"This chess game..." Zhuge Xuanqing murmured in a faint voice.

And Gong Changyue also saw the clue at this time. He could not help but open his mouth and said in despair: "Mr. Xue..."

At the same time, there was a great uproar.

Because as long as the strength reaches nine sections of the strong, we can see that Xue an's remnant situation has now entered the exhausted Jedi.

Not only their own pieces have been left, but also there is no chess potential to speak of.

"Ha ha, I'll tell you, how can he crack the end of the game just because he's a wet boy!" The ancient evil grinned grimly.

Yuan Zhentian also showed a smile, "yes, in fact, from the beginning, I can see that he absolutely can't win, because his means of breaking the game is ordinary. In history, more than one strong man has tried to break the end in this way, and all of them failed!"

Only Dai Yuexing did not speak, but looked at that young man standing in front of the curtain of light. He could not help but sigh in his heart.

It seems that the master of chess is better than others!

At the same time, the voice of Tianzhao chess master came again.

"Xue, what can you say now?"

Tianzhao chess masters were jubilant at the news, while all the Outland chess masters bowed their heads in despair.

Although the heart is unwilling, but the situation is so, they can only choose to accept.

But when everyone thought Xue an had lost.

Xue an suddenly shook his head and chuckled, "it seems that I've lost. Do you really think that I can't break this mess?"

"Ha ha!" "Tianzhao chess master a burst of sneer," who will say big words, but now this time still hold up, not hard mouth and what? "

"Throw in the towel and step back. I may let you off! Otherwise, just wait to die

The audience was in awe.

Zhuge Xuanqing's eyes showed a gloomy color, and then stepped forward, "Mr. Xue, you'd better forget it!"

Her words reminded the Gong brothers and sisters, and they both stepped forward and said.

"Mr. Xue, don't worry about the temporary gains and losses! Forget it

"Yes! It's not a shame for you to lose in front of the first stalemate of all ages! "

At this time, many foreign chess masters also offered advice.

At this time, Xue an, who had been bowing his head and not speaking, suddenly laughed. The laughter began to be very small, but gradually, the voice became louder and louder.

In the end, Xue an looked up and laughed.

Everyone was surprised.

"What's the matter? What is he laughing at? "

"Is it over stimulation, crazy?"

Tianzhao chess master can't help but say in a cold voice: "Xue, what are you laughing at?"

Xue an's laughter gradually restrained, and then casually said: "nothing, just think you hold a broken chess game, but as a baby, it's ridiculous!"

"You..." Tianzhao, the chess master, was furious.

Xue an waved his hand, revealing two white tiger teeth, and a forest smile, "OK! Don't you say that there is no one to break this situation? Today, I will let you understand how ridiculous the power in your eyes is to me

After that, Xue an's mind suddenly spread, and the chess piece deduction on the remnant was accelerated by more than ten times.

The audience was shocked.

"At this speed, a little carelessness is the result of chess destroying human beings." Someone exclaimed.

And more people are looking at the chess game on the screen of light.

They don't think Xue an has the possibility of overturning the game, because there are few pieces left belonging to Xue an on the chessboard.

In such a situation, even the gods can hardly change the outcome of failure.

But at this time, the chess game suddenly stopped, and then people were surprised to find that there was only one piece left belonging to Xue an in the remnant.

The chess piece standing in the middle of the palace is facing the enemy who almost occupied the whole chessboard.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Xue an, is that what you mean? It's really... " After a burst of silence, Tianzhao chess master took the lead in laughing.

But at this time, Xue an said with a faint smile, "yes, this It's my break

After that, Xue an's son was left behind.

The son fell into a position that no one else could have imagined.

"This position..." The whole chess players were shocked because they couldn't imagine the significance of playing a move here.

At this time, Xue an suddenly said in a soft voice: "the so-called chess player, but with the right combination to win, and this son It's a dead room

Originally, Zhuge Xuanqing, who had a blank face, was shocked and exclaimed: "I understand!"

No one cared what she understood, because everyone was staring at the chess game on the screen of light.

A spectacle is unfolding in front of everyone.

I saw that the chessboard situation, which had already lost without doubt, began to reverse after Xue an's son fell.Around xue'an's piece, those hostile pieces, which were originally like ink and paint, began to turn white one by one.

It's like there's something in the dark. In a flash, all the black pieces in the whole game are turned into white ones.

There was a dead silence.

Everyone is stupid.

Because no one thought that the end could be broken like this.

Zhuge Xuanqing looked at it dully and whispered in his mouth, "death..."

Then she couldn't stop shaking, and her eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

Because Xue an's words, as if to open a door to her, let her see a new world.

At this time, Tianzhao Chess Master seemed to wake up from the shock and roared in disbelief: "how can this be possible? How can this happen in chess

Xue an said lightly: "how impossible? The so-called death, in order to deceive things outside, let me know between them, and pass on to the enemy! You haven't seen it because you don't know much! How dare you call yourself a chess master? "

"No way I don't believe it! " Tianzhao chess master is still roaring.

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "when to heaven and earth are the same force, how can you understand such a truth?"

After that, Xue an stretched out his hand and gently touched on the light curtain.


After an imperceptible crackle, a tiny crack appeared where Xue an's fingertips touched.

Then cracks emerge like cobwebs.

After a crackle of porcelain, the curtain of light gave a sad cry and then broke.

So far.

This pair of across the ages, so that countless heroes and heroines, but how the residual situation was broken by Xue an.

The audience was in awe.

Yuan Zhentian, who had just disdained Xue an, had yuan Zhentian. Now his mouth was open and his throat was gurgling. It seemed that he couldn't believe everything in front of him.

And Dai Yuexing is dull looking at Xue an, eyes full of excitement.

Xue an stood with a negative hand, looked up at the peak of the can Qi peak, and said faintly, "after the warm-up, I hope you don't let me down too much."

After that, Xue an stepped out and went straight to the top of the mountain.

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