
All of them took a breath of cold air, and then looked at Xue an, who was "talking like crazy" with astonished eyes.

Jingtianrui couldn't believe his ears. After a long time, he didn't react. Then he looked at each other with several chess players on the stage, and they all laughed.

Laughter reverberated throughout the venue, changing many people's faces.

Xue an is not moved, just quietly watching, until after a moment, he just light way: "smile enough?"

The laughter gradually restrained, Jing Tianrui was staring at Xue an with all eyes. "Boy, no one has ever dared to shout here. I really wonder, what gives you courage?"

Xue an showed his white teeth and laughed, "naturally Liang Jingru

Jing Tianrui is stunned. Where does he know who Liang Jingru is.

But immediately, he realized that Xue an was playing with himself. He couldn't help but roar in anger: "boy, you found it yourself!"

Six sets of chessboards are arranged in one line. It can't be said that there is no one after this, at least it is unprecedented.

Zhuge Xuanqing looked at Xue an with a blank face. She didn't understand what Xue an was going to do. Did she really want to play with six Tianzhao chess masters such as Jing Tianrui?

How could that be possible?

Not to mention him, even his brother Zhuge banzang could not do it himself.

What does he want to do?

Zhuge Xuanqing hesitated in his heart, and then went to Xue an. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Mr. Xue, what are you going to do?"

Xue an faint smile, "did not see? Naturally, it's playing chess with these guys

Zhuge Xuanqing was severely hit. After a long time, she firmly shook her head. "Mr. Xue, if you can listen to my advice, don't fight with these guys, because even if your chess ability is against the weather, you won't be the opponent of so many strong players."

Zhuge Xuanqing persuades anxiously.

Xue an smiles. "Thank you for your kindness, but in my opinion, these guys It's just a group of local chicken and dog. It can't be called a strong one at all

After that, Xue an walked by Zhuge Xuanqing and sat down on his seat.

Zhuge Xuanqing was stunned by Xue an's words. After a long time, she turned around and planned to say something.

But at this time jingtianrui can't wait to shout: "guess first!"

Xue an shook his head. "It's not worth it to deal with you. I guess it's better for you to hold first together."


This made the whole audience even more agitated.

Some people are simply embarrassed by Xue an's series of Sao operations.

How confident does Xue an have to fight against six nine section chess masters and let the other side take the lead at the same time?

A lot of people shake their heads secretly, feeling that Xue an is either out of his mind or deliberately gaining attention.

No one thought Xue an would win.

Now that Xue Jingrui's attitude is very good, I'll give you a good attitude

The strongest of the six Tianzhao chess masters is naturally jingtianrui.

But the remaining five are not weak either!

Any one of them is enough for ordinary people to look up to.

Moreover, the six people's chess styles are quite different.

Therefore, as soon as the chess game is opened, the style differences between them are revealed.

Among the six chess games, there are the "killer" school, the treacherous school and the layout school.

This kind of different opening method, let alone sit there to play chess.

But Xue an just laughs it off, and then he controls six pieces with his mind at the same time, and returns the falling pieces.

Sitting directly opposite him was Jing Tianrui. He sneered, "boy, this is just the beginning. I remember that after losing, don't say we forced you!"

After that, jingtianrui obviously accelerated the falling speed!

With this drive, the other five also accelerated their pace.

Xue an didn't say anything, just looked at the scene with a smile, then returned it at a faster speed.

It is convenient to play chess in pairs, and the speed of playing chess is getting faster and faster.

To the back, we can't even see the speed of the falling pieces. We can only see countless light spots shuttling through the chessboard.

The whole scene was silent, and all the people opened their mouths slightly and looked at it with a daze.

Even Zhuge Xuanqing gradually widened her eyes, because she suddenly found a very terrible fact.

At the same time, someone said in a trembling voice, "did you find out? The chess style of Mr. Xue... "

In fact, without this person's warning, many chess players have already become extremely dignified.Because they were shocked to find that Xue an was playing with these six chess masters in six different styles.

and every style as like as two peas are good at.

That is to say, Xue an competes with the Juesha school with killing moves, with the treacherous faction with the weird one, and with the layout school with the layout school.

And in an orderly manner, without any confusion.

This scene is just like the Arabian Nights.

If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed that anyone could play chess like this.

The atmosphere grew more and more dignified.

Many Outland chess masters have rekindled hope in their eyes.

Xue an's strength now makes them feel that they may really be able to defeat Jing Tianrui and others.

And Jing Tianrui and other six people also feel great pressure at the moment.

Jing Tianrui, in particular, is full of panic. He finds that Xue an has a steady head over himself in terms of layout and chess skills.

It's impossible!

I have been instructed by the master of chess. How can this guy have such a powerful chess skill?

Jingtianrui roars in his heart, his eyes become red, and he starts to fight with Xue an as hard as he can.

But even in the face of such a strong pressure, Xue an still has a light face, and even some boring yawn, and then shook his head, "is this the ability? It's too slow. Can you make it faster? "

This makes Jing Tianrui and others almost spit blood.

"Extremely arrogant, today I'll show you the power of Tianzhao chess master!" Jingtianrui smiles grimly and makes up for the potential of secretly arranged chess.

But he didn't hold his pride yet.

Xue An Yi Xing's languid shake his head, "no fun, it seems that you don't have any new tricks, then all go to die!"

After that, Xue an dropped one of the six chessboards.

This son is like a king in the world, once entered the chessboard, it directly launched the killing.

On the six chessboards, the pieces representing Tianzhao chess master began to disappear crazily.

In an instant, jingtianrui six people were killed, a smooth and smooth, not even a chess piece left.

In the eyes of all, Jing Tianrui and others were killed by Xue an with six sons!

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