The virtual image appeared is the spirit of Tianzhao chess master. He smiles, "ZHUGE banzang, can't I come to see you when you don't harvest it? After all, I'm still your elder

That's right.

The young man bound in the valley is Zhuge Xuanqing's elder brother, Zhuge banzang, a young genius once famous in various regions.

Zhuge banzang sneered, "elder? You are really a good elder to trap me here and harvest my mind every month

"ZHUGE banzang, can you not use the word" harvest "? I'm just borrowing it! "

Zhuge banzang was slightly stunned, and then showed a funny smile, "I understand!"

"What do you understand?" The master of chess is stunned.

"You are afraid! Let me guess, it should not be our Zhuge family, but the opponent should also be very strong, even let you all fear! Is that so? " Zhuge banzang looks at Tianzhao chess master with a smile.

Although it is only a virtual image, we can still see the evil on the face of the chess master in the sky.

"ZHUGE banzang, you are really smart. Yes, there is a guy who gave me a little trouble, but don't think that can change anything! After all, I'm the only chess master in all domains! The supreme existence

"Oh? How can you tell me how you got the chess master? " Zhuge banzang light way.

"You..." Tianzhao chess master was completely angry, but soon he calmed down and said with a grim smile.

"ZHUGE banzang, you are indeed the most outstanding young genius in hundreds of years, but you should understand that there is only one role for you now, that is, to be the weight in my hands!"

"Jingtianrui is dead?" Zhuge was stunned.

Tianzhao chess master was shocked because Zhuge banzang's reaction was too fast.

Before that, he imprisoned Zhuge banzang in order to plunder his intelligence and mind to supplement his son jingtianrui.

But now jingtianrui is dead, all this naturally has no meaning.

So his role is only to be a weight before xue'an comes.

But he only said a word, he has already reflected, which makes Tianzhao chess master's heart dark up to kill.

Because he was also very clear that his hatred with Zhuge family could not be solved at all.

"Do you want to kill me?" Zhuge banzang light way.

"Hum!" Tianzhao chess master snorted, "ZHUGE banzang, I really want to kill you, but not now, because you are still useful to me now. But after three days, when the guy named Xue comes to Canqi peak, your use value will disappear! So cherish the next time! This may be your last day! Ha ha ha ha ha

Tianzhao, the chess master, laughed wildly.

Zhuge banzang said faintly, "are you so sure you can win?"

The laughter stopped.

Tianzhao chess master suddenly rushed to Zhuge banzang and roared: "of course I can win! Because I am a unique chess master! Moreover, no one can break the remnant of the remnant chess peak. As long as I don't go down the mountain, even if the heavenly king and Laozi come, there is no way to deal with me! "

Zhuge banzang did not speak, just looked at the Tianzhao chess master with a smile.

The disdain and disdain in the eyes made the master of chess mad again, and he waved his hand.

See the chain suddenly tight, then began to pull Zhuge half hidden in the air rotation.

The sound of broken skin and flesh came, but Zhuge banzang was still sober and didn't even frown under the intense pain that made ordinary people crazy.

After another crazy abuse for a while, the Tianzhao chess master left the valley reluctantly.

After he left, Zhuge, who had been covered with bruises, chuckled and said in a very weak voice.

"No one can break it? If it's not because I'm suffering from mental damage now, give me a little time, I'll be able to untie this mess! What's more, there are many strong players in the sky. How can you, a little chess master, speculate? "

Outside the Qilu on the top of the Canqi peak, several chess slaves are waiting for their dispatch here.

At this moment.

From the Qilu, Tianzhao chess master's angry voice was heard, "if the order goes on, the mountain protection array of can Qi peak will be in full operation from now on. At the same time, it is said that if the man surnamed Xue wants to take the head of my neck, he should break the remnant of Canqi peak first


At the command, the chess slaves began to move separately.


The peak of Canqi shows the brilliance of Dao Dao, which covers the whole mountain in an instant.

All the people at the foot of the mountain were shocked.

"What's going on?" Some people wonder.

"It's the mountain protecting array of can Qi peak. The master of chess has finally made a move!" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

And it was just then.

A chess slave appeared in the middle of the sky and said in a deep voice: "the chess master has orders. If Xue Ni wants to challenge him three days later, he must first break the remnant of the remnant chess peak before he is qualified."After that, the chess slave disappeared in the air.

The audience was quiet first.

And then it boils.

"Ha ha, I knew that the master of chess would not let this boy go on rampant!" The old evil laughed, and the laughter was full of happiness.

Yuan Zhentian couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. "This is a reassurance. It seems that the master of chess is better than others."

"That's right. The man surnamed Xue will not be able to break the battle. I think he has any face to shout to the master chess master again!" Gu evil said with a proud face.

Only Dai Yuexing's face showed hesitation, "but What if Xue an really breaks through this situation and opens up the mountain protection array? "

"No way!" The ancient evil said categorically.

"Absolutely impossible!" Yuan Zhentian also shook his head and said firmly.

"I don't know how many of the most talented and powerful people in the past thousand years can't do anything about it. He's a weak young man. Even if he started practicing chess from his mother's birth, I can't solve such an adverse situation!" Said Koo.

"Yes! At the beginning, all the masters of chess have admitted that this situation is unsolvable! How could he be able to solve it? " Yuan added.

Looking at these two people singing and singing, Dai Yuexing closed his mouth, but his heart suddenly raised a trace of ominous premonition.

Are things really as optimistic as these people imagine?


The news spread through the whole sky at a terrible speed.

Numerous Tianzhao chess masters were elated and thought that this move was to block all Xue an's roads.

And outland chess masters are full of worry.

Because everyone knows, this remnant chess peak remnant game formidable!

Is Mr. Xue really good?

In this case, Xue an, who lives in the inn, just smiles after hearing the news, and then says faintly.

"Good! Let him wash his neck and wait for me at home , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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