"What do you want to do?" Huo Geng screamed.

But Xue an was too lazy to talk to him any more. He shook his hand.

Huo Geng's neck was pinched and burst.

In the blood spatter, a divine light rose to the sky and went straight to the distant sky.

"Mr. Xue, Huo Geng's mind wants to escape!" Zhuge Xuanqing exclaimed.

Xue an smiles, "don't worry, he can't run!"

With that, Xue an waved his hand and saw a sword rush up with the speed of thunder.

It's fast, though.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the sword has been flying behind Huo Geng's mind.

Huo Geng was so scared that his spirits would disperse, "no..."

But just as the sword was about to be cut to pieces, the sky was suddenly distorted by a very strong wave, and the sword was broken.

Then a big hand directly reached out, grabbed Huo Geng's mind and dragged it out.

"Want to go?" Xue an sneered and pointed.

A huge sword takes shape in an instant and then goes straight through the void to reach the giant hand.


After a heavy bang, the giant hand was cut off three fingers by Sheng Sheng.

Out of the void came a roar of pain like a beast.

Nevertheless, the owner of the giant hand left here at the last moment, dragging Huo Geng's mind.

The distorted space gradually flattens out.

But there was a dead silence.

Although the giant hand just a glance, the breath that can be sent out is incomparably powerful.

Even some people who were close to me just looked at it a little more, and then they hummed and went back one after another.

Such strength, is it.

A lot of people are sinking.

Zhuge Xuanqing and Gong's brother and sister rushed up anxiously, "Mr. Xue..."

Xue an waved his hand, looked at the void which had been restored to normal, and then whispered to himself with a cold smile.

"Did you finally show your horse's feet? Tianzhao The gods

Xue an's voice was very light. Even Zhuge Xuanqing, who was nearest to her, didn't understand what he was saying, and she was not in the mood to take care of it.

"Mr. Xue, my brother, he..."

Xue an turned her head and looked at her with a smile. "If you don't say I forgot, go ahead and save your brother first."

With that, Xue an suddenly stamped his foot.

Then, on the bottomless cliff behind the Qilu, one piece of chess pieces began to emerge out of thin air, and then formed a floating bridge.

Xue an stepped onto the floating bridge and said, "come with me!"

At the same time.

In the deep and secluded valley, the chain that had run through the mountain began to vibrate violently.

Bound among them, Zhuge banzang raised his head and said with horror: "what a powerful mind!"

Zhuge banzang became famous as a teenager. He traveled all over the country and met countless chess masters, but he never saw such a vast and powerful mind.

In the face of this God, even let Zhuge have a kind of impulse to worship.

"Who has such a strong cultivation?" Zhuge banzang whispered softly, and his eyes were shining with bright light that had never been seen before.

At this moment.

See the figure of Xue an and his party through layers of fog, came to the valley.

"Brother Zhuge Xuanqing saw Zhuge banzang, who was bound by chains, and cried out.

"Qing Xuan? How did you come here? What about the master of chess? " Zhuge banzang asked.

Zhuge Xuanqing shook his head and said, "there is no master of chess in Tianzhao. He has been killed by Mr. Xue!"

Mr. Xue.

Zhuge banzang looked at his negative hand and stood aside. He was looking at his xue'an with a look of bewilderment and fear in his eyes.

Because even if it's Tianzhao, he can see the details of each other.

But in the face of this young man in white, Zhuge Xuanqing found that he was facing a deep ocean, and could not see through.

This kind of feeling, let this young genius's heart all tight.

At this time, Xue an nodded approvingly, "talent is good, and it's worth your daring to name it!"

This is very understatement, but the speaker is unintentional, the listener is intentional.

Zhuge banzang was shocked and was about to say something.

With a wave of his hand, Xue an saw the chains as if he saw a snake and a python of the nine heavenly dragons. He swayed and swayed, slowly putting Zhuge banzang down on the ground, and then quietly withdrew.

He was imprisoned for more than ten years. When he stepped on the ground again, Zhuge banzang staggered and nearly fell to the ground.

"Brother Zhuge Xuanqing exclaimed, and then he went forward to help him.Zhuge banzang shook his head and indicated that he was OK. Then he took a deep breath and bowed his hand towards Xue an respectfully.

"Thank you for your help

Xue an looked at the young man who was still holding his teeth to keep him from falling down despite his black and blue body. His eyes showed a touch of praise.

"You are very good! The Zhuge family can be proud to have such a descendant as you! "

These words made Zhuge banzang's expression more respectful, "I don't know the name of the elder!"

Zhuge Xuanqing quickly introduced: "brother, this is Mr. Xue an Xue!"

"Xue an..." Zhuge banzang whispered softly, and his eyes were a little confused.

He always felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

So he once again bowed his hand and said, "master Xue, listening to your words seems to have a lot of origin with our Zhuge family, but I don't know which one of our ancestors of Zhuge family is familiar with you?"

Xue an listened, looked at Zhuge banzang with a smile, and then said faintly, "who gave you this name?"

"This It's from the younger generation! It's for the memory of one of my Zhuge family

Speaking of this, Zhuge banzang raised his head and looked at Xue an with great excitement.

Because he suddenly remembered where he had heard the name!

This name has been mentioned in a letter left by the ancestors of Zhuge family, the most admired one!

That's right!

It's the one who makes his family's ancestors always remember him!

Zhuge banzang was too excited to speak. Xue an patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"It seems that the old man mentioned me to you!"

"Master..." Zhuge banzang suddenly had some language problems.

This young genius, who has always been famous for his cool head, has mixed feelings and doesn't know what to say!

Because he knows better than anyone what Xue an's identity means.

"Well, then! Don't be so formal! But I have to say something to you

"Please enlighten me Zhuge banzang bowed his head respectfully.

"The old man is known as the world of heaven and earth, so he is named Zhuge Zang. If you call Zhuge banzang, isn't it better than Zhuge Laoer?"

Zhuge is half blind.

He had always been a great admirer of that ancestor, so how could he dare to take up such a quarrel.

Xue an didn't care, but said excitedly: "if you want to be a real strong man, you have to find a way to surpass that guy, so I think you should call Zhuge Zang to multiply two! Or Zhuge can hide the square! "

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