This kind of tone is like talking to younger disciples.

But Gong Changyue did not have the slightest anger color, but stood there respectfully.

At this time, other people also continued to end the game.

As expected, Zhuge Xuanqing won without any suspense,

Jing Tianrui also crushed his opponent.

Jing Tianrui, in particular, is very happy now.

This is because half of the 30 chess masters have been eliminated, and almost all of them are Outland chess masters.

The only thing left is Zhuge Xuanqing.

He turned his head and was about to speak. Then he was surprised by what he saw.

Gong Changyue and Xue an are standing together.

But di Yuanlong, one of his subordinates, sat there with a dispirited face.

"What's going on?" Jing Tianrui asked in amazement.

"Big My Lord, I lost! " Di Yuanlong said with great shame.

"Lose Lost? " Jingtianrui widened his eyes.

"Well!" Di Yuanlong nodded.

Jingtianrui takes a breath of cold air.

He never thought that his men could lose to Gong Changyue.

And this surname Xue also seems to have broken through the third round, and successfully promoted to the next round.

What the hell is going on here?

Jingtianrui was so angry that he even looked at Xue an's eyes.

If he had been a condescending contempt for xue'an before, it would have been a naked hatred.

And the one who was most afraid in the audience was Cai Yongxin.

Cai Yongxin, who originally thought Xue an was just talking big, turned pale when he saw Xue an beat his opponent again and advanced to the fourth round.

After thinking for a while, Cai Yongxin gritted his teeth and whispered a few words with his father, the head of the Cai family.

The master of the Cai family thought for a moment and finally nodded.

At this time, Zhuge Xuanqing also saw this scene, and his expression became somewhat complicated.

But before she could react, Gong Changyue took a deep breath, came forward and said with a smile, "Miss Zhuge, I have won Di Yuanlong, and have been promoted to the fourth round successfully. The reputation of Gong's family has been preserved."

After being promoted to the fourth round, it is considered to have won the place in this competition. No matter who it is, it is a good result.

Especially for the Gong family, who ate a zero egg in the last session, this achievement is more valuable.

But Zhuge Xuanqing didn't just feel strange because of this. She always felt that Gong Changyue, standing in front of her, had changed a lot.

Seems to have become More confident.

But now is not the time to tangle with these things. Zhuge Xuanqing took a look at the rest of the chess players, and his face became a little solemn. Then he went to Xue an and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Xue, there are only three foreign players left now, so I think we must be prepared! Otherwise

Xue an chuckles, "otherwise what?"

Zhuge Xuanqing raised his head and looked at jingtianrui in the distance with a trace of worry.

"Otherwise, we are probably not the opponents of jingtianrui!"

In fact, from the moment he saw jingtianrui, Zhuge Xuanqing felt that he had no idea.

Jingtianrui, three years ago, can still see the details.

But three years later, she couldn't see through the man.

This change made Zhuge Xuan feel awe inspiring.

That's why she's not confident.

Xue an laughed, laughing wantonly and frantically, "is that why? Well, I'll leave this guy to me later! "

Zhuge Xuanqing was stunned and then looked at Xue an with strange eyes. After a long time, she said coldly, "do you know what you are talking about?"

Xue an smiles and nods, "of course!"

Zhuge Xuanqing frowned, and his good feeling for xue'an disappeared instantly.

"I know your strength should be very good, but you should not forget that since jingtianrui can be called the young chess king in Tianzhao Star area, he must have his own strength! What's more, after three years of closure and guidance from the chess master, I can't even see what his strength has become, and you... "

Zhuge Xuanqing's words didn't finish, but the meaning was obvious, which implied Xue an's arrogance.

In this regard, Xue an just indifferent smile, "I don't care how he is, I only know This time the champion is mine, and what I say, no one can change it

"You..." Zhuge Xuanqing was furious, but immediately, she forced herself to calm down, and then gave Xue an cold glance, turned around and left.

She's a pure lunatic.

Only when you really face him can you understand the horror of Tianzhao chess master! Zhuge thought.After a short rest, the fourth round is about to start.

At this moment.

After three rounds of competition, the owner of the Cai family suddenly stood up and went to Jing Tianrui and bowed down.

"Mr. Jing, our Cai family have admired your strength for a long time, so we are willing to be inferior in this competition!"


The audience was shocked.

Some Outlands stomp.

"What a shameless villain

Gong Changyue is angry face big change, "Cai family, you do not think about the consequences?"

Cai Yong said with a sneer: "Gong Changyue, we have admired Lord Jing for a long time. We are willing to admit defeat. Can you manage it?"

"You..." Gong Changyue was angry.

Jing Tianrui burst out laughing, "OK. Good! The master of the Cai family really knows the current affairs! "

After this episode, the situation in the field became more tense.

The withdrawal of the Cai family left only 14 chess masters in the field.

And after the draw is over.

There was a great commotion.

Because Zhuge Xuanqing's opponent is jingtianrui.

Is this century's war finally about to begin?

Many people look dignified.

Jingtianrui is facing Zhuge Xuanqing with a smile, "Miss Zhuge, after three years of parting, it's really expected that she can play chess again!"

Zhuge Xuanqing did not say anything, but sat quietly at the side of the chess table and said in a cold voice, "guess first!"

Once again, the game began.

But this time, almost everyone's eyes are on Zhuge Xuanqing.

In particular, all of the Outland chess players simply put their hearts into their voices.

For them, Zhuge Xuanqing is the only pillar left.

If she fails, Jing Tianrui will never be able to stop her.

In contrast, the other people's fight is irrelevant.

Xue an's opponent this time is a timid man, and his chess style is as obscene as his men.

But he is obscene. Xue an's chess style is ten times more obscene than he is.

After a while, Xue an used this disgusting chess style to beat the chess master to the north.

But just when the game was half finished, Xue an suddenly shook his head and sighed.

"Lost!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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