qin Yu, Xie Tianci suddenly laughed, "I wonder who gave you courage? How about Leung wing Chi? "

The whole scene gradually quieted down.

Shi Hao looked at Qin Yu with great interest and thought that the little girls were good-looking!

Qin Yu's face became ugly. "Xie Shao, what do you mean by that?"

"When I came to my site and made a film, I put the celebration banquet at my door. Do you really think that the provincial capital is the Beijiang of your Qin family?" Thank God for the cold voice.

Qin Yu bit his teeth, "Xie Shao..."

Xie Tianci waved his hand and sneered: "since you dare to do this, you should be prepared to be revenged. Shi Hao, do it!"

Shi Hao grinned grimly and came up to him, "little ladies, look at you, you are so delicate and tender. If I go on this fist, I'm sure you'll have to be meat mud. Why don't you kneel down and apologize to Xie Shao, and then accompany me for one night and let you go

Qin Yu's face turned blue with anger.

At this time, the black king stopped Qin Yu behind him, looked at Shi Hao and said, "your opponent is me!"

Shi Hao grinned grimly, "then go to die!"As soon as Shi Hao punches out, there is a faint sound of wind and thunder in his fist style.

This is a move he has only recently learned.

Wang's face was so big that he didn't even think of it.


Black king was directly bombed out more than ten steps away, smashed a table, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then could not stand up.

There was silence.

"Who else?" said Shi Hao

At this time, Hua Ruyue sneered at fan Mengxue and said, "fan, do you see? Don't think you made a movie, it's the home of Xie family

Fan Mengxue is calm and fearless.

However, Wang Jianming's mind was hot at the moment, and he wanted to protect his goddess.

However, Chen Xiaoyi was caught.

But behind the color dignified Chong Wang steady shook his head.

Wang Jianming had to give up.

At this time, Shi Hao came forward with a grim smile and said: "thank you, this woman belongs to me, and that fan Mengxue belongs to you!"

No one dares to speak.

After all, the Xie family has been in the provincial capital for so many years, and they have accumulated great prestige, and no one dares to provoke them.

Qin Yu slowly backed back, full of anxiety.

Why hasn't Mr. Xue come yet?

Thank God at this time a smile, "don't worry, the night is still very long, play slowly, I'll clean up this Cao Zheng first!"

Then Xie Tianci turned his head and looked at Cao Zheng and ah Xiu with a slight sneer.

"Director Cao, you really don't give up. It's a pity that you can't fight me even if you're looking for anyone. As for your wife, I'm really sorry that she didn't die at that time."

Ah Xiu was shocked.

Molly looked at the side of the heart, the heart said that this is the end of you!

But Cao Zheng's eyes burst out with extreme anger.

He would like to eat it now.

At this time, Bi Yuntao suddenly rushed over and blocked Cao Zheng.

His behavior surprised many people.

"You can't deal with Director Cao!" Although Bi Yuntao was afraid, he tried to keep calm.

Thank God a tiny frown, "roll!"

Bi Yuntao is tough, but he doesn't move.

At this time, Cao Zheng plucked his shoulder, and then stepped forward to sink his voice.

"Thank God, you don't think you can cover the sky in the provincial capital!"

"Thank God to smile triumphantly," I'm sorry, but I can cover the sky with my hand, what can you do? "

At this time, a calm voice came from the door.

"Cover the sky with your hands? Then I'll cut off your hand

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