In the field, only the stupefied Jing Tianrui and others are left in the field.

Xue an turns her head and smiles at jingtianrui.

"Now It's your turn! "

Jingtianrui was shocked, and then exclaimed: "no I... "

The voice did not fall.

Xue an casually pointed to Jing Tianrui, who wanted to escape, floated into the air.

"Don't kill me! Please don't kill me! I promise whatever you say, as long as you don't kill me! " Jingtianrui sent out a burst of crying and howling.

Xue an took his time to take out his ears and said, "all right, don't shout so loud, I can't hear it!"

Jingtianrui instantly closed his mouth and just looked at Xue an with pleading eyes.

"Do you know why you're not locked up in this game?"

Jingrui quickly shakes his head.

"Because You don't even have the qualification to be in the bureau! "

Jing Tianrui's eyes showed a look of despair. When he saw Xue an ready to start, he suddenly seemed to think of something and called out in a hurry.

"Don't kill me. If you kill me, even the gods belonging to Zhuge banzang will have to be eliminated, and then he will really not live!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Xuanqing was startled, "what do you say? My brother is still alive? "

In order to survive, Jing Tianrui has not paid much attention to now. He quickly nodded and said, "of course your brother is alive, because if he is as strong as he is, if he is really dead, then your Zhuge family will surely have a feeling, so we have not killed him!"

Zhuge Xuanqing shed tears again, choked and said, "brother..."

Jingtianrui seemed to have grasped the straw and said, "Miss Zhuge, please don't kill me..."

Zhuge Xuanqing turned his head and looked at Xue an, "Mr. Xue..."

Xue an faint smile, "don't worry, I don't intend to kill him now!"

Hearing this, Jing Tianrui secretly breathed a sigh of joy in his heart.

Now Zhuge banzang's divinity has been integrated with me. Unless you have the means against the heaven, even the gods can't be separated. In this way, you have to keep me all the time because of the mousetrap!

And when the chess master knows about this, he will come to rescue me, and it will be your death time!

The scene is full of proud calculation.

But then Xue an said a word, let jingtianrui completely confused.

"I just said, kill him and you'll get him a bargain!"

What do you mean?

Jingtianrui's heart suddenly rises a very ominous premonition.

At this time, Xue an waved, a sword will directly smash Jing Tianrui's head.

Zhuge Xuanqing exclaimed, "Mr. Xue..."

Xue an said lightly: "it's OK! I have discretion

At this time, jingtianrui's headless corpse has fallen to the ground, and a black and white light ball appears in the air.

Then the ball of light seems to understand it, and the trowel runs away.

Xue an didn't even chase after him, but said faintly, "come back!"

The ball flew back to xue'an's hand with a sad cry.

Then a miniature version of jingtianrui appeared on the photosphere.

"Xue, what do you mean? Didn't you say you wouldn't kill me? Are you not afraid that Zhuge banzang will die in this way? " Jing Tianrui's spirit cried out in a rage.

Xue an smiles, "who says you die, he must die?"

Jing Tianrui's spirit was stunned.

At this time, the light in Xue an's eyes flashed, and a surging spirit directly wrapped the jingtianrui completely.

Jingtianrui yelled, "what do you want to do? Ah ah ah ah No

It's just like two and a half days' agony for his soul.

In a flash.

Two and a half of the souls of Jingrui were torn apart.

A black mass is dying floating in the air.

And the white light rushes around trying to get out of here.

As soon as Xue an shook his hand, the white light gradually quieted down.

And a soft breath comes out of it.

Zhuge Xuanqing gradually widened his eyes and burst into tears, "this It's my brother's breath! "

Xue an smile, "yes, this is jingtianrui plundered to their own gods! I'll leave it to you now

With that, Xue an threw the light directly to Zhuge Xuanqing.

Zhuge Xuanqing caught it in a hurry, then held it carefully in his hand and cried, "brother, sister, take you home!"

Xue an sighed a little, then lowered his head to look at jingtianrui's mind.

"What was it like just now? Do you want to experience it again? "The black light group twisted for a while, and then came jingtianrui's terrified cry, "no Don't... "

But the voice just dropped.

A hundred times more painful than just pain, then let Jing Tianrui's spirit curl up together.

Enough time for a cup of tea, the pain will fade.

At this time, jingtianrui's spirits were on the verge of collapse, and even jingtianrui's whisper could be heard.

"Kill me, please kill me!"

Xue an smelt speech a smile, "killed you? As I said, death is cheap for you! Enjoy it slowly. The pain is still very long! "

As soon as the voice fell, jingtianrui's spirit suddenly swelled up.

"Be careful, he's going to blow himself up!" Gong Changyue exclaimed.

The last resort of the spiritual monk is self explosion. He can not only commit suicide, but also kill his opponent with powerful power.

But in front of Xue an, Jing Tianrui can't even want to die.

He shook it casually.

Jing Tianrui's self explosion was killed by Shengsheng.

"No..." Jingtianrui issued a shrill howl, the voice is full of despair.

And it was just then.

I just heard a sigh from afar in the void.

"My friend, if you have to forgive others, why should you do so?"

Hearing this, Xue an laughed.

"I thought you were afraid to show up! It seems that jingtianrui should be very important to you. You can even deprive others of their intelligence at the expense of their own initiative, so as to encourage their cultivation! If I'm right, he should be your blood! Am I right? "Tianzhao chess master?"

Tianzhao chess master!

The person who talks is the master of chess in Tianzhao?

Zhuge Xuanqing and Gong Changyue were all shocked.

After hearing this, there was a silence in the void, and then someone sighed: "I have to say, you are really smart! That's right. Jingtianrui is really my only son by blood! "

At this time, the spirit of Waijing Tianrui has also recovered, and began to cry for help, "help! Father, help

Hearing this cry, the voice from the void also became much more urgent.

"This friend, this matter is really I wait to do wrong, but your anger has been almost vented, it is better to let him go!"

"And I can guarantee that if you let him go, I will release Zhuge banzang and go to Zhuge's house to plead guilty. What do you think?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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