This words a, originally a face arrogant color of Jingtian sharp suddenly color change.

"You You... "

"How do I know that! In fact, at the beginning, I did not see it! But I didn't realize the difference until you played chess with people at the beginning of the game! Because a man can speak, but not his mind

Xue an said lightly, then turned to Zhuge Xuanqing and said: "ZHUGE girl, you are not strange where your brother went?"

"I can tell you now that more than half of jingtianrui's mind comes from your brother, Zhuge banzang!"


Zhuge Xuanqing was struck by lightning, and his body shook a few times. He nearly fell to the ground, and then looked at Xue an with a pale face.

"You Is that true? "

Xue an faint smile, "is it true that you have not counted it in your heart?"

Zhuge Xuanqing's heart was surging and his eyes were shining with complicated light.

Although he has always claimed that his brother has gone abroad to find the best chess skills, in recent years, Zhuge banzang has not heard from anyone, which has made Zhuge's family suspicious.

Zhuge Xuanqing is missing his brother every day.

But she never thought that her brother, who could not be found, was actually in the sky.

It's like opening the door.

What happened in the past few years quickly went over in Zhuge Xuanqing's mind.

A lot of small things that were not very impressive at the moment have become a line.

For example, although Jing Tianrui had some fame before, his chess accomplishments were only average, but soon after his brother disappeared, his accomplishments suddenly soared and won the championship of the chess game.

This kind of doubt, at this moment, has been perfectly explained.

Zhuge Xuanqing could not stop shaking, and his tears came out of his eyes.

"I'm stupid It turns out that my brother was hurt by you bastards Zhuge Xuanqing whispered softly.

And the atmosphere in the field is stagnant to the extreme.

In particular, the elders of the Chess Academy are very pale.

Because although Tianzhao Chess Academy is powerful, Zhuge family is not vegetarian. If this incident spreads out, Zhuge family will definitely retaliate crazily.

At that time, it will be a big deal!

Therefore, several elders looked at each other, and then Dai Qinxin, the elder martial sister, sneered.

"How wonderful! I almost believe what I said, but I don't know what to say. Why do you slander our Chess Academy like this? By jingtianrui's mind? "

"What's more, even you won the game by cheating. What qualifications do you have to question us?" Dai Qin's heart was fierce and she asked.

Xue an seemed to have expected them to say so, so he just laughed.

"I said you did it?"


The whole audience was stunned.

What does that mean?

Zhuge Xuanqing is Huoran to raise his head and stare at Xue an.

Xue an said lightly: "with your strength, it is impossible to bind Zhuge banzang and deprive him of his spiritual intelligence."

"So there must be someone else who started it. Let me guess. It should be the chess master who did it. Am I right?"

If Xue an's words just now seemed like lightning, it would be like dropping a heavy bomb, which made many people feel horrified.

Chess master!

That's the top of the universe and even the whole chess game.

If it's really him, then everything can be explained!

Zhuge Xuanqing bit his lips, regardless of the blood, but looked at Dai Qinxin and others with great resentment.

"Very good, you Tianzhao Xingyu people dare to commit such a black hand. We Zhuge family will never let you go!"

As soon as Zhuge Xuanqing raised his hand, a divine thought flew straight out and prepared to return to Zhuge's home.

But before the mind left the room, Dai Qin Xin grabbed it and crushed it.

"Miss Zhuge, I advise you to calm down and not do anything drastic just because of some people's slander!"

Zhuge Xuanqing's eyes are going to spray fire, "Dai Qin Xin, what do you mean?"

Dai Qinxin smiles. "It's not interesting. I just think you may be tired. You need to rest in the chess court for a few days. After calming down, we will send you back to Zhuge's house."

Zhuge Xuanqing was furious, "you dare! If you Tianzhao Chess Academy dares to do anything to me, my father and the people of Zhuge family will never let you go! "

"What are we going to do with you? I just want you to stay here for a few days, and then try to make you forget some unpleasant things Dai Qin heart said with a smile.It's just that there's a chill in this smile.

Zhuge Xuanqing was shocked.

She finally understood what they were going to do.

Although their own strength is good, but if caught, and forcibly erase their own memory, then they can not resist.

Zhuge Xuanqing's heart gradually sank into the abyss, and then full of despair.

Is it true that his brother's affairs have been erased?

Dai Qin's heart flushes left and right to make a look, and plans to start.

At this time, Xue an clapped, "what a wonderful play! It's not the first time you've done it, right? "

Zhuge Xuanqing was suddenly surprised, and then subconsciously pulled Xue an, "Mr. Xue, I'll report your great kindness later. You go now!"

Then she would drag Xue an away.

"Go! Hehe, do you think he can go? " Dai Qinxin grinned grimly.

And behind her, the elders also stood up in silence.

"Young man, to tell you the truth, I really appreciate you because your momentum and talent are excellent choices, even I can't see through! But you shouldn't talk too much about it

"Now the lid is opened by you, we can only let you shut your mouth forever!"

Dai Qinxin's voice is full of killing intention.

And many guards are quietly surrounded by Xue an and others.

The atmosphere is stagnant to the extreme, killing intention can be said to be imminent.

But at this juncture, Xue an still looks indifferent, and even laughs.

"Didn't you say I cheated? Now we can solve this problem as well! "

What do you mean?

What is he going to do?

In the eyes of all people's doubts, Xue an raised his hand and pointed to all the people, "since it's here, let's play something big!"

"Today, I'm going to take on your whole Tianzhao chess court alone!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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