These words made the audience quiet for a few seconds, and then Dai Qinxin and other elders laughed.

"I really don't know how talented and generous the boy is, how dare he say such crazy words!" The ancient elder grinned grimly.

Dai Qin Xin is disdainful to shake his head, "surnamed Xue, you don't really think you can change anything with your own strength? I tell you, in the chess game, no one will be our opponent of Tianzhao Chess Academy! Unless you are a chess master

Xue an did not comment, "don't worry, your chess master can't run away, as for you..."

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "there is no need to exist!"

"Looking for death!"

Standing behind Dai Qinxin all the time, yuan Dingtian, who had never said a word from the beginning to the end, rebuked him, and then he went out.

His way of playing chess is related to the way of attacking.

See a layer of crisscross huge chessboard suddenly appeared above Xue an's head, completely enveloping it.

Then the checkerboard, which was stacked on each layer, began to turn like a stone mill. The power of the chessboard was so powerful that the air was even ground and blasted, making bursts of roaring sound.

In such a fierce killing move, even the golden immortal who specializes in physical arts has to drink hatred on the spot.

Therefore, seeing this behind the scenes, many people in the field all showed a proud smile.

Especially jingtianrui.

He can't wait to laugh.

Aren't you good? The result was not ground into meat sauce by elder yuan?

But he didn't hold his pride yet.

The chessboard, which was solid as a rock, suddenly began to vibrate violently, and then a pair of slender and slender hands, just like the hands carved from sapphire, came out of it.

After the two hands are stretched out, they are directly pulled to both sides, and then the chess game is completely torn up.

Xue an walks out slowly, then shakes his head gently, "the move is quite fresh, but not enough!"

This time the audience was thrilled.

Yuan Dingtian almost glared out his eyes, "how can How can it be! "

Xue an smiles. "Do you think it's incredible? It doesn't matter. I'll give you another chance to see if you can shake me! "

Yuan Dingtian quickly regained his composure, and then secretly looked at Dai Qinxin and several other elders, and then they all killed.

See a chess game ten times more powerful than just came, and suppressed Xue an.

And Dai Qin heart did not hesitate to move her hand, her killing move is a piece of incomparably exquisite and beautiful chess pieces.

However, the chess pieces sent out a cold killing opportunity, which blocked Xue an's surroundings in an instant.

As for the other elders, they also used their strongest killing moves.

For them, they don't care about face at all. As long as they can kill their opponents, they will start without hesitation.

I saw that the field was full of brilliance, and the mind was shaking in the space, which made all the weak people back several films.

In this situation, no one can survive.

Now, the people of Tianzhao Chess Academy are breathing a lot.

And Zhuge Xuanqing then wailed, "Mr. Xue!"

Then he would rush up.

But at this time, a flower in front of her eyes, jingtianrui a face proud to appear in front of her.

"Miss Zhuge, I advise you to stand here honestly, or if you are affected by Yu Wei and hurt again, it will be difficult to explain to your family. Are you right?"

In your eyes, I'd like to scorn you

Said is a raise hand, three money straight to Jingtian sharp.

Jingtianrui's expression was Su, but with a wave of his hand, he smashed the three pieces of money, "ZHUGE family's money is famous all over the world, but your strength is still too weak!"

Then he reached out to catch Zhuge Xuanqing.

At this time, Gong Changyue, who had been standing beside Zhuge Xuanqing, suddenly gave a light drink, "the long moon is in the sky!"

A bright moon suddenly appeared in front of Zhuge Xuanqing.

Jingtianrui sneered and clapped directly on the bright moon.


A bright moon broke directly.

However, Gong Changyue was shocked all over and stepped back a few steps, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth!

"Gong Changyue!" Zhuge Xuanqing exclaimed.

"Gong Changyue, do you want to save the beauty with your tricks? Unfortunately, you don't have a chance! When I catch Zhuge Xuanqing this time, I will tamper with her mind, and then she will fall in love with me madly! My sister fell in love with her brother and foe. I was very excited when I thought about it! Ha ha ha

Jingtianrui laughed wildly, and the laughter was full of pride and madness.

And Zhuge Xuanqing's face turned pale in an instant.

Because she understood that since Jing Tianrui dared to say so, she would certainly dare to do so.

If it really became that way, I might as well die!Thinking of this, Zhuge Xuanqing's face showed the will to die.

"Miss Zhuge, don't..." Gong Changyue exclaimed.

"Long month, I'm sorry!" Zhuge Xuanqing whispered a word, and then closed his eyes sadly, ready to explode.

But it was just then.

A calm voice came out from the center of the still raging storm, "I just wanted to kill you! But now I suddenly feel that killing you will make you cheaper

As soon as the words came out.

Zhuge Xuanqing, who was already in despair, raised his eyes.

See originally crazy crush chessboard suddenly stagnate, and then inch fracture, finally burst open.

And the chess pieces that Dai Qin's heart imprisons in the space are even more sad, and they are shaken to powder.

In an instant.

The storm, which had just been raging, stopped and the fog dispersed.

But Xue an stood in the field with a cold look.

Gong Changyue exclaimed in surprise, "Mr. Xue!"

Xue an Chong he smile, "well done, chasing girls, you have to have a little shameless spirit!"

At the same time.

Including Dai Qinxin, all the chess hall elders were shocked.

"What are your accomplishments and why are you so strong?" The old master cried out in silence.

Xue an did not agree, but slowly stretched out his hand and said, "I only know that in my eyes, the sky is just a chess game, and you are not even chess pieces!"


Dai Qin's heart was shocked by this address, and then he roared: "you are not from the surrounding star region, you are..."

Xue an nodded, showed his white teeth, and laughed, "guess right! Unfortunately, there is no reward! "

After that, Xue an's palm, a chessboard slowly emerged.

This chessboard looks flat and even has no stack. It is just an ordinary plane chessboard.

And Xue an then light way: "now, it's your turn to enter the game!"

With the voice, the chessboard suddenly increases and covers the whole room in an instant.

"No..." Dai Qinxin seems to feel something and turn around to escape.

But a huge suction swept across the room.

In the face of this powerful force, all struggles are futile.

In a flash, Dai Qinxin, as well as many elders of the chess court, are all dragged into the chessboard. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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