Tianzhao chess court covers an extremely wide area, and is divided into internal and external courts.

Listen to the chess Pavilion is located in the middle of the two courtyards, is the chess president old people used to discuss the place.

At the moment, there are many people outside the chess hall.

What happened outside has been spread all over the whole chess house, attracting countless disciples to come to see the excitement.

"Ah, is that the one who defeated elder martial brother Jing? How young you look Someone sighed.

Before the voice dropped, someone pushed him, "Shhh, keep it down! If you are heard by elder martial brother Jing, you will have good fruit to eat? "

As soon as he heard this, he quickly covered his mouth and did not dare to speak.

From this we can see how terrible Jing Tianrui is in the eyes of these younger martial brothers and sisters.

After entering the pavilion, there were five high chairs against the wall, but only one old man with white hair was sitting in the middle.

After seeing the old man, Jing Tianrui's arrogance was also restrained a lot, and he called out respectfully, "uncle!"

The old man was drinking tea. After hearing the cry, he still did not move.

Until after a while, he slowly raised his head to see Jing Tianrui, and then turned his eyes to Xue an and Zhuge Xuanqing.

Zhuge Xuanqing's face was slightly white, and he felt that the old man's eyes were like a knife's paw. He could not help but step back.

The old man showed a faint smile, but Xue an quietly stepped forward and blocked Zhuge Xuanqing behind him.

The old man showed a look of astonishment, and then said coldly, "are you the one who cheated in the chess competition today?"

Xue an said with a faint smile, "if you want to add to the crime, why have you been so wordless? You've already decided that I cheated

"Presumptuous, how dare you be so disrespectful to the ancient elder!" A guard standing by the side of the old man drank hard, and then he would attack.

The ancient elder waved his hand, and then looked at Xue an with pity. "The young man has sharp teeth and sharp mouth, but don't forget, this is a chess house!"

"What about the Chess Academy? Are you still not allowed to speak? " Xue an said lightly.

"Hum!" The ancient elder was very angry and gave a cold hum. Then he turned to Zhuge Xuanqing with a smile.

"Miss Zhuge, I haven't seen you for three years, and your chess skills have improved a lot. Zhuge family is really a chess master, and every successor is a great hero in the world."

These words are very polite, Zhuge Xuanqing also had to stick to the junior ceremony, "thank you very much, master gu!"

The ancient elder laughed, "but I don't know where the elder brother of Zhuge girl is now? I remember that I haven't heard from him for five or six years! "

Zhuge was pale and said in a low voice, "my brother, he went out to seek the truth of chess, but he hasn't come back yet."

"Oh, so it is!" Elder Gu nodded.

"If you think of your brother's young hero at the beginning, you will certainly get something if you go out and look for the wisdom of chess. Then Zhuge family will have a strong chess player again."

Zhuge Xuanqing was surprised.

We should know that Zhuge family and Tianzhao Chess Academy can be regarded as mortal enemies. Tianzhao Chess Academy, which was under the pressure of her brother Zhuge banzang, couldn't rise for decades. People in Tianzhao Chess Academy must hate Zhuge family.

But now listening to the ancient elder's words, it is full of the elder's admiration for the younger generation.

What does that mean?

Is it that people in Tianzhao Chess Academy have changed their sex?

Zhuge Xuanqing was in doubt.

Xue an suddenly laughed, "but I guess, this Zhuge girl's brother It should be hard to come back! "

This speech is like a rock shattering, shaking Zhuge Xuanqing whole body huge shock, "Mr. Xue, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean Then you have to ask the elder of the Chess Academy! Is it? " Xue an looks at the ancient elder with a smile.

The old elder's eyes changed slightly, but he recovered his calmness. Then he sneered and said, "young man, your business has not been dealt with clearly. Do you want to divert your attention through such a poor excuse?"

Xue an clapped and sighed, "it's hard for you to come up with such a good excuse in such a short time!"



In the hall came the sound of rebuke.

Xue an was not moved, but coldly looked at the ancient elder sitting in the distance.

The old man's face began to darken and he was about to speak.

Listen to the voice of a woman's sneer in the void, "I want to see, who dares to cheat in the chess competition?"

With the voice, a few figures gradually floating on the high chair against the wall.

The leader, however, is an enchanting and charming woman.

Seeing these people, Jing Tianrui and others saluted one after another.

"See elder Dai, elder yuan, grow old!"

Even the ancient elder, who had been sitting there, stood up and said, "elder martial sister, several younger martial brothers!"you 're right.

It was the elders of Tianzhao Chess Academy who came here.

The presence of these people made the atmosphere suddenly stagnant.

Dai Qinxin, the chief elder, looked at Xue an with playful eyes. After a long time, she said with a sneer: "boy, is it you who cheated on the chess game?"

This question made the audience quiet.

Xue an didn't have any expression, just stood there and glanced at the elders, "I want to say I didn't cheat?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Jingtianrui was the first to jump out, and then to several elders on the stage a fist.

"Ladies and gentlemen, is it not strange that this guy, who had no fame before, fought six of us with one man's strength in the game and won a complete victory?"

"Oh? Is there such a thing as that? " This daiqin heart frowned slightly.

"Yes! And now there is a recorded water curtain as evidence! "

Said, this jingtianrui then released a piece of water curtain image, which is the scene of Xue an playing chess with the six of them.

After seeing Xue an playing chess with Jing Tianrui and others in six different styles at the same time, he won.

Dai Qinxin's face gradually became gloomy, "this How do you explain it? "

Xue an laughs. "Explain? They are not strong enough to be defeated by me. Does it need to be explained? "

"Nonsense, if you really have such strength, why have you not been famous before? Don't tell me that you are indifferent to fame and wealth, ha ha! Can we win six of our nine section chess masters at the same time, even the elders can't do it, let alone an ordinary person with no fame and foundation? " The face is full of hate.

This series of questions let the whole audience focus on Xue an.

Even Zhuge Xuanqing had a little doubt in his eyes at the moment.


There are too many mysteries about Mr. Xue. If he really has such a strong strength, why didn't he have any fame before?

Under everyone's gaze, Xue an bowed his head and said nothing.

Seeing his performance like this, jingtianrui is more and more proud.

"What? No more words? "

The elders of the chess house also looked at each other, and then Dai Qinxin, who was sitting on the throne, wanted to speak.

But at this time, Xue an said with a low smile: "I finally understand Where does the despicable character of R come from? "

His voice was so low that many people didn't hear him clearly.

Jing Tianrui is also a Leng, and then Yin compassion said: "surnamed Xue, do you still intend to sophistry?"

Xue an slowly raised his head, looked at Jing Tianrui, and said faintly, "I just want to ask you a question now. Is it good to use the intelligence plundered from others?"

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