After a dead silence, the whole scene exploded.

"What? Tianzhao chess master is dead? How could that be possible? " Some expressed disbelief.

"But it seems that what he said is not unreasonable, because for more than 100 years, this chess master has never publicly revealed his face again!" Someone said solemnly.

"If he is not a chess master, who is he?" There is also a face of doubt asked.

"Yes! The cultivation of chess master is amazing. Even if he falls, he can't die quietly! Who is this man? "

This question comes to mind in all of us.

After that, there was a long silence of laughter.

"I can't leave here now, but it's also because I'm practicing a special skill, so I can't move at the moment! And Xue, don't think you're going to win me! "

"This chess house is the result of my painstaking efforts. If I don't want to go out, no one in the world can open it! If you don't leave soon, you'll still be alive! "

Many chess masters believe in the righteousness of these words.

Can Xue an's mouth but emerged a sneer, "die to the point is still so hard, and this game has lasted too long, I am not in the mood to play with you!"

"You What do you want to do? " The voice in the chess shop is a little flustered.

"What do I want to do? Ha ha, of course Take over the mountain of remnant chess

With that, Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly, like the universe, the vast and broad mind instantly spread out, covering the whole Canqi peak.

"No way. How could you have such a powerful mind?" Finally, the voice in the chess shop was completely flustered.

"Is that impossible? How dare you call yourself a chess master with your knowledge? How ridiculous Xue an said coldly.

At the same time, Qi Qi, a monk of Tianzhao's native or Outland, was shocked by the idea and retreated a hundred Zhang away.

But in the chess house, that voice is fierce inside the Ebara's exclamation, "who are you after all?"

Xue an smiles, "my name is Xue an! But I'm not happy to meet you! "

After that, Xue an pointed to Qilu and said, "open"


The indestructible brilliance on the chess house dissipated in an instant, and then the chess house began to disintegrate and break into powder in a moment.

When a scene in the chess shop appeared in front of the crowd, the crowd could not help but scream.

"My God! What the hell is this? "

Because on a futon, once Tianzhao chess master, with his eyes closed, had been dead for a long time.

But half of the body of the chess master was eroded and occupied by another person, and a head grew on his shoulder.

This strange and terrible scene, let all people be shocked.

Then an elder monk recognized the man and exclaimed, "isn't this Huo Geng, the chess slave beside the master of chess?"

"Yes, that's the guy! It is said that he is a chess slave most trusted by the master of chess. However, he was possessed by the devil a hundred years ago! I didn't expect him to die at all

Xue an said lightly: "of course he didn't die. Although he was possessed by the devil in those years, when the chess master was ready to save him, he took advantage of it and killed the division directly. Am I right? Huo Geng? "

Xue an's words shocked everyone.

Huo Geng, who was exposed to everyone's eyes, looked ferocious. "Xue an, why do you want to target me again and again? What does this matter to you? "

"There is no hatred, but since I have encountered it, I will naturally take care of it." With that, Xue an looked at the chess master who had been dead for a long time, and there was a look of approval in his eyes.

"Huo Geng, your wishful thinking is very good. Even if you are possessed by devils, you may have deliberately set a trap. However, you are too clever to think that Tianzhao chess master suddenly wakes up at the last moment, and in order to imprison you, he does not hesitate to explode his spirit, so that you can become such a non dead, non living, non human and non ghost existence!"

Although Tianzhao chess master has been dead for a hundred years, Xue an can still see the clue from some clues.

At this time, Huo Geng had already been completely bold. His body, which was neither dead nor alive, swayed, and his face was ferocious and fierce.

"You are right! But can I be blamed for all this? It's strange that this old guy is so stubborn that he abides by the ridiculous rules of chess. If it wasn't for his obstinacy, I would have unified all the chess rules! You're talking nonsense here? "

The words caused a stir in the crowd.

The local chess masters in Tianzhao wake up in a dream.

In the past 100 years, Tianzhao chess master seems to be a changed person. Although he is invisible in the can Qi peak, he secretly manipulates many forces in Tianzhao star domain to expand outward, resulting in continuous bloodshed and conflicts in the past 100 years.This also makes a lot of chess masters in Tianzhao star region complain that the chess master is old, but his personality has changed greatly.

But now it seems that the original creator is Huo Geng!

Many of the chess players who suffered from the attack spewed fire and roared in succession.

"You despicable chess slave, you killed the master of chess and provoked so many disputes! It's a crime to die for! "

"Cut him!"

"Yes, cut him!"

In the rage of the crowd, Huo Geng laughed, "Xue an, you can kill me! There will be someone to avenge me then

The voice was full of arrogance.

"Will someone avenge you?" Xue an said lightly.

"That's right, and it's something you can't afford to have!" Huo Geng said triumphantly.

There was a dead silence, and many people looked dignified.

But Xue an just smile, and then a flash will appear in front of this Huo Geng, a will pinch his neck.

"You know what? There's no one in the world I can't afford! "

Huo Geng had a look of fear in his eyes, but he still held on and said with a smile: "you are afraid!"

"Afraid?" Xue an gave a playful smile, then leaned down and whispered in Huo Geng's ear: "if I'm not wrong, what you call the existence that I can't afford, it should be the gods under heaven! What about? Isn't it nice to be a lackey of the gods

"You..." Huo Geng gradually widened his eyes and looked at Xue an with great horror.

"Don't look at me like that. In fact, I'm here to find the gods! So I should thank you

Feeling Xue an's words, Huo Geng finally felt deep fear.

"Don't kill me. If you kill me, you don't want to find Zhuge banzang!"

When Zhuge Xuanqing heard the speech, he was surprised and called out: "Mr. Xue..."

Xue an a smile, "do you think, in front of me, you still have a chance to bargain?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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