This time, the audience is a burst of surprise.

Because although only a few games, but many people have seen that Xue an is obviously good at the opponent's moves and style to beat the opponent.

This changeable style of chess is simply incredible and amazing.

However, Xue an didn't pay any attention to this. At the moment, he even played chess with the woman carelessly while observing the chess game of the people around him.

If there is no accident, Zhuge Xuanqing can still win.

That jingtianrui is about the same.

Then Xue an will focus all his attention on Gong Changyue.

In fact, from the beginning, it was gong Changyue and di Yuanlong that attracted more attention.

Because many people know the situation of Gong family.

It can be said that if Gong Changyue can't beat Di Yuanlong and stand out from the third round, the whole Gong family will slide into the abyss completely.

What's more, the personal enmity between di Yuanlong and Gong Changyue is also well known.

A lot of people want to see what kind of result the two people play.

This chess game is dominated by Di Yuanlong. He laughs grimly at Gong Changyue, and then drops one.

"Gong Changyue, I admire your courage, but chess can not be won by courage alone. This time I will let you understand what a strong man is!"

This method of using words to attack the opponent's morale at the beginning of the game is very popular among chess players in Tianzhao star field.

Especially in the face of an opponent who is not so determined, this move will often receive miraculous results.

But this time.

Di Yuanlong made a wrong calculation.

See Gong Changyue a face of solemn color, coldly glanced at di Yuanlong, then silent began to fall back.

This speechless silence left all di Yuanlong's words empty.

This let Di Yuanlong in the heart be infuriated, "how, scared dare not speak?"

Gong Changyue looked up at di Yuanlong and said coldly: "the chess competition depends on the cultivation, not the mouth! You can shut up! "

"You..." Di Yuanlong was furious, but he had nothing to do, so he began to play with Gong Changyue.

Di Yuanlong does have the capital to be proud. Since he was a child, he received extremely strict training from Tianzhao Chess Academy. Therefore, he is better than Gong Changyue in both chess skills and spiritual cultivation.

This gap has not decreased in these three years.

So when the two are in the middle of the game.

Gong Changyue has shown the state of clumsy left and right, and fell into the downwind in an all-round way.

Many people can't help shaking their heads.

"This di Yuanlong is still a little better. It seems that the Gong family, once a great chess master, is really no longer able to do so. Even the only descendant has been reduced to this appearance!" Someone sighed.

At this time, di Yuanlong said with a fierce smile: "Gong Changyue, what is your arrogance just now? Why don't you take it out? Don't you want to deal with me? Come on

Gong Changyue's eyes turned red, and his whole heart was occupied by a sense of powerlessness.

He has tried his best, but is he still going to lose in the hands of this guy?

Gong Xueman under the stage saw his brother's appearance, and his tears of heartache all revolved in his eyes.

But it was just then.

Xue an, who was still playing chess slowly, suddenly sighed, "sometimes, you can only survive if you die!"

Many people have no idea what this means.

Only Gong Changyue shivered. Her eyes, which had already been occupied by despair, suddenly became clear and bright.

Yeah! Why didn't I think of it?

Thinking in his heart, Gong changyuefu has left a son in his heart.

There is nothing strange about this piece, and it can even be said that it is a free game.

Di Yuanlong saw the situation with a grim smile and said: "drum for a long time, but the result is ready to surrender?"

In such a high-level chess game, it is almost impossible for idle chess to appear. Once it appears, it means that one side has given up completely. It is just that he intends to delay for a while, so as to make his face less ugly.

This di Yuanlong obviously thinks that Gong Changyue has given up the resistance, so he starts to move forward with a grim smile.

Gong Changyue's chess pieces began to be hanged in large areas.

In an instant.

Gong Changyue's powerful pieces have been hanged.

Everyone no longer has any hope for Gong Changyue.

Di Yuanlong said with a smile, "boy, today is the time when you Gong's family is ruined."

With that, he left a son behind.

A lot of people turn their heads and can't bear to look again.

Because they feel that di Yuanlong has fallen behind.

There is no doubt that Gong Changyue will be defeated.

But when everyone gave up hope.Gong Changyue said coldly: "this is the end for you, but for me, it is the beginning."

With that, Gong Changyue dropped a piece in the middle of those messy idle chess.

This son surprised many people.

"Is Gong Changyue crazy?"

"Yes, it is his own chess pieces that bear the brunt of the fall."

Sure enough.

Just after this one falls.

Gong Changyue's chess pieces began to go out gradually.

Di Yuanlong laughed wildly, "so you have been preparing for such a long time. You are going to commit suicide! It's really an ingenious means... "

The laughter stopped.

Then there was an incredible exclamation.

Because on the chessboard, when Gong Changyue's pieces have been extinguished to nearly half of the time, the chess momentum suddenly had a tremendous reversal.

Originally firmly in the upper hand of Di Yuanlong, in an instant there are a large number of pieces become unable to move the dead chess.

Although Gong Changyue's chess pieces are few, they have become a living dragon that can advance and retreat.

"This How could that be possible? " Di Yuanlong couldn't believe his eyes.

Gong Changyue but a face of indifference, "now, it's time for you to finish!"

There was a complete silence.

People are staring at this scene.

Gong Xueman was more excited with tears in his eyes and whispered: "brother, I thought you were old-fashioned before, but now I find out that you are so handsome!"

Di Yuanlong stupefied enough to have a stick of incense time, just lost his soul to leave a son.

But now is the Chess Master Pro to, in the face of such a situation is also hopeless.

Therefore, under Gong Changyue's several moves, di Yuanlong's chess pieces were all eaten and lost a smooth and smooth one.

The audience was in awe.

Di Yuanlong is very pale, sitting there completely petrified.

In any case, he could not understand why he, who was bound to win, would suddenly become a loser?

"This What kind of move is this? " Di Yuanlong asked in an astringent voice.

Gong Changyue said faintly: "this is to die and to be a posterity!"

"To die and to be born..." Di Yuanlong sat there and whispered to himself.

Gong Changyue stood up, went to Xue an, tidied up her clothes and bowed down: "thank you for your advice!"

The voice has just dropped.

Xue an son falls, even did not look at the opposite that pale woman one eye, just light said a, "you lost!"

Then he turned around and said to Gong Changyue, who was sweeping the floor, "get up, you've done a good job." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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