Three days passed in a flash.

On the day of the battle of the covenant, chess monks from various regions swarmed in, and dense boats filled the airspace around Tianzhao star.

For many people, it means a lot.

The reason why Tianzhao star field has been in a high position for hundreds of years is that they have the flag of Tianzhao chess master.

In the world of chess, where powerful players emerge in large numbers, Tianzhao chess sage is like nuclear deterrence.

It was because of his existence that even the Zhuge family, who had just emerged in large numbers, had to bow to Tianzhao and Xingyu.

But now this born Mr. Xue has to challenge the authority of Tianzhao chess master.

If he does succeed, he will be in trouble that day.

But the question is, can he really succeed?

With this question in mind, countless people came all the way to see this once-in-a-lifetime excitement.


Under the peak of Canqi, the crowded crowd filled the space in the sky and underground.

But there is a clear dividing line.

One is Tianzhao, the other is Outland.

The well water of both sides does not invade the river.

"Well, do you think Mr. Xue can really challenge success?" There was a whisper.

"I think it's hard. After all, if you want to see Tianzhao chess master, you have to pass the pass of mountain protection array of Canqi peak first!"

"Is it really so difficult to protect the mountains?"

"How many heroes from all over the world have been tied up by that situation? Do you think it's difficult? And don't you see that the people of several families in Tianzhao star region are all out? So I think this time, Mr. Xue, I'm afraid, is more dangerous than auspicious! "

"I don't agree with you. This Mr. Xue has completely flattened the Tianzhao Chess Academy on his own before. Can't such strength open a remnant?"

"Ha ha! Tianzhao Chess Academy? It's just a puppet controlled by several aristocratic families! To tell you the truth, even if all the people in Tianzhao Chess Academy are added up, they can't compare with one finger of the Master Chess Master! " The man sneered.

The people around him were silent.

Yes, one of the best chess skills is the crushing advantage. What's more, the master of chess has been famous for hundreds of years. During this period, there are countless people who want to challenge him, but none of them succeed.

This time, Mr. Xue is expected to have the same result!

In a word, Tianzhao chess masters are all proud of winning, while Outland chess masters are all worried.

In this strange atmosphere, time passes by.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was already noon.

The crowd began to stir slightly.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"Is there a delay on the way?"

"I don't think I'm scared. I don't dare to come."

People whispered and talked.

But when a lot of people thought Xue an didn't dare to come.

A star boat suddenly appeared above the sky.

This star boat is very fast, almost at the same time of seeing it, it has already arrived at tianzhaoxing.

Then a group of people came out of the starboat.

"It's Zhuge Xuanqing!"

"Isn't that Gong's brother and sister?"

A familiar person recognized the visitor and could not help shouting.

Then he saw a young man in white out of the star boat.

The young man was standing tall and white, and his age was weak, but he had an indescribable dignity.

Especially when he raised his eyes and looked around the audience, the noisy crowd seemed to be enchanted and instantly quieted down.

The ancient evil and others in the Tianzhao chess division camp looked at them with a gloomy look.

"Is this Xue? What can you do if you don't have enough hair? " The ancient evil one face fierce said.

Dai Yuexing looked at her eyes with light, "tut Tut, it's really good to grow up!"

There was no hatred in his words.

In fact, as the new owner of the Dai family, Dai Yuexing has no feeling for her sister Dai Qinxin's death, even very happy.

Because only when she is dead can she really control the Dai family.

So she was the only one of the three families who didn't feel much about revenge.

At this moment.

Xue an stood in the void and looked at the towering Canqi peak, and a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Is this the peak of Canqi?"

With that, Xue an took a step and came to the peak of Canqi in an instant.

But at this time, a light curtain rose, blocking Xue an's way.

On the screen of light crisscross, arranged a piece of brilliant pieces.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

"Is this the world famous wreck?" Someone exclaimed.Xue an reached out and touched the light curtain.

As far as you can see, the situation suddenly changed. The originally peaceful chess momentum was furious and attacked Xue an like a giant wolf.

The crowd screamed.

Xue an didn't even move, and the furious chess momentum disappeared just a few feet away from xue'an.

At the same time, an arrogant voice came from the top of can Qi peak.

"Xue, what do you think of this gift?"

Xue an didn't say a word, just watched quietly.

And this day, the chess master is more and more rampant.

"Xue, your strength is really good, but you are too arrogant to understand. In chess, I am the supreme king! Today's aftermath is a lesson for you

"If you want to beat me, you should get through this situation first! Otherwise you don't even have the qualification to see me! Ha ha ha

There was a commotion in the crowd.

"It's the master of chess. The master of chess has spoken in person!"

And countless people's eyes are focused on standing in front of the light curtain, silent Xue an.

Some people can't help shaking their heads in secret.

As expected, there was no miracle!

In the face of such a terrifying remnant, how can he solve it?

And Zhuge Xuanqing and Gong's brother and sister and others will be the heart of the throat.

Mr. Xue, you must refuel!

At this moment.

Xue an raised his head and took a look at the light curtain. He said calmly: "do you really think That's what's going to stop me? "

After that, Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly, and his huge mind instantly entered the game and began to mobilize the pieces to crack the game.

In a short time, we can see that the momentum of chess is changeable and the pieces are moving like flying.

The whole audience was silent.

With Gong Xueman's accomplishments, he naturally couldn't understand the chess game above, so he asked in a low voice: "brother, can Mr. Xue break this set of remnant games?"

Gong Changyue looked at it with dignity, then shook his head, "I don't know, but it's not so simple!"

At this time, Zhuge Xuanqing, who had been concentrating on the trend of the chess game, was suddenly shocked and turned pale.

"Sister Xuanqing, what's the matter?" Gong Xueman asked in a hurry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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