Xue an's opponent, Wen Yan, was stunned.


What lost?

I'm going to lose, OK?

The chess master, known for his indecency, was filled with grief and indignation. He never thought that there could be someone in the world who was more obscene than his style of chess, and even let people scratch their hearts.

That coquettish walk, the layout that makes people cry and laugh, all let this chess master have a kind of impulse that wants to vomit blood.

Even he is ready to give up his son.

What did Xue an say about losing?

At this time, only heard the whole audience startled.

"My God, is this the real strength of Lord Jing?"

Because at this moment, the match between Zhuge Xuanqing and Jing Tianrui has reached a white hot degree.

I saw black and white in the chess game like a dragon like a boa constrictor. At this moment, Zhuge Xuanqing still had the upper hand, but the next second, she was forced to a desperate situation by jingtianrui.

This rapidly changing situation, so that the audience are constantly exclaiming.

But gradually, discerning people can see that Zhuge Xuanqing has gradually fallen into the underdog, although her chess momentum is still, killing moves are still cold.

But in the face of Jing Tianrui's layout, he still seems to be unable to catch up with him. He gradually starts to be clumsy on the left and clumsy on the right. Obviously, he has only the ability to parry.

"ZHUGE girl is more dangerous than lucky!" Some people shake their heads and sigh.

"It seems that jingtianrui has indeed been instructed by the master of chess, because judging from the layout and placement, he has the demeanor of a chess master!"

Almost all of the Outland chess masters have their hearts in their mouths at the moment, because in their minds, Zhuge Xuanqing is the God of war who blocks Tianzhao chess master. If she falls down, the situation will be completely out of control.

However, the chess game is never changed by anyone's will. If the strength is lower, you will lose. There is no reason to say.

With the passage of time, Zhuge Xuanqing's downwind has become more and more obvious, while Jing Tianrui's offensive is more and more fierce.

At this time, even ordinary people can see that Zhuge Xuanqing is going to lose.

Just then.

I saw Gong Changyue on the side of the despondent abandoned son, "I admit defeat!"

Although Xue an gave him a jade slip which recorded many ancient chess scores, it was not enough for him to make a qualitative leap in just a few days.

As a matter of fact, he was very lucky to have just defeated Di Yuanlong. With his strength, it is not easy to survive until now, so it is not surprising that he was defeated.

But in this way, Xue an and Zhuge Xuanqing were left in the game.

This situation is extremely severe.

But it hasn't been waiting for people to react.

Jingtianrui said with a grim smile: "Miss Zhuge, it seems that your chess skills are inferior to me!"

With that, he left a son behind.

This move made up his whole chess momentum in an instant, and made a killing to Zhuge Xuanqing.

In an instant, the whole scene was as quiet as death.

All the people turned their eyes to the girl in black who was thin.

For half a cup of tea, Zhuge Xuanqing didn't make any moves, just watched the chess game quietly.

Finally, she got up in silence and said quietly, "I lost!"

The whole scene was quiet at first, and then there was a big noise.

"Did you lose in the end? Does it mean that no one can stop Tianzhao chess master? " There is an Outland chess player with a desperate face.

"Even miss Zhuge is defeated. Unless Zhuge banzang can show up, no one will be able to prevent Jing Tianrui from being the champion again!" Someone sighed.

Jing Tianrui, with a proud smile on his face, is about to say a few beautiful words.

Zhuge Xuanqing did not hesitate to turn around and walk to the stage.

Even though she was calm, her reluctance could be seen in her pale face and the tears in her eyes, which were covered by black hair.

What can I do if I don't want to?

If you lose, you lose. The only thing you can do is come back in three years!

All the people looked at the girl playing chess with respect. Although she lost, she still won the respect of countless people with her own strength.

Many Outland chess masters shake their heads and sigh, ready to turn around and leave.

In their opinion, this is the end of the game.

If you don't go, do you still have to wait to celebrate Tianzhao's defending champion?

But it was just then.

There was a voice full of indignation and despair, "please don't use this kind of play to deal with me, I give up!"

When they heard this, they all looked up.

The chess master who played with Xue an had no love for life, and had already given up his son.

The whole scene was quiet at first, then the atmosphere became a little strange.

"Yes, there isn't an Outland chess player on the stage!" Someone said excitedly.But more people are silent.

Because they have no hope of it.

Zhuge Xuanqing's eyes are also slightly bright, even if the rotation again dim down.

Now there are seven people on the stage. Except Xue an, all the rest are Tianzhao chess masters.

Unless Xue an can go against the weather, it can't change any overall situation.

Sure enough.

After seeing Jing Tianrui in slightly a Zheng, then issued a burst of ferocious smile.

"I almost forgot about you. Why? Do you think you can do something if you win this set? Hehe, I tell you, it's pure wishful thinking. "

Said, jingtianrui full face proud of a finger field, "see? Now it's all my people on the court! How are you going to fight me? "

The clamour spread throughout the audience.

A lot of foreign chess masters clenched their fists.

In many people's eyes, the color of sadness and indignation is even more obvious.

But the situation is so, they can only helplessly bow their heads.

Because they also understand that Jing Tianrui is telling the truth.

Jing Tianrui's people can kill Xue an even if they are in a wheel battle.

Zhuge Xuanqing sighed softly, then turned and continued to walk under the stage.

But it was just then.

Xue an looked at the proud jingtianrui with a smile, "according to you, I will lose without doubt?"

"Of course! Xue, you admit defeat now, I can give you a decent, otherwise Hum Jingtianrui stood with his hands down, his face full of arrogance.

Xue an smelt speech but shook his head and chuckled, "it sounds good, but what others give you is decent, can you call it respectable?"

"You..." Jing Tianrui was stunned and decided to speak.

Xue an waved his hand and said faintly, "I have a problem, that is, I will never admit defeat."

Then Xue an raised his hand to all the people on the chess table and said, "since you think you can beat me with too many people, today I'll fight you all alone

As soon as this was said, the audience was in a dead silence.

Zhuge Xuanqing, who was already half way down, turned around and looked at Xue an in disbelief.

At this time, Xue an faint smile, "let's go together, I'm in a hurry!"

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