"Chess madman?"

"Yes! The reason for this name is that this guy's style of playing chess is just like a real madman. His chess style is extremely crazy and his killing power is even more frightening! Especially good at dealing with that kind of chess player with steady style. "

Speaking of this, the chess master looked at Xue an with a bad smile. "Isn't he good at playing steady and steady? I met a chess madman. I guess I can't cry if I want to! "

Sure enough.

As the man said.

This honest and honest looking man, when holding chess in his hand, seems to have changed into a person. His eyes instantly become crazy, and his expression is even more ferocious and terrifying as a madman.

When a piece falls, it goes straight into Xue an's chessboard palace.

This extremely arrogant opening, let the whole audience issued a burst of low exclamation.

Even those who don't know this big man can see what kind of chess player he is at the moment, so they all have no hope for Xue an's game.

But just when people thought Xue an was going to lose.

Xue an raised his head and laughed at the big man opposite the chessboard. "I like your style very much."

After that, Xue an did not hesitate to leave a son.

This son can not be said to be directly inserted into the other side's palace, but directly on the other side's forehead.

This kind of chess style is even more arrogant than a big man, which makes the whole court shocked.

"Am I dazzled? Wasn't he good at stability? How did you suddenly change the style? " Someone exclaimed.

This chess madman is also a bit silly, but in an instant, he wakes up, and then his chest burns with anger.

No one has ever dared to play chess with himself, which is a great insult to him.

Therefore, he grinned grimly and launched a very fierce attack.

The offensive was violent enough to frighten onlookers.

But soon.

All the onlookers were stunned.

Because they found that although the chess Madman's attack was fierce and his chess style was crazy.

But Xue an is more fierce than he is, and more crazy.

That kind of almost deadly playing method, let a lot of people have some trance up.

Is it really the same person that the steady chess style that I dare not even try and the evil ghost chess style that seems to have just been released from hell?

The face of the chess madman gradually became pale.

Because he found that he was proud of everything, in the face of Xue an, all become pale.

Whether it is the offensive or the layout, Xue an is steadily rolling his head.

This one does not seem to be many, but it makes the chess madman despair, because no matter what means he uses and how many twists and turns, he can not narrow the gap.


After a stick of incense.

The chess game stopped abruptly. Then Xue an shook his head and said faintly, "it seems that your chess style is not crazy enough!"

After that, Xue an's son was left behind.

This one goes straight into the middle of the big man's chess momentum, just like a sharp blade, stabbing directly into his back.

In an instant, the white chess pieces belonging to the chess madman began to disappear madly, while Xue an's black chess pieces spread out and occupied the whole chessboard.

"You lost!" Xue an said lightly.

The old man was so gray that he looked at it for a long time. Then he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He fell unconscious.

Naturally, there are doctors waiting for the game.

Because a sticky chess game often consumes all the energy of a chess player and even overdrafts all the spirits. If it is not rescued in time, the mind will be broken and the spirits will be destroyed.

So when the chess madman fell to the ground, a doctor soon carried him away for rescue.

This time, the whole audience was dumbfounded.

How high is Xue an's chess skill?

A lot of people look at Xue an with incredible eyes.

Because they suddenly discovered a terrible fact.

That is to say, although the game has only two rounds, Xue an has already changed two styles, and is also the opponent's best at.

Is it possible that He did it on purpose?

Some people just raised this idea in their hearts, then they shivered, and then forced to stop.

Because if it's true, it's terrible.

This time, Xue an was the first to finish the competition in the second round.

After finishing, he began to look at other people's chess games.

Gong Changyue is fighting with an old man. Although it seems difficult, he should be able to win.

Zhuge Xuanqing also met a strong opponent this time, and both sides fought. Although it can be seen from the general situation of the chess game that Zhuge Xuanqing is sure to win, her opponent's perseverance still brought her a lot of trouble.While Xue an was looking at all this.

Jing Tianrui's chess game is over. Although his opponent's strength is very good, he is still defeated in front of him.

After winning the victory, Jing Tianrui turned his head and took a look at Zhuge Xuanqing. Seeing that she was still fighting, he couldn't help but look pleased and thought that he should have won the first prize this time.

But when he looked around, he saw Xue an sitting on a high platform, looking at himself with a smile.

He was stunned.

What's going on?

Is his chess game over?

But why is he still sitting there? Do you mean He won again?

Jing Tianrui's heart set off a storm.

At this time, Xue an stretched out his hand and made a neck wiping movement at jingtianrui, then moved his lips and said two words lightly.


There was a dead silence.

Everyone was stunned by Xue an's behavior.

Jing Tianrui's eyelids beat wildly, and his eyes were filled with anger.

From small to large, no one dares to be so disrespectful to himself.

I must tear this guy apart!

Jingtianrui's heart is crazy.

In Xue an's eyes, there is also an opportunity to kill.

Xue an naturally knows that Jing Tianrui has just tried to deal with his own affairs.

But that's not the main thing.

The main reason is that Xue an can see a breath through Jing Tianrui's game.

This kind of breath, let Xue an heart gradually showed the Sen Leng Sha Ji.

At this moment.

The second round of competition has also come to an end.

After the elimination of half of the players, there were only 30 chess masters left on the board, which became empty.

Zhuge Xuanqing was promoted smoothly.

Gong Changyue, who was not favored by the public at the beginning, actually won two games in a row and advanced to the third round.

At this time, the chess game has entered a critical moment.

Another draw begins.

But when the crowd began to sign the chess, Gong Changyue, who was originally full of joy, was shocked and the joy on his face solidified.

Because his opponent this time is di Yuanlong!

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