At this time, di Yuanlong also saw his own chess sign and couldn't help laughing grimly, "Gong Changyue, it seems that we are still predestined! We were rivals in the last one, but we met again in this one! "

Gong Changyue's face was white, and his eyes showed a look of shrinking.

As di Yuanlong said, in the last chess game.

At that time, Gong Changyue, who had just demonstrated his way to Jiuduan, met Di Yuanlong in the first round.

Gong Changyue, who was originally in high spirits, was brutalized by Di Yuanlong, a powerful chess player, and ended up in failure.

If that's all.

The key is that at that time, all the people sent by the Gong family had been destroyed, and no one could advance to the second round.

Therefore, di Yuanlong was extremely sarcastic and made a devastating blow to Gong Changyue's self-esteem.

This left a deep psychological shadow for Gong Changyue.

So that when today to see their opponent is diyuanlong, Gong Changyue can not help but feel a bit timid.

"What? Scared? Don't worry, I will take good care of you and leave you a good memory Di Yuanlong licked his lips and said with a ferocious look on his face.

Hearing this, Gong Changyue can't help but step back two steps, and his face looks uncertain.

At this moment.

A long and powerful hand patted him on the shoulder, and then someone said faintly, "do you know what is the most important thing as a chess player?"

Gong Changyue a Leng, look up, see Xue an is smiling at himself.

Then he shook his head in a daze.

Xue an raised his eyes and took a look at di Yuanlong, whose face was cloudy and sunny. He said faintly: "as a chess player, the most important thing is to have the momentum that thousands of people have gone to."

"Although tens of thousands of people, I will go." Gong Changyue murmured to herself.

Xue an a smile, "say frankly, it is two words! Do him

"Do him?"

"Yes! No matter who the other party is, no matter how noble his identity is and how strong his strength is, we should look at it with a fearless heart, because if we meet on a narrow road, we are afraid of it! It's better to go all out with him! Do you understand? "

Hearing Xue an's words, Gong Changyue's timidity gradually faded, replaced by unprecedented perseverance.

"Thank you, Mr. Xue. I see."

At this time, Xue an suddenly gave a narrow smile, and then reached Gong Changyue's ear and whispered, "in fact, it's the same with chasing girls. First of all, you have to have a thick face and a heart not afraid to lose. No matter what she thinks, we should chase them first! Do you understand? "

Gong Changyue's face turned red to her heel and stammered, "Xue Mr. Xue, I

Xue an waved his hand. "It's obvious that Zhuge Xuanqing is different from you. Otherwise, with her character, you die in front of her, and she doesn't care about you, so you can handle the rest."

Speaking of this, Xue settled down. "But do you think she likes a man who is timid in heart and dare not even let go of the first World War, or does she like a man who dares to show his sword when he meets on a narrow road?"

Love is so wonderful sometimes.

It can make the weak and the wise dull.

At least Gong Changyue quickly calmed down after hearing Xue an's words, and his eyes twinkled with light never seen before.

"Mr. Xue, I see!"

"Understand what?" Xue an said with a smile.

Gong Changyue pointed at the face of the opposite, and did not know what Xue an and Gong Changyue were muttering about. He said in a cold voice, "boy, I'll see what I can do with you later."

This almost made Di Yuanlong think that he had heard the wrong thing, and immediately he was furious.

"Gong, are you looking for death?"

Gong Changyue sneered: "you must die first."

"You..." Di Yuanlong was very angry.

Xue an burst out laughing, then patted Gong Changyue on the shoulder, "very good, you can teach me!"

The laughter attracted a lot of people's attention.

Zhuge Xuanqing looked back strangely.

She now more and more felt that this did not know where to come out of Mr. Xue some strange.

But I can't tell you exactly.

It filled her with doubts.

The third round of competition officially began.

By this time, the competition has been completely white hot.

Can pass the first two rounds of competition, the strength can not be underestimated.

But at this time, we can clearly see the division of the strength of chess players.

Among the 30 chess masters, more than two-thirds of them are from Tianzhao star region.

This situation, so that all the Outland chess masters look a little ugly.

Because this shows that the momentum of being dominant in Tianzhao star region has become more and more irresistible.Xue an's opponent this time is a woman with heavy make-up.

After the woman sat down, she looked pitifully at xue'an and said, "Mr. Xue, I'm not very good at chess. You should be merciful, but I'm a pity!"

This kind of sweet and boring voice, coupled with a woman's face of resentment, but also called delicate and moving.

But Xue an was not moved at all. He didn't even raise his head. He just said faintly: "I think the chess power is shallow. You can give up now and quit!"

"You..." This woman obviously didn't expect Xue an to respond like this.

"And..." Xue an raised his head and looked at the woman quietly, "before the chess game starts, you can't wait to weave illusions. This Some are not so good, are they? "

The woman shivered all over her body, and her eyes showed a look of horror.

She didn't expect that Xue an could break her trick.

At this time, Xue an lowered his eyes, fiddled with a chess piece in his hand, and said faintly: "although I don't want to say it very much, auntie, you can scrape the wall with thick powder on your face. Don't be a slave any more. It's really hard to accept it!"

Hearing this, the audience was petrified.

Then some people couldn't help sniffing and laughing.

Because Xue an's words are so damaging.

Especially the old lady It's the essence of the tongue.

The woman was almost mad, shaking her hand and pointing to Xue an, "boy, you Wait for me. I'll teach you how to be a man later

Xue an raised his mouth and said, "good!"

The game begins.

The woman obviously hated xue'an very much. She started to kill xue'an.

It has to be said that this woman is a strong chess player because of her fierce chess style and powerful killing power.

The only pity is that she met Xue an.

This time, Xue an's style of playing chess has changed again, and the madness of the former chess madman has disappeared.

On the chessboard, it's just a pure killing.

The woman's killing moves are strong, and xue'an's killing moves are ten times stronger than her.

However, after a long time of incense, Xue an defeated the woman's killing. She only had the ability to parry, but had no power to fight back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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