At this moment when the whole world is in uproar.

Xue an was sitting in the courtyard of the Inn and drinking tea.

When Zhuge Xuanqing came in, he didn't even lift his head, but said faintly, "sit down at will."

Zhuge Xuanqing hesitated for a moment and then sat down beside Xue an.

Xue an smile, hand over a cup of tea, "try it, the new cooked tea, taste good!"

Zhuge Xuanqing took a sip, but almost didn't spray out, "how come there is salt in this tea?"

"Not only salt, but also scallion and ginger! Unfortunately, there is no jujube, otherwise the taste will be better! " Xue an said lightly.

Zhuge Xuanqing's eyes were staring round, "can you still drink tea like this?"

"I couldn't get used to it at the beginning, but someone said that if I drank more than a few times, he would like the taste. On this point, he didn't cheat me!" Xue an said with a smile.

But at the moment, Zhuge Xuanqing had no heart to pay attention to it. All her attention was attracted by the war three days later and the safety of her brother.

"Mr. Xue, do you think my brother will be ok? Will the Tianzhao chess master take the opportunity to kill my brother Zhuge Xuanqing said with a worried face.

Xue an sniffed and laughed, "do you know why I said that at the end?"

Zhuge Xuanqing shook his head, which was the most puzzling thing for her.

If you really want to find this important person of Tianzhao chess master, why publicize it?

If this Tianzhao chess master dog jumps over the wall, isn't it indirectly killing his brother?

Xue'an seemed to see the confusion in her heart and said, "I know your worry, but on the contrary, if I say that, your brother will be safer!"

"Well?" Zhuge Xuanqing looked at Xue an with a look of disbelief.

Xue an stood up and said, "in fact, you don't know such a person as Tianzhao chess master!"

"If he can achieve his present position, he must have stepped on the bones of countless people. It can be said that his throne of chess master is completely red with blood!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Xuanqing remembered some rumors and nodded slightly.

"In the eyes of these so-called strongmen, the world is vast, and they do not have their own status and destiny! In addition, everything can be abandoned. If they have to choose between the two, they will certainly choose to protect their lives! "

"Because for them, as long as they live, they can have everything! In the face of life, they can ignore all the morality and face, even the bitter hatred

Speaking of this, Xue an turned to look at Zhuge Xuanqing, "and what I have shown now makes him feel afraid. Before I know my details, in order to increase the weight in his hands, he will let your brother live well!"

Zhuge Xuanqing's eyes gradually became clear.

She was a very intelligent woman, but she lacked a person to give advice. When Xue an said so casually, she understood it immediately.

"So it is. Mr. Xue, Xuanqing thanks you for your kindness on behalf of my brother and the whole Zhuge family." Zhuge Xuanqing stood up and saluted deeply.

Xue an also did not avoid, but very frankly accepted her worship.

"But Mr. Xue, I have sent news to my family. It will take at least five days to wait for them to arrive. You..."

Zhuge Xuanqing hesitated, but the meaning was obvious.

Although Xue an was powerful, he was faced with a strong player in the whole star field. And Zhao Qisheng was an old monster who had occupied the position of the head of chess for hundreds of years.

Such a disparity in strength, Xue an really OK?

Xue an Wen Yan smile, "don't worry, I have my own discretion!"

Zhuge Xuanqing originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Xue an's expression, he finally swallowed his words.

But immediately, she remembered something and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Xue, you should not have let the people of the Cai family go at the beginning."

"Oh? Why? "

"What you don't know is that the Cai family has a very bad reputation in the chess game. If you suppress them like this, they will bear a grudge. You can suppress them here. I'm afraid the Cai family will..."

Zhuge Xuanqing's worries are not groundless.

The Cai family's reputation is even worse than Zhuge Xuanqing said.

It can be said that the street is stinking.

But now after such a toss, the Cai family is obviously untenable in Outland, and they are likely to completely fall into the arms of Tianzhao and Xingyu.

That's why Zhuge Xuanqing felt that Xue an had something wrong with letting them go.

Xue an smell speech a smile, "you worry very reasonable, but who said I let them go?"

"Well?" Zhuge was stunned.

Xue an raised his eyes and looked at the distant sky, and said faintly: "it's almost estimated!"Zhuge Xuanqing also followed Xue an's eyes and looked into the distance, but he got nothing. He could not help but feel puzzled.

But she did not dare to ask more questions. After sitting for a moment, she got up and left.

Looking at the girl's back, Xue an filled a cup of tea, sipped it, and then frowned slightly.

"Old Zhuge, no wonder even your younger generation find it hard to drink. Even after drinking for so long, I still find it hard to swallow!"

With that, Xue an's mouth showed a smile, "but you're such an interesting descendant's name! I don't know how you feel when you hear it! "

"What's more, I happened to pass by this time and helped your descendants. I don't know how you should thank me then?"

Xue an said softly, his eyes full of fun.

At the same time.

In the starry sky only ten thousand miles away from the moon.

Cai's boat stopped slowly.

The head of the Cai family looked gloomy at the starry sky outside the porthole.

"Master, the spirit of the eldest young master has regained consciousness!" It has been reported.

Then a cloud of light floats in the air.

"Father, this surname Xue is just too arrogant. You must make decisions for me!" Cai Yongxin's voice came from the light.

The owner of the Cai family sneered, "my son, don't worry. Although this guy is tough, it's not without shortcomings. For example, this time he let us go! You can see that he is a very vain fellow

"Now we Cai's family has no way out, so I decided to go to tianzhaoxing and join the chess master! Only he can control this guy

Cai Yongxin exclaimed excitedly, "father, it's very kind of you to think so! Let's go now

But just as the boat was about to turn around and head for the star, a slight sigh came from the void.

"He left honestly. Isn't he fragrant?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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