"Who is it?" Everyone in the Cai family was shocked.

Then, in the void, a sword began to emerge.

In an instant, a huge sword across the sky, appeared in front of the Caijia boat.

Then Xue an's voice reached everyone in the Cai family.

"If you leave honestly, don't mention it! Unfortunately, to give you a chance, you do not know how to cherish! Therefore, this sword will send you on your way

"No...!" Cai's family cried out.

But now any struggle has become meaningless.

The sword cuts across the void and goes straight through the middle of the boat.


In a sound of crisp sound.

A thin crack appeared in the middle of the boat, which then broke apart in an instant.

The huge suction from the starry sky tore the boat apart in an instant.

But all this has no meaning for the Cai family.

Because before the sword was cut down, all the people in the boat were shocked by the supreme sword power contained in the sword.

The Cai family was killed by Xue an.

And this news, until the next day, because of a boat passing through the starry sky and sent back to the moon.

When Zhuge Xuanqing knew it, he couldn't help gaping for a long time.

She finally understood what Xue an was saying at that time!

Is it true that from the beginning, Mr. Xue knew that the Cai family would have resentment and even wanted to join Tianzhao Xingyu, so he was prepared in advance?

If it is true, this Mr. Xue is too terrible!

Zhuge Xuanqing felt awe inspiring.

And other people who know the news are also shocked by such decisive means as Xue an.

At the same time, under the can Qi peak of Tianzhao star, the tide of people is surging. At first glance, it looks like a vast sea.

Almost all the chess players from Tianzhao star field came here.

So many strong people gathered together, even if it was just a very simple party, it was enough to make the audience shiver.

At the foot of the mountain of can Qi peak, there are several chess masters in Tianzhao star region.

Among them, Dai family, Gu family and yuan family are the first.

That's right.

Dai Qinxin, who died under Xue an's command, came from these families.

It can be said that the whole Tianzhao chess house is controlled by these families.

Therefore, Xue an's actions of stepping down Tianzhao Chess Academy have seriously threatened the interests of these aristocratic families.

That's why they're so united.

"If you want me to say, we should not wait here, we should directly kill yuejianxing and find the boy named Xue to settle accounts with him!" A scarred, ferocious man roared.

"Ha ha, the ancient master seems to be in a hurry! But that boy is not a common person. If he is killed like this, the victory or defeat may be unpredictable! " On one side, there was a woman's voice which was very similar to that of a woman with a Qin heart.

Gu evil glared at the woman and said, "Dai Yuexing, if you are afraid, it doesn't mean that other people will be afraid. I don't believe that this boy named Xue is so evil in the legend! Even if he had two heads, I would have pulled them off

Dai Yuexing sneered, "ancient evil, you said so lively, then you are going, shaking what prestige here? I'll tell you today. If you want to pull us into the water, there's no way

"You..." Ancient evil was furious.

"All right, all right! Say less! Some of our three families died in the hands of Xue, so we are all in the same mood, so don't attack each other again Yuan Zhentian, who had not spoken, also advised him at this time.

"Hum! I just don't understand. Even if this guy has three heads and six arms, so many of us will pile him to death. Why waste it here? " It's an old, stuffy voice.

"That's good. As long as the ancient masters are the first to rush forward, our Dai family will never fall behind. How?" Dai Yuexing sneered.

Old evil is silent.

"Well, to put it bluntly, I want to make someone else a ghost, as if nobody could see through! You say no, brother Zhentian Dai Yue does not get bored with her voice.

This voice, coupled with her devil's figure, is enough to make ordinary men's mind ripple, unable to self-control.

But yuan Zhentian's face suddenly turned white, and then he stepped back a few steps like a snake and a scorpion, "Lord Dai, please respect yourself!"

"Hum! Things that don't understand amorous feelings! " Dai Yuexing disdains a cold hum.

Yuan Zhentian secretly wiped a cold sweat.

Don't look at Dai Yuexing's performance, but actually it's a master who eats people and doesn't vomit bones.

As the weakest of the three families, yuan Zhentian naturally avoided it.

At this time, Dai Yuexing raised her head and looked at the Canqi peak which was not in the cloud. Some longed to say, "I don't know what the chess master is doing now. Is he preparing to kill this Xue?"Although there are so many people in can Qi peak, no one dares to cross the thunder pool. Even some timid people dare not go too close to this towering mountain.

Because the whole peak of remnant chess has been completely condensed by the spirit of Tianzhao chess master.

If you go up the mountain without his permission, you will be trapped in the chess game and be doomed.

The reason for this is that this chess game has never been solved since ancient times.

Over the years, I don't know how many amazing people wanted to climb the mountain, but they all failed because of this situation.

By now, no one has any illusions about the aftermath.

Because Tianzhao chess master once said personally that there is no solution to this situation.

That's why the peak was named Canqi peak.

Therefore, after hearing Dai Yuexing's whisper, Gu evil and Yuan Zhentian also raised their heads to look at Canqi peak.

"I think the master of chess is now thinking about how to kill Xue!" Ancient evil ferocious said.

But when they were guessing at the foot of the mountain.

In Canqi peak, a very deep and secret valley.

Countless huge chains made of divine iron run through the mountain, full of the beauty of power.

These chains crisscross the valley like cobwebs.

In the middle of the cobweb, bound by countless chains, is a boy with a low head and shabby clothes.

The boy has been so low head, if not for the slight ups and downs of the chest, it really seems to be dead in general.

I don't know how long it took.

In the void in front of the youth, suddenly came a wave.

Then an ethereal figure appeared in front of the boy.

The boy raised his head slowly.

This is a face that looks like Zhuge Xuanqing, but it is a few more heroic than Zhuge Xuanqing.

Especially the other eyes, in spite of this environment, are still as bright as stars.

"Harvest again?" The boy said in a low voice, with a sneer on his lips.

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