"Are you going to talk to me about a deal?" Xue an said lightly.

"It's not a deal, it's just that you have to leave a little bit of affection when you do things, right?"

Xue an laughed, then turned to Zhuge Xuanqing and said, "there is a saying in our country that you must stay away from those who advise you to be generous, or Lei will implicate you when he strikes him! What do you think? "

Zhuge Xuanqing nodded with indignation on his face, "Mr. Xue, I think this sentence is simply too good! I will never forgive you! "

Xue an laughed, then turned his head and said faintly, "do you hear me? You don't want to forgive your sister

After a silence in the void, the voice sounded again, "forgive me and forgive me, why don't you understand this truth?"

"To be forgiven and to be forgiven?" Xue'an seemed to hear a big joke, "when you dealt with Zhuge banzang, why didn't you want to forgive people and forgive people?"

"You What do you want? This is purely between me and Zhuge family! It has nothing to do with you Tianzhao, the master of chess, said angrily.

Xue an shook his head. "You're wrong. If it's someone else's business, I may not be in charge of it, but I have to deal with their family affairs, because they are my old friends! As for your asking me what I'm going to do... "

Xue an's palm suddenly grasps, directly this Jingtian sharp spirit thoroughly crushed, then coldly said.

"I'll give you face, otherwise he will have to suffer hundreds of times to die at least!"

There was a silence in the void, and then there was a roar like thunder.

"My son

The sound shakes all over the country, and even shakes the whole moon.

All the people waiting for the result at the gate of the Chess Academy were shocked.

"The sound It's like a chess master! "

"Why did the master of chess appear? What's going on here? "

It's in the midst of all these doubts.

In the void, there are many imaginary shadows of the chessboard, and then they cover the sky and smash them into the chess court.

"I will let you bury my son with me!" Tianzhao chess master is obviously on the verge of violence.

"My God! Who made the master of chess so angry? " Someone exclaimed.

And more people are trembling and kneeling on the ground, succumbing to the powerful deterrence that changes the color of heaven and earth, praying for the master of chess to appease his anger.

But it was just then.

In the chess court, a brilliant sword light rushed into the sky, instantly crushed all the chessboards.

From the void came a roar of anger with a trace of fear, "aren't you a chess monk? Why do you still use sword training

Xue an stood with his hands down and looked at the roof of the hall which had been completely pierced open. He said, "who said that a chess monk can't practice sword?"

"You Are you not afraid of retribution for your arrogance? " Tianzhao chess master roared.

Xue an sneered, "be punished? No, it's you who should worry about this! And when you face the weak, you never talk about retribution

Xue settled down and said, "and don't think it's over. It's you who started it, so you'd better wash your neck and wait for death at home."

"Asshole..." In the void came the roar of Tianzhao chess master.

Xue an frowned and stomped his foot. The void was shocked and the roar stopped.

Then Xue an just light way: "roar you? A head, roar, shake small Ye ear ache!"

This rebuke Xue an did not cover up, so instantly spread throughout the audience.

Whether it is the disciples in Tianzhao Chess Academy or the crowd waiting to watch the excitement outside, they are all petrified.

Because of this sudden scene, to their shock is simply too big!

Then someone whispered, "listen to the sound Is that Mr. Xue? "

There was a moment of silence.

Although they have already guessed it, many people still can't believe it is true.

After all, Xue an has just entered Tianzhao Chess Academy. Can we say that the people in Tianzhao Chess Academy are also.

This idea makes a lot of people secretly frightened, think it is simply incredible.

But it was just then.

I saw that the chess board that took Dai Qinxin and other chess hall elders into it suddenly rose into the sky and became bigger and bigger.

To the back, people can even see the painful faces of Dai Qinxin and others who are imprisoned on the chessboard.

We haven't waited for people to react.

Xue an said: "from then on, Tianzhao Chess Academy will No more! "

After that, the chess game began to disintegrate. Along with everything, there were Dai Qinxin and others on it.

In an instant.

The chessboard disappeared.

And the elder of the Chess Academy, who had been in power for many years, disappeared.

All the people stare round eyes, staring at.Many people's brains are blank.

Because the news was so explosive.

The five elders of the Chess Academy have been moved for seconds?

And listen to Xue Angang's words, this chess house will no longer exist from now on?

In this silence.

The gate of the Chess Academy opened quietly.

Then Xue an took Zhuge Xuanqing and Gong Changyue out slowly.

All of them retreated and even did not dare to look up at Xue an.

Many Tianzhao chess masters are frustrated. For example, di Yuanlong, who has always been very arrogant, is now withering like an eggplant beaten by frost.

However, some people are worried and others are happy. Gong Xueman is overjoyed and rushes up.

"Brother, Mr. Xue! Did you win? "

Gong Changyue nodded haughtily, "Mr. Xue, of course, won!"

Gong Xueman was so happy that he would grin to the back of his head. He only knew that he was standing there with a silly smile.

At this time, Xue an was smiling, "Xueman, there is one thing you forget!"

"What's the matter?" Gong Xueman is stunned.

But Xue an turned his head and called out to the Tianzhao Chess Academy: "don't you come out yet?"

Along with the voice, we can see that all the people of the Cai family came out with pale faces.

The leader is Cai Yongxin with two bus fingerprints on his face.

As soon as he saw xue'an, he fell on his knees and couldn't even speak.

But his father, the head of the Cai family, took a few steps, flattered and humbly said, "Mr. Xue, all this is because of the instigation of this son. I have just severely taught him a lesson. Please do not blame us for this matter!"

Xue an looked at him quietly without saying a word.

This silent silence made the smile on the face of the family leader of the Cai family gradually stiff, and finally shook and lowered his head.

Then Xue Ancai said faintly: "if you want to gamble and admit defeat, you Cai family all have to kneel down in front of Gong Xueman to make amends! Now Let's start! "

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